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Selectmen's Minutes 12/01/2003
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
                            Minutes  – December 1, 2003

1.      Call to Order:
Present were Messieurs Leeber, Loura, Durant, Lucy, Resendes, and Blazar. Also present were Mesdames Ciccolo and Santos.
2.      Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session: November 17, 2003
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes.
Executive Session: November 3, 2003
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes.
3.      Citizen’s Issues:
4.      Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to conduct tax classification hearing in order to determine the proportion of taxes to be paid by the residential and the commercial/industrial/and personal tax classes.
Mr. Bryan, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, made a lengthy presentation regarding the options available in setting the FY04 tax rates.  Mr. Garcia and Mr. Downey spoke on behalf of local businesses and the Chamber of Commerce, and urged the Board to consider selecting a multiplier of 1.72 rather than the maximum allowable multiplier of 1.75.
After a discussion among the Board members on the appropriate degree of classification for the FY04 rate, a motion was made by Mr. Durant, and seconded by Mr. Loura, to approve a classification multiplier of 1.72, which would result in a residential factor of .828591. The Board voted by a margin of 3-2 to defeat that number. Mr. Durant and Mr. Loura voted in favor.
On a subsequent motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 3-2 to approve a residential factor of .821449, which reflected a multiplier of 1.75 and resulted in tax rates of $.00984 residential and $.02097 CIP, respectively. Mr. Durant and Mr. Loura voted against the motion. On a subsequent motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a 5-0 margin to acknowledge an unutilized tax capacity of approximately $2,009,000.
Selectmen to meet with representatives of Highland Commons to discuss possible disposition of Town property on Route 62.
Robert Davis and Jed Hayes representing SullivanHayes briefed the Board on the group's proposal to purchase the Town's land on Route 62 for the purpose of developing a retail complex.  Messieurs Davis and Hayes showed the location and outline of the property on which the complex was to be located on an aerial photo of the site, and discussed the project in general terms with the Board. After acknowledging that this proposal was still in its preliminary stages and that Town Counsel had not yet formulated an opinion as to whether or not the original 1990 Town Meeting vote was still in effect, the Selectmen thanked the gentlemen for their presentation and agreed that a follow-up meeting in January would be in order to discuss the proposal further.
Selectmen to conduct hearing continued from November 3rd, 2003 to consider application of Maria A. Correa d/b/a Jireh Auto Sales to operate a Class II auto dealership at 70 Broad Street.
At the request of the Executive Assistant, and on a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Resendes, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to continue the hearing until its meeting of December 16, 2003.
Selectmen to conduct hearing to consider application made by Ian Thomas Corporation d/b/a Horseshoe Pub to alter its premises for its All Alcohol Pouring License.
Al Pizzimento was present to speak on behalf of the applicant.  The new patio was inadvertently left out of the prior application seeking an alteration in the premises, thus necessitating a new hearing.  The Board discussed with the applicant several issues pertaining to the type and height of fencing around the patio and deck areas, and the permitted occupancy in those areas. On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 4-1, with Mr. Leeber in opposition, to approve the Ian Thomas application to alter the premises for the Horseshoe Pub. The approval was subject to the stipulation that there would be no outdoor bar on the deck, as shown on the plans submitted, and that the occupancy loads would be as set by the Building Commissioner. Based on the plans submitted, the latter were expected to be 44 on the patio and between 19-22 on the deck.
5.      Licenses:
Selectmen to consider granting Christmas Tree Sales License to BPO Elks.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to grant the Christmas Tree license to the Elks.
Selectmen to consider granting Christmas Tree Sales License to Raymond Patterson selling at the corner of Main and Brook Street.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to grant the Christmas Tree license to Raymond Patterson.
Selectmen to consider approval of Julie Campbell as the new Manager for Bar Lunch Inc.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted unanimously to approve Julie Campbell as the new manager.
6.      Personnel:
Selectmen to consider approval of appointment of list of temporary Winter Employees in the Recreation Department.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted unanimously to approve the list of temporary employees.
Selectmen to consider approval of appointment of Zechariah David Cook as an Auxiliary Fire Fighter.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Mr. Cook.
Selectmen to note resignation of Paul Griffin from the Board of Assessors and to schedule date to meet jointly with Assessors to make temporary appointment to fill vacancy.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note the resignation of Paul Griffin and to set January 26th, 2004 as the date to meet jointly with the Board of Assessors for the purpose of filling the vacancy created by Mr. Griffin's resignation.
Selectmen to note the resignation of Jay Polo from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted unanimously to note Mr. Polo's resignation.
7.      Contracts:
Selectmen to consider award and authorization to sign contract with Mike Mullane in the amount of $22,700 for the installation of a Snow Restraint System on the Town Hall roof.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted unanimously to award and authorize the Executive Assistant to sign a contract with Mr. Mullane.
Selectmen to consider signing Standard Contract #35014246144 in the amount of $298,960 with the Massachusetts Highway Department to receive Chapter 90 funds.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract.
Selectmen to consider awarding contracts to three additional snowplow bidders.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to award and authorize the Executive Assistant to sign contracts with the recommended snow plowers.

Selectmen to consider approval and signing of a contract amendment in the amount $2,993 for Fracture Trace Analysis with ENSR International.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the signing of a contract amendment with ENSR International in the amount of $2,993.  

8.      General:
Selectmen to accept donation from Intel in the amount of $25,000 to support restoration of the temporary Intel parking lot.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 4-0-1 to accept the donation from Intel in the amount of $25,000. Mr. Leeber abstained from the vote.
Selectmen to accept donation of $4,500 from the Cadwgan Foundation for Lampson Park.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to accept the donation.
Selectmen to accept donation to Fire Department of Universal Weight Stack from Precision Fitness Equipment.
On a motion by Mr. Loura, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to accept the donation from Precision Fitness Equipment.
Selectmen to consider approval of expenditure and transfer of funds in the amount of $4,327 from the Cable TV fund for the purchase of supplies for the High School TV Studio.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Durant, the Board voted unanimously to approve the expenditure and transfer of funds from the Cable TV account.
Selectmen to consider designating voting representative at the MMA Annual Meeting.
The Selectmen took no action on this item, as there were no members available to attend the meeting.
Selectmen to consider signing of Subordination Agreement with Countrywide Home Loans for 43 Elm Street.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Chairman to sign the subordination agreement.
9.      Town Issues:
10.     Proclamations:
Selectmen to consider signing Charter School Resolution.
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted unanimously to sign the resolution.
11.     Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Resendes, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted unanimously to note the correspondence.
12.     Executive Session:
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Resendes, the Board voted unanimously by roll call to adjourn to Executive Session, not to return to Public Session for the purposes of discussing the Value of Real Property, Pending Litigation, and Collective Bargaining.