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Planning Board Minutes 02/23/10
Minutes of Meeting – February 23, 2010

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:40 p.m., Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Tom Collins, Dirk Underwood, Charles Freeman, and Jennifer Burke, Planning Director.

Planner’s Report

Julian Lane

The Board is in receipt of a request for bond reduction for Julian Lane.  The road was accepted at November Town Meeting.  The DPW sent a memo confirm the amount to hold as $32,498.50.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to reduce the bond for Julian Lane to $32,498.50.

Vote: 3-0-1, with Tom Collins abstaining

Old North Woods
Present was:  Tom DiPersio, Sr., Jennifer Thompson, Marilyn Green

Mr. DiPersio presented a new idea to the Board regarding this subdivision.  They would also like to ask the Board for a one year extension.  He cited the economy and the lack of funding as reasons for the change as well as Roger Wilkins unwillingness to cooperate at this point.  The proposal is for a limited construction roadway with two house lots.  There will be a third ANR lot off of Old North Road.  They are proposing to mitigate all the storm water generated by the new project.

They are requesting a one year extension.  They will come back in front of the Board in 6 months if there is no movement from Roger Wilkins with a modification to the subdivision approval showing only the land that they own.

Ms. Thompson discussed the required work in Old North Road.  She was quoted $103,000 to do the drainage from lot 11A to the end of Old North Road.  At this point with the reduced project they would like the Board to consider allowing a contribution.  Mr. Freeman expressed concerns with DPW’s timing of the reconstruction of Old North Road.  

Mr. Collins asked if the two houses do not sell would the rest still be built.  He was told yes.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that he felt this was a good faith effort by the developer.  He would like to see more detailed construction plans.  He also suggested that Ms. Burke speak to Mr. Marques about DPW’s plans for Old North Road.  The Board would like a report back on March 16, 2010.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Charles Freeman, made a motion to grant a temporary extension of time to complete the Old North Woods subdivision until April 20, 2010.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

481 Main Street
Present was:  Tom DiPersio, Sr., Irene Gerwick

Mr. DiPersio presented a more detailed plan to the Board as requested showing the road grades.  He reviewed the entire proposal and noted that they will be submitting for a special permit within the next couple of weeks.

There was a discussion with the Board regarding the road width and reducing the amount of pervious surface.  The Board suggested a creative approach to design.  Ms. Burke asked about affordable units and suggested trails through the Open Space.

It was suggested that Mr. DiPersio meet with the Internal Traffic Committee to get feedback from them on traffic and road issues.


Thomas Collins, seconded by Charles Freeman, made a motion to accept the minutes of January 5, 2010

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Charles Freeman, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 8:30PM.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner