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Planning Board Minutes 03/22/11
Minutes of Meeting – March 22, 2011

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 6:00 p.m., Bob D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Bob D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Tom Collins, Dirk Underwood, Jennifer Burke, Planning Director and Teresa Vickery, Clerk.
Preliminary Site Plan: 258 Chestnut St., Marion Woods
Present were:  Christopher Yates, Atty. at Law
                     Peter Bemis, Engineering Design Consultants, Inc.

Atty. Yates explained that this is a 22 acre parcel which abuts Chestnut Street and Charter Oaks Country Club.  The applicant is seeking to build nine homes which will be situated on 60,000 square foot lots and have 180 feet of frontage.  Nine acres will be preserved as open space; this is approximately 40% of the land in the subdivision.  The open space will wrap around the entire subdivision, this would create a natural buffer to all abutting properties.  Ms. Burke noted that a conservation restriction will be necessary in order to insure that this land would remain open space.  

The project will impact wetlands on the site and this will be addressed by the Conservation Commission.  Conservation has already approved the wetland locations on the site with an ANRAD.

The applicant will be asking for waivers for the road length, curbing and grading.  The proposed length of the cul-de-sac is 1800 feet.  The regulations allow a maximum road length of 500 feet.  Mr. Bemis noted that the plans would be designed with nine lots no matter the length of the road.  This would avoid having the property be densely built on as well as preserve open space.

The other waiver would be for the curbing.  The applicant is requesting that the regulated granite curbing only be installed along the entrances of the road and throughout the rest of the cul-de-sac cape cod berm be allowed as this would keep the country feel of the subdivision.

Mr. Bemis stated that the applicant is requesting a waiver for the road grade.  The land slope would be 5% which would not create as much excavation and site work as well as allow for more of a barrier from abutting properties.    

Mr. Bemis asked for the Boards opinion regarding lighting on the road.  He is proposing that instead of municipal lighting on the road each home have lights installed at the ends of the driveways.  The lights would be on a solar timer and would be part of the electrical system of the house.  The Board had issues with this.  Mr. Frias noted that means that there would not be any lighting for the first 900 feet of the road.  It was also noted that if the home was vacant there would not be any lighting for the road.  Mr. D’Amelio feels that the road is too long and the area is too dense for this type of lighting.

The existing vegetation of the area would be preserved as much as possible.  Plantings will be provided in the open space to provide a buffer to the three abutting properties along the road.  

Atty. Yates explained that Mr. Bemis has tried to find other connections to the road but none of the others were workable.  

David Edwards, 290 Chestnut Street expressed his concerns for the street lights.  He stated that he believes the lights would light up the inside of his home at night.  Mr. D’Amelio said he would discuss this with the DPW.  Mr. Bemis said that he had spoken with the Assistant Director and he stated that the lighting plan is up the Planning Board.  

Mr. D’Amelio indicated that the Board would like the center line of the property staked and that the Board would walk the property before making any decisions.  He also mentioned that tree cutting will be a major issue.  Mr. Bemis indicated that doing a site walk at the definitive stage would be ok.

Chestnut Street is a scenic road therefore any of the stone walls that will be taken down to make the entrance to the new road will need to be replaced.  Mr. Bemis said that they will be wrapping the stone walls into the entrance of the subdivision to make up for what was taken away.  

Mr. Bemis explained to the Board that the reason he has brought this preliminary plan to the Board was to get a feel for how the Board felt about the waivers, specifically regarding the road length and the grade.  He is hoping the Board will grant these two waivers so he could complete the plans and bring them to the definitive stage.  

Mr. D’Amelio stated that when the definitive plans are submitted they will look at them as this is the first time.  However, the Board conceded that making the road longer and increasing the grading made sense.  Mr. Collins asked if the road is designed closer to the main driveway would it make the grade steeper.  Mr. Bemis said yes.

Mr. Edwards asked who would be responsible for maintaining the landscaping on the open space.  He was told that it would be spelled out in the Home Owners Association documents.
He also took issue with the width of the road, stating that it is twice the width of Chestnut Street.

Daryl Fillippi, 300 Chestnut Street asked why the abutters were not notified when Conservation flagged the wetlands.  Ms. Burke explained this procedure does not require abutter notifications.  

He then expressed his concern for the lighting issue.  He feels the lighting will directly impact the abutting properties and this is a major issue.  

Walter Ching, 296 Chestnut Street stated his objection to having the road cut through so close to the abutting properties.  He suggested that the road cut through Sandy Knoll Drive.  Mr. D’Amelio explained that the Board cannot force the Underwoods to cut through Sandy Knoll Drive.  Mr. Bemis said he would be willing to reach out to the owners of Sandy Knoll lots.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to close the public hearing for 258 Chestnut Street and approve the preliminary plan entitled “Marion Woods Normans Way Preliminary Plan in Hudson Massachusetts” as drawn by Engineering Design Consultants, Inc of Southborough, MA dated January 31, 2011.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Dirk Underwood arrived.

Site Plan Review: 62 Packard Street
Present were:   Richard Braga, Chief of Police
                John Blood, Fire Chief

Bob D’Amelio convened the public hearing.

Chief Braga explained that he is requesting approval from the Planning Board for the construction of a new tower and removal of an existing tower that will accommodate 911 services for the fire and police departments for the new dispatch center at the police station which will merge both police and fire 911 calls.  

Chief Braga noted that because of possible future expansion of the building the tower is going to be located on the north side of the property.  

Mr. D’Amelio asked why the tower is being built at the police station and not the fire station.  Chief Braga noted that the police department will be the primary 911 dispatch center.  

The existing towers height is 72 feet and the proposed tower will stand at 80 feet with 6 feet of antennas making it 86 feet.  It will be placed on a 9 X 9 foot concrete pad that will be located approximately 2 – 3 feet from the building.   Bollards will be installed around the pad to protect the base of the tower.  

Chief Blood stated that the power rating given off is approximately 25 watts.  This is enough to hit a repeater that is in the area.  The main transmitter is located on Pope’s Hill.  

The resident at 3 Shawmut Ave. asked if there would be lights on the tower.  Chief Braga said no there would not.  He then stated that this would be a great opportunity to correct the lack of a buffer from the residents at 1 and 3 Shawmut Ave.  Currently there is a 4 ½ foot chain link fence between the properties.  Chief Braga said he would be happy to look into adding a buffer.  

Mr. D’Amelio agreed.  He wants a condition added that arbor vitae be planted along the back of lots of 1 and 3 Shawmut Ave. to minimize the aesthetic impact of the tower to the abutters.  

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to close the public hearing for 62 Packard Street.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to approve the plan entitled “Site Plan Proposed Communications Tower, Hudson Police Department 62 Packard Street Hudson MA 01749” as drawn by Town of Hudson Department of Public Works dated November 3, 2010 and Authorize the Agent to sign with the following findings:

  • There is adequate protection of the adjoining property against detrimental or offensive uses on the site in that the Board will require a landscaped buffer.
  • The convenience and safety of vehicular traffic and pedestrian movement within the site and in relation to the adjacent streets is adequate.
  • There are adequate methods of disposal of sewage refuse and other wastes resulting from uses permitted or permissible on the site and methods of drainage for surface water.
  • There is adequate space for off street parking. Loading and unloading of vehicles, goods, products, materials and equipment incidental to the normal operation of uses permitted or permissible.
  • There is adequate control of lighting, sound and odor emanating from the site.
And conditions:

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

If, during construction, a discrepancy is found between the approved plans and the existing regulations, the DPW and the Planning Director will be notified immediately.  The DPW will make the final decision on how to proceed or if they are unable to make any decision, the matter will be referred back to the Planning Board for review.

Jersey barriers or bollards will be installed around the pad to protect the base of the tower.

A landscaped buffer of arbor vitae at lead 6 feet high and nor more than 3 feet apart will be installed along the fence on the western side of the property behind numbers 1 & 3 Shawmut Avenue.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to accept the minutes of February 15, 2011, as written.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Rodney Frias left the meeting.

Planner’s Report

Brigham Hill III Bonding / Phasing Discussion
Present were:   Niel Fossile
                Geraldine Fossile

Mr. Fossile has asked the Board that they consider bonding the subdivision in three phases.  He noted his disagreement with the bonding amount submitted by the DPW.  Mr. Fossile asked if the Board would consider waiving the lot development fee which amounts to $170,000.  

The bond amount from the DPW totals over $700,000.  Mr. Fossile presented one that was approximately $350,000.  He stated that there were items on the DPW’s list that had already been done therefore should be removed.  There was a line item of $160,000 for four septic systems; Mr. Fossile questioned this as well.  He was told by the Board of Health that he did not have to perc the lots because the sewer line ran up the street in front of the homes and that they should be tied in.  Ms. Burke explained that the Planning Board’s approval stated that four of the lots had to be on septic systems.  

Mr. D’Amelio said he would go out to the site with the DPW and would get back to Ms. Burke.  


Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 7:45 PM.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Document List March 22, 2011

Preliminary site plan for 258 Chestnut Street
Planning Office
Site Plan for 62 Packard Street and plans dated
Planning Office
Bond Estimates from the DPW for Brigham Hill III
Planning Office
Minutes of February 15, 2011
Planning Office

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner