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Planning Board Minutes 01/15/08
 Minutes of Meeting— January 15, 2008

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Dirk Underwood called the meeting to order.
Present:        Tom Collins, Dirk Underwood, James Vereault, Jennifer Burke, Town Planner and Teresa Vickery Clerk

29 Church Street/Railroad Avenue – Site Plan Review
Present were:   Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group
                Michelle Ciccolo, Director of Community Development
                Janice Long, Senior Center Director

Mr. Poole made his presentation to the Board.  He began by explaining that Railroad Ave. is the street that connects Church Street to Pope Street.  The road is 32 feet wide on the Church Street and it narrows to 25 feet wide on the Pope Street side.  The plan proposes to widen Railroad Ave. and create additional parking on Railroad Ave. by adding angled parking on each side of the road.  It will include 1 handicapped parking space and 34 regular spaces.  Sidewalks will be created on both sides of the street.    Handicap ramps and walkways will be constructed on both sides of the street.  The Town will need to obtain a lease from the MBTA to do some of the work.  

A high point will be created to direct the street drainage back to the Town’s system.  

Ms. Burke informed the Board that she had spoken with the owner of 37 Pope Street and he did not have any issues with the plan.  

Mr. Poole then presented the proposed plan for the renovation and expansion of the Senior Center.  He stated that the plan allows for the front of the existing building to be maintained, however the back of the building will be torn down and expanded.  Additional parking spaces will be added and a retaining wall will be installed along the edge of the parking.  The one-way loop around the parking lot will be maintained.  A new catch basin will be installed which will drain into the Town drain.  All of the drainage will be directed toward Mill Pond (also known as Bruce’s Pond).  

Mr. Underwood asked how much fill will be needed.  Mr. Poole stated that approximately 6 to 7 feet of fill will be going in.  Ms. Burke asked how high the proposed retaining wall would be.  Mr. Poole said that at its high point the retaining wall would be 7 feet high.  The final design plans will be submitted by the retaining wall company and stamped by a structural engineer.  

The building utilities will all be replaced with new ones, as well as the installation of a new 6 inch water main.  However, part of the sewer was replaced years ago so only the other part of it will be replaced.  

Mr. Collins asked if the Fire Chief had commented on the issue of losing the access to the back of the building.  Mr. Poole said that he did not have any issue due to the installation of sprinklers.  

Arthur Gordon, 100 Tower Street asked what the projected cost of the renovations would be.  Ms. Burke explained that this meeting is only to obtain approval for the site plan.  

Mr. Vereault asked if any other Board members were considering sending the plans off for peer review.  Ms. Ciccolo informed the Board that because some of the funds come from the CDBG grant she believes that peer review would be unnecessary due to all checks and balances that are required in the grant process.  The other members of the Board feel comfortable with the plans and do not think peer review is needed.  

Mr. Underwood asked whether the applicant is seeking any waivers.  Mr. Poole said that they were not.

Tom Collins, seconded by James Vereault,  made a motion to close the public hearing for the Site Plan Review for 20 Church Street and Railroad Avenue.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins, seconded by James Vereault, moved to accept the plan entitled “Site Plan for Proposed Addition and Parking Expansion, 29 Church Street, Hudson Senior Center in Hudson, MA” as drawn by Inland Survey, Inc. bda Zanca Land Surveyors of Stow, MA dated December 14, 2007 and revised December 31, 2007 with following conditions:

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW prior to any work being done on site.

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

And Authorize the Agent to Sign.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins, seconded by James Vereault, moved to accept the plan entitled “Construction Details Railroad Avenue Parking and Relocation Plan, Hudson, MA” as drawn by Inland Survey, Inc. bda Zanca Land Surveying of Stow, MA and dated December 14, 2007, with the following conditions:

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW prior to any work being done on site.

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

And Authorize the Agent to Sign.

Vote: 3-0-0; Unanimous

71 Parmenter Road –  Site Plan Review

Ms. Burke informed the Board that the public hearing for 71 Parmenter Road would need to be continued due to a lack of quorum.  The public hearing will be continued to March 4, 2008 at 7:45 pm.

ANR – Hillside Road

Ms. Burke presented the ANR to the Board.  She explained that the applicant is seeking to simply straighten the lot line along the house at 8 Hillside Road, which would give the homeowner a larger lot along the side of the property.  

Tom Collins, seconded by James Vereault, made a motion to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land at 8 & 12 Hillside Road in Hudson, MA” as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors & Engineering Consultants of Hudson, MA and dated December 31, 2007 and Authorize the Agent to Sign.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Planner’s Report

Bond Release – Falls Brook
The Board is in receipt of a letter from the DPW stating that all the work has been performed and they see no issue with releasing all the bond to Mr. Farooq Ansari.  The Board also had no issues and agreed to release Mr. Ansari’s bond.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to release the bond for the Falls Brook Subdivision per the DPW’s recommendation.

Vote: 3-0-0; Unanimous

Minor Modification Request – WestRidge Retirement Community
Present was:    David Eastridge

Mr. Eastridge is seeking approval for a minor modification to the approved plan for the WestRidge Retirement Community.  The proposed modification is a result from ongoing talks between the developer and the Light and Power Department.  The noise from the sub-station behind a section of the development has been measured at approximately 50 decibels.  The applicant is proposing that a noise barrier be constructed to reduce the sound and vibration coming from the sub-station.  The plan is to move the buildings further from the sub-station, construct a fence along the edge of the perimeter closest to the sub-station and build a 10 foot high berm from the site with inclusion of an 8 foot high noise barrier at the top.

Mr. Eastridge explained that 20 – 25 feet of fill will be needed on the L & P land.  The developer would need either an easement or an revocable license to do this.  Mr. Burke explained that the granting of a license would be under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen and an easement would require a Town Meeting vote.  The Board explained that any approval would be contingent of approval of the license or an easement.  

The Board suggested that the developer disclose the noise issues in the purchase and sales agreement to all potential buyers.  Mr. Eastridge assured the Board that this would be done and noted that the ZBA conditions of the special permit already require this.

Mr. Vereault expressed his concern for the vibration that would be carried through the ground to the homes.  He believes that the construction of the berm and wall would not really address this.  

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the changes to the WestRidge site plan as shown on the plan entitled “Modifications to the Site Plan in Hudson, MA Technology Drive WestRidge (Formerly Hillside Retirement Community)” as drawn by Cubellis Associates, Inc. dated June 231, 2005 last revised December 12, 2007 as minor modification with no further action required by the Planning Board contingent upon your receipt of a revocable license with the Board of Selectmen or a construction easement in order to grade on Town of Hudson property.

Vote: 3-0-0; Unanimous

Proposed Floodplain By-Law Amendment

Ms. Burke asked the Board if they would support an article for the Town Meeting warrant in May regarding a Floodplain By-Law.  There was a brief discussion and the Board agreed to support the article.

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to support and sponsor an article on the May Town Meeting Warrant regarding a Floodplain By-law.

Vote: 3-0-0; Unanimous


Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to approve the minutes of November 20, 2007, as corrected.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to approve the minutes of November 27, 2007, as written.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous


James Vereault, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 8:15 PM.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner