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Planning Board Minutes 11/08/07
Minutes of Meeting— November 8, 2007

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 6:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, Dirk Underwood, James Vereault, Aldo A. Cipriano, Town Counsel, Jennifer Burke, Town Planner and Teresa Vickery Clerk

Indian Farm Estates– Definitive Subdivision
Present were:   Tom DiPersio, Sr., Thomas Land Surveyors
                Tom DiPersio, Jr., Thomas Land Surveyors
Marilyn Green and Danny Resendes
                Robert Dionisi, Atty. at Law
                Jennifer Thompson, Evergreen Homes

Mr. D’Amelio suggested that the Board begin by discussing the waivers and conditions to be set for the approval of the subdivision.  The first waiver request discussed was regarding the waiver for the granite curbing.  The Board agreed to waive the granite in certain areas.  Vertical granite curbing will be required at the catch basins, roundings and the entrance to the street with sloped granite curbing around the cul-de-sac.

The next waiver request is for the installation of sidewalks on only one side of the street.  Mr. D’Amelio would like a condition added that would require the applicant to extend the sidewalk down to Port Street if the waiver is granted.  

The length of the cul-de-sac was the next waiver request discussed.  Mr. D’Amelio asked Mr. DiPersio if he had a letter from the Town of Berlin regarding the public hearing for the subdivision.  Mr. DiPersio informed the Board that the Planning Board in Berlin does not take minutes.  Mr. D’Amelio asked whether the abutters were notified.  Mr. DiPersio said that the hearing was advertised and all abutters were sent notices.  The ads ran in the local paper on November 29, 2005 and December 6, 2005.  He went on to say that he will need to submit a set of modified plans to Berlin for approval.  

Jane MacDonald, 198 River Road, Berlin, asked that the Board consider denying this waiver.

Mr. D’Amelio asked Board members if they were going to vote in favor of granting the waiver for the road length.  All board members said they would approve the waiver, however, Mr. D’Amelio is not in favor of granting the applicants waiver request.  

The applicant is also seeking a waiver for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  The Board is not in favor of granting this waiver.  

The Board is in receipt of a letter from the Board of Health (BOH) dated October 31, 2007 and another from the DPW dated November 8, 2007.  The letters state that the project is located outside of the Town sewer district and cannot be tied into it.  Atty. Cipriano added that the Board cannot overrule any decision made by the BOH.  Mr. DiPersio stated that back in 2004 perc tests and soil tests were performed.  However the applicant believed the moratorium was lifted and they would no longer need to install septic systems.  The applicant will design individual septic systems if that is what is required.  Mr. D’Amelio requested that the applicant submit a plan of record to show the septic.  Atty. Dionisi stated that he would not object to a condition being added that the plans be redesigned to reflect the inclusion of septic.                  

Mr. DiPersio addressed the issue regarding condition #15, which requires that the applicant install screening around the perimeter of the subdivision.  Ms. Green stated that it would cost approximately $100,000 to install the fencing.  She asked the that Board consider waiving the road length requirement if the applicant were to include an extra 100 feet of roadway in exchange for the screening.  Ms. Green explained that this would make the project more economically viable by allowing for the inclusion of two more lots.  She also stated that they would be willing to donate land to the Town for conservation purposes.  This strip of land runs along the river’s edge and is about 100 feet wide that could be used as a walking corridor.  The general consensus was that they would allow the waiver with certain conditions in place.  

Mr. Vereault suggested that the applicant meet with the abutters in order to choose screening that they could all agree on.  

Dan Jenkins, 202 River St., Ray Jenkins, 198 River St. and Dave Jenkins, 200 River St. all agreed to meet with the applicant, with Ms. Burke present on November 13, 2007 at 5:00 PM.  

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to continue the public hearing for Indian Farm Estates until November 27, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to adjourn at 7:45 PM.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner