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Planning Board Minutes 08/15/06
Minutes of Meeting— August 15, 2006

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Sante Parente, Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood and Town Planner, Jennifer Burke.

Highland Commons – Site Plan Review Modification cont.
Present was:    Dan Bradanini & Jack Thornton, Sullivan Hayes Company
                Peter Tamm, Atty. at Law
                Bill Hoffman, Deluca Hoffman

Tom Collins recused himself.

Mr. Bradanini reported on the progress since the original decision in November 2005.  He noted the major changes to the plan including the addition of the hotel and reconfiguration of buildings.

Mr. D’Amelio asked about the parking and if enough was provided.  He was told that they will be applying for a variance with the ZBA.  The plan is significantly short based on the requirements of the by-law.  Mr. Bradanini did note that the parking provided exceeds the ITE standards.  There was a brief discussion of the parking variance.  Mr. D’Amelio expressed concern regarding the shortage of spaces and the possibility of parking on the access roads.  He will likely attend the ZBA hearing.

There was no input from the public.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, made a motion to close the public hearing for Highland Commons.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, made a motion to approve the modified Site Plan for Highland Commons with the following additional conditions:

Except as explicitly referenced below, this Modification Approval does not modify or change the Existing Approval, including all waivers and conditions for the Project, which remain in force and effect, to the extent consistent with the modified Project, as shown on plans entitled “Highland Commons 6 Lot Subdivision, Master Plan and Site Plans for Retail Shopping Center - Coolidge Street/Route 62 - Hudson, Massachusetts - June 2006”, as approved.

The Town reserves the right to review and require modification of the parking prohibition measures along all interior Project access roads and along Route 62 in proximity to the Project site for a period of 1 year after 100% occupancy of the Project to ensure that no Project parking occurs in these areas.

Upon Developer’s request for a certificate of occupancy for the hotel use proposed as part of the modified Project, prior to the issuance of such certificate, the Developer shall provide the Town of Hudson a payment of $95,000.00 as mitigation for the first year of the hotel use (“Hotel Mitigation Payment”).  Thereafter, the Developer or its assignee shall be responsible to make the Hotel Mitigation Payment annually to the Town, adjusted consistent with the Consumer Price Index [CPI-U: U.S. City Average, All Items (unadjusted) (1982-84=100), as published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, and first so published in 1988], or if it ceases to be published, a comparable, recognized index.  The Hotel Mitigation Payment, as adjusted, shall be due and payable on January 1st of every year thereafter for as long as the hotel is open for business.

Upon finalization of plans for wall-mounted building signage for each building in the Project (based on tenant requirements), Developer shall submit specific building signage plans that conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-laws to the Town Planner and Building Commissioner. Each such sign plan shall be so filed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for that building.

The Fire Chief shall review and approve any and all security gates proposed for the Project to ensure adequate emergency access, where appropriate, prior to installation.

And authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins returned to the Board.

Rodney Frias left the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Planner’s Report

24 Coolidge Street
Present was: Gerry Buzanoski, Ducharme & Dillis

Mr. Buzanoski reviewed the change with the Board.  The applicant would like to move the proposed dry water lines directly on top of the existing lines.  They will also need to reconfigure the drainage system.

Mr. D’Amelio expressed concern that if the bottom line break, it will cause a sinkhole and the top lines may burst.  He was more comfortable with the lines off to the side.  Mr. Collins asked how far away the proposed dry lines were currently.  He was told 15-20 feet.  He acknowledged that would be adequate distance if there were a problem.

The Board would like Tony Marques to address this issue before making a decision.

Mr. Buzanoski will return on September 5, 2006.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Ms. Burke presented the amended by-law to the Board.  She would like to get endorsement to submit for the November Town Meeting Warrant.  The Board still had concerns regarding some issues including requiring family only, not allowing variances and not allowing additions to homes.

Board members expressed that a public hearing could be beneficial.  Ms. Burke agreed to hold off until the May Town Meeting.

256 Washington Street, Walgreen’s – Site Plan Review
Present was:    Paul Giannetti, Atty. at Law
                John Stewart, The Richmond Company
                Josh Reinke & William Goebel, Bohler Engineering
                Bob Michaud, MDM

Atty. Giannetti reviewed the status of the proposal and the ITC issues still being worked on.

Mr. Goebel reviewed the plan with the Board.  The proposal is for a 10,000 square foot Walgreen’s and a 4,000 square foot mezzanine.  There will be a drive through for prescriptions only.  He noted there will be two entrances.  One on Washington Street and one on Technology Drive.   The Washington Street entrance will be right in right out only.  The Technology Drive entrance will be full access.  The plan meets all zoning requirements.  There will loading and trash enclosures in the rear of the building.  The site is serviced by water, electric and gas.  There will be an on site septic system.

Mr. Goebel reviewed the underground stormwater management system.  There is 87% TSS removal in the system.  He also noted that a sidewalk is proposed along the property frontage.

Mr. Underwood asked if the parking lot will be at road grade.  He was told it will be a little lower.  The project will follow existing site grades.

Mr. D’Amelio asked if an ANR had been submitted.  He was told not yet.  He would like SEA to review the project.

Mr. Parente expressed concern with the entrance on Washington Street.

Charles Rio, 259 Washington Street, stated that he has an artesian well.  He expressed concern about seepage.  He stated that he feels the Washington Street entrance will not work.  He is concerned about a possible gas station and the “commercial creep”.

Tom Doerr, 2 Vernon Drive, asked about the need for the Washington Street entrance and the possibility of widening Washington Street.

Tom DiPersio, 265 Washington Street, stated that there are already crazy antics with the traffic and the grade change from street to parking lot will compact the traffic issues.

Michael Girard, 263 Washington Street, echoed the concerns of his neighbors.  He also has concerns regarding the environmental impacts and the use of septic for commercial property.  He stated his concern regarding having to cross three lanes of traffic to get to 290 and the proposed LED sign.

Lee Murphy expressed concern regarding traffic and the septic system.

Mr. Stewart noted that the highest uses have been used for the traffic study.

Nancy Girard, 263 Washington Street, reminded the Board that the vocational school is in this area and the Walgreens will attract students.  There is a concern regarding pedestrian safety.

Marty Libby, 242 Washington Street, stated his concern regarding impact to the wetlands and residential wells.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to continue the public hearing for 256 Washington Street until September 26, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Chairman Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 9:00 pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner