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Planning Board Minutes 05/15/07
Minutes of Meeting— May 15, 2007

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood, Jim Vereault, Jennifer Burke, Town Planner and Teresa Vickery, Clerk.

Planner’s Report

Old North Woods

Tom DiPersio submitted definitive subdivision plans for Old North Woods.

Tom Collins recused himself.

16 Woodrow Street
Present was: David Zanca

Mr. Zanca approach the Board with plans that would increase the size of the lot at 16 Woodrow Street.  The Board had no issues with the plan.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan Of Land Parcels D-1 & D-2 In Hudson, MA“ as drawn by Zanca Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated March 20, 2007 and Authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins returned to the Board

6 Lakeside Ave.

This is a non-conforming pre-existing lot in which Richard and Erica Weil are proposing increasing the size of the lot to make it less non-conforming.  The Board had no issues with the plan.  

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan Of Land In Hudson, MA” as drawn by Zanca Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated May 1, 2007 and Authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

135 River Street
Present was: Tom DiPersio

This is an oversized lot which the applicant would like to divide to create Lot 1, Lot 2 and Parcel A.  The house next door at 14 Pine Street has a garage that encroaches on the lot.  Parcel A will be deeded to 14 Pine Street in order to make garage comply with zoning.  Both of the Lots have conforming area and frontage.  

The Board had no issues with the Plan.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA.” As drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors, Hudson, MA, dated March 15, 2007 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Walgreen’s Site Plan Review
Present were:   Paul Giannetti, Atty. at Law
                Matt Smith, Bohler Engineering
                Dan Mills, MDM

Paul Giannetti began by informing the Board that since it’s last meeting the engineers for Walgreen’s have met with the Mass Highway Department, Jennifer Burke, Michelle Ciccolo and Chief Richard Braga.  

Matt Smith explained that the set of plans brought before the Board today showed that the driveway onto Washington Street has been pulled as far away from the intersection as it could be without interfering with the surrounding wetlands.  The right in and right out still remain on the plans.  Parking spaces have been added in the area where the driveway was first proposed.  

Mr. Smith stated that even though they have not yet secured tenants for the two remaining parcels he brought a plan showing what the site would look like with tenants.  The Richmond Companies are in talks with Starbucks and Stop & Shop.  The plans show Starbucks on the southerly side of site with a 1,500 Sq. Ft retail space.  They also show a Stop & Shop Gas Station on the westerly side of the property which would accommodate 8 pump stations (16 pumps) and a kiosk in the middle.  

A 24-foot drive aisle is provided for the proposed site of Starbucks.  Mr. Smith is aware that Hudson requires it to be 30 feet and understands they would need to seek approval from the Zoning Board.

The plans also show that the development has been pushed back 15 feet to the east to account for the future takings from Mass Highway to widen the Washington Street corridor.  They believe that this would keep the site compliant after the takings.  

Martin Libby, 1 Lower Road asked whether or not this plan would need to be brought before the Conservation Commission due to the location of the wetlands.

Mr. D’Amelio replied that yes they do, however, Walgreen’s is before the Board seeking only preliminary approval.  Walgreen’s also needs approval from the Internal Traffic Committee.

Mr. Smith added that they will be meeting with the ITC next week.  He also stated that the site does accommodate for the traffic projections indicated by the traffic counts.  

Thomas DiPersio, Sr., 265 Washington Street asked if the traffic counts deal with the left onto the Interstate 290 connector.

Dan Mills informed Mr. DiPersio that indeed one of the main concerns of the Board was having the driveway directly across form the 99.  The reason it was pulled further south was to address this concern.  

Charles Rio, 259 Washington Street asked how far back has the driveway been pushed back relative to the previous site plan.

Mr. Mills stated that is has been pushed 150 feet further from where it had originally been shown.  Mr. Rio believes no matter how much further it is now it is still unsafe.  

Mr. DiPersio inquired about whether or not there would be an entrance in and an exit out onto Technology Drive.  He went on to say that many people are against an in and out egress no matter where it is, however Technology Drive would be a better option than Washington Street.  Atty. Giannetti stated that the revised plan does the best job to address the Town’s concerns.

Mr. DiPersio asked what the grade changes are.  Mr. Smith informed him that the grade changes will not be abrupt, considering that the Town only allows for a 3% grade change, the change will be smooth.

Mr. Smith is of the opinion that by having only 2 curb cuts on a 10-acre property the developer has succeeded in meeting the Town’s wishes.  He went on to say that if more than one developer were to build on the site thus cutting up the property it would result in many more curb cuts.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that he brings up a very good point.  

Liz Sommer of SEA asked for clarification of the internal traffic flow of the site from Washington Street to the potential Starbucks site.  She thinks it is not as safe as it could be.  Mr. Smith reviewed the traffic pattern and feels that there is no conflict.  She also added that there are 3 parking spaces that are directly behind the drive aisle near Starbucks that could be dangerous.  Mr. D’Amelio asked if these spaces were needed for the developer to fulfill parking obligations as stated by the Zoning Board.  Mr. Smith said that they were not and would be removed from the plan.

Ms. Sommer asked if the traffic flow between Starbucks and Walgreen's would be one way or two-way traffic.  Mr. Smith said that it would be two way traffic and that the Starbucks drive-thru would exit onto Technology Drive.  Mr. Vereault wanted to know where the signage would be to direct the customers out.  Mr. Smith explained that there would be signs at the entrances as well as the exits.  Ms. Sommer thinks that the queue for the drive-thru is to close to the entrance of the site and should be moved further east. She anticipates there will be a lot of driver confusion at the entrance to site.  

Mr. Rio asked if the area where the drive-thru is located will be filled.  John Stewart of The Richmond Companies explained that the conservation agent visited the site and confirmed the wetland flagging before any of the plans were drawn up and that the drive-thru aisle does not interfere with any wetlands.

Mr. D’Amelio had an issue with the flow of the tractor-trailers coming into the site from route 85.  Mr. Smith said that a truck template will be submitted along with the final site plan to show the flow of the trailers.  Mr. Frias states that the next time they come before the Board he would like to see the orchestration of truck flow on the design.

Atty. Giannetti asked for some feedback from the Board.  He does not want to move forward with these plans if they are unacceptable to the Board.  The Board agrees that this is the best plan that has been presented from the developer, even though the exit onto Washington Street is still an issue.

Mr. Mills informed the Board that Mass Highway has said that the location of the driveways is acceptable.  However, Mr. D’Amelio believes that Mass Highway only looks at the plans and they do not see what the residents of the town see.  He went on to say that there is a chance that the Board will review the traffic flow after 2 years and may vote to close the right out.  Atty. Giannetti believes that when people begin driving in and out of the site adjustments may need to be made to account for safety.  

Mr. Collins asked if there will be signage on Interstate 290 to direct people to use the correct lanes and entrances.  Atty. Giannetti expects that the blue signs along the highway will address this issue.  

Mr. Vereault asked how many parking spaces are included in the site.  He was told that there are currently 107 spaces shown on the site plan.  He then inquired about whether traffic counts within the site were studied.  Mr. Mills referred him back to the traffic study.

Mr. D’Amelio asked Atty. Giannetti if his client would have an issue with the new member of the Board voting on the site plan when the time comes.  Atty. Giannetti answered no.

Mr. Smith informed the Board that full engineering designs have not yet been submitted to SEA and that they would be submitted the week of May 21st.

Mr. Rio expressed concern about the brightness of the lights at the end of the driveway to the site.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that this is a valid concern and will be addressed when the time comes.  

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, made a motion to continue the public hearing for 256 Washington Street until June 5, 2007 at 8:00 p.m.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to approve the minutes of April 3, 2007, as written

Vote: 3-1-1, with Rodney Frias abstaining

Canceled Meeting

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins made a motion to cancel the meeting for July 3, 2007.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


Tom Collins, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to adjourn at 8:50 PM.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner