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Planning Board Minutes 12/22/08
Minutes of Meeting – December 22, 2008

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Tom Collins, Dirk Underwood, Rodney Frias, James Vereault, Jennifer Burke, Planning Director and Teresa Vickery Clerk.

Planner’s Report

Bond Reduction Oak Ridge Estates

Tom Collins recused himself.

The Board is in receipt of a bond reduction request for Oak Ridge Estates.  The DPW recommended that the bond be reduced to $76,873.50.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to reduce the bond for Oak Ridge Estates to $76,873.50 per the DPW’s recommendation.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins returned to the Board.

Bond Reduction Hammond Hill Estates

The Board is in receipt of a bond reduction request for Hammond Hill Estates.  The DPW recommended that the bond be reduced to $41,081.50.

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to reduce the bond for Hammond Hill Estates to $41,081.50 per the DPW’s recommendation.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

231 Lincoln Street – OSRD Pre-application Conference – Danforth Falls
Present was:    Scott Hayes, Foresite Engineering

Mr. Hayes informed the Board that the owners of 231 Lincoln Street, David and Jane Houde are proposing building duplex condominiums at this site located on the east side of Lincoln Street past Bradford Road with a wetland traversing the front of the site.  This is a pre-application conference; the applicant is seeking to find out if this is a worthwhile route to explore versus a conventional subdivision.  The property owners want to submit this plan as an Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) and would like some input from the Board before proceeding.  Mr. Hayes explained that this is the first time the OSRD section of the by-law has been utilized.  
The Houde’s would like to keep the existing house and add two duplexes. There would be ample parking, which would be four parking spaces per unit and six spaces additional spaces available for visitor parking.  The road would be 20 feet wide at the opening and would narrow to 16 feet at the loop.  Chief Braga does not think that this is wide enough to accommodate emergency vehicles.  This would be a private road and would be maintained by the condo association, which would reduce the cost to the Town.  Mr. Frias noted that the narrowest road width that the Board has approved is 26 feet.  Ms. Burke explained that this by-law was created in order to preserve open space.  Mr. Hayes stated that if the road does need to be wider then he could extend the culvert in each direction in order to make it wider than 20 feet.  

Mr. Frias asked for clarification regarding the acreage of the property.  Mr. Hayes said the property sat on 7.36 acres.  

Ms. Burke informed the Board that she has received comments from the DPW, Chief Braga, Hudson Light & Power and SEA Consultants.  

Mr. Vereault expressed concern for the length of the fire apparatus and if it would be able to reach the property from the street.  Mr. Hayes stated that the furthest point at which a fire truck would be from a building would be no more than 60 – 70 feet.  

Mr. D’Amelio asked if this is a 40B project.  Ms. Burke said that it is not, however the by-law allows the developer to get additional density points if affordable units are provided.  In this case the developer is only getting credit for the historic structure.  

Mr. D’Amelio then asked if this site would utilize town water and sewer.  Mr. Hayes said that it would, however he is unsure of what type of sewer and whether it is at the end of the sewer line in which case pumps may need to be added.  Mr. Hayes went on to explain that the run off of storm water would be managed without a curb in order to treat it without infiltration, because only storm water that hits the pavement must be treated.  

Al Wells, SEA Consultants talked about LEED Certification and informed Mr. Hayes that if the developer were to re-use materials they could get more credit.  

Lief Longtine, a member of ConCom expressed his concern for the amount of tree removal that would be necessary and said that he would like to see more than the required 50% of land/wetlands preserved.  The by-law states that every effort must be made to minimize the area of disturbed land.  Mr. Hayes understands that they need to comply with the regulations of the by-law but notes that this is just a preliminary hearing and very early on in the process.  Mr. Longtine asked who would be managing the open space.  Ms. Burke stated that there are several options under the by-law but it would likely be the Planning Board’s preference that a homeowners association manage the open space.  Mr. Hayes added that this would be the applicant’s preference as well.  

Mr. D’Amelio explained that the biggest hurdle for the applicant would be the approval of the Fire Chief.  He went on to say that the Board is receptive to designing the property in this way, however they would need more information for a formal site plan review.

1 Mildred Cirlce, Metro PCS – Site Plan Review
Present were:   Andy Candiello, Tower Resource Management
                George Hall, Atty. at Law
                Ben Oricihi, RF Engineer

Atty. Hall explained that this is the first facility that Metro PCS is proposing in Hudson.  An earlier petition was brought before the Board to locate on the smoke stack on Broad Street in Hudson; however this is not in the wireless telecommunications overlay district.  Metro PCS has brought this petition before the Board because the Zoning Board instructed the applicant to seek out alternative locations within the wireless overlay district.

Metro PCS signed a lease with the Town to locate on this land back in September.  This tower would be a 100 foot stealth tower with locators situated on the inside and slots for three carriers.  The battery cabinets would be 6 feet tall, powered by gel batteries that emit very little noise and there would not be a generator.  

Atty. Hall referred to photos simulations that the applicant provided of balloon tests that were performed to illustrate the height at which the tower would stand.  The photos were taken on November 14, 2008.  

Currently Metro PCS does not have any coverage in the proposed area.  The coverage at this location is better than on the smoke stack however the applicant would have preferred locating on the smoke stack instead of having to erect a new tower.  

Mr. D’Amelio asked that Ms. Burke explain to those in the audience and the abutter what the purview of the Planning Board is with regard to site plan review.  Ms. Burke explained that the Planning Board can only consider information regarding the construction of the site.  

Kevin Walor, 12 Feltonville Road stated that there are only two carriers on the existing tower.  Ms. Burke explained that Verizon is paying rent on the third slot on the tower.  

Jason Caterino, 3 Feltonville Road expressed his concern for turning this neighborhood into a cell tower farm.  

Sylvia Almada, 13 Feltonville Road asked how many more towers can they erect on this property.  Ms. Burke informed her that as many as the Selectmen allow.  

Mr. Walor asked if some sort of shielding could be used to make the tower more aesthetically pleasing.  Mr. Vereault asked the applicant if they would be willing to plant some arbor vitea around the site.  Atty. Hall agreed.  Ms. Burke noted that she would need to check with the DPW that this not impede the accessibility of the site.  

James Vereault, seconded by Rodney Frias, made a motion to close the public hearing for 1 Mildred Circle and schedule a vote on this site plan for January 6, 2008.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

ANR’s Coolidge Street – Highland Commons

Ms. Burke informed the Board that she is in receipt of a letter from Goulston & Storrs stating that the applicant wished to withdraw the ANR’s.


Rodney Frias, seconded by James Vereault, moved to approve the minutes of November 18, 2008, as corrected.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

James Vereault, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 9:15 PM.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner