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Planning Board Minutes 02/07/06
Minutes of Meeting— February 7, 2006

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Sante Parente, Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias and Town Planner, Jennifer Burke

Planner’s Report

Lauren Heights

The Board is in receipt of a bond reduction amount from DPW.  The DPW recommends holding $278,573.50.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Sante Parente moved to reduce the bond for the Lauren Heights subdivision to $278, 573.50 per the DPW recommendation.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Zoning by-law Amendment

Ms. Burke reviewed the proposed amendment with the Board.  The proposal suggests redefining the C-11 district to include more properties that front on Washington Street.  Original a single property owner was planning to petition Town Meeting for his lot only.  Ms. Burke and Tony Marques reviewed the whole area and felt that it was prudent to rezone a larger area.  The area in question has been designated in the Community Development Plan as a desirable commercial area.  Ms. Burke noted that the Board will hold a hearing on the article when Town Meeting is closer, but asked if the Board had any specific questions at this time.

35 School Street – Site Plan Review
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole presented the plan to the Board.  The Applicant would like to construct 4 condominium attached units and associated infrastructure.

The Board would like the following information submitted prior to the next meeting.
1.      More of a definitive plan on the retaining wall.
2.      Cop of 21E documentation.
3.      Adjacent buildings need to be shown on the plans.
4.      A letter from Tony Marques indicating that the drainage is acceptable.

Claudia Chase, 48 Washington Street, had concern over the wall and traffic impacts from the development.

Tom Collins, seconded by Sante Parente moved to continue the public hearing on 35 School Street until February 21, 2006 at 7:45pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Bailey Park Woods – Definitive Plan Review
Present was:    Tom DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors

Mr. DiPersio presented the plan to the Board.  The proposal is for two house lots.  The Applicant is asking for a waiver of road construction.

Mr. D’Amelio expressed concern about the waiver of a road and that it does not benefit the Town and opens up Pandora’s Box to other applications and that the Town is fighting paper streets all over town. The applicant responded that the paper road would benefit the town environmentally.

Mike Horbas, 169 White Pond Road, expressed concern over service trucks not being to access the homes if the road is not constructed in accordance to the by-laws.

Froyd Barrette, 139 White Pond Road, expressed concern about Fire trucks not being able to access the homes if the road is not constructed in accordance to the by-laws.

David Harrington, 171 White Pond Road, expressed concern about dumped barrels and thought the development would help to clean up the area.

Pat Byron, 361 River Road, expressed that he did not favor a so called paper road.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente moved to continue the public hearing for Bailey Park Woods to March 21st, 2006 at 7:45pm

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Quinn Estates – Definitive Subdivision Review cont.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to continue the public hearing until March 7, 2006 at 7:45.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


136 & 150 Lincoln Street

Mr. Zanca presented the plan to the Board.  The Applicant is swapping lot lines.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, Massachusetts” owned by Philip E. & Gertrude R. Durand as drawn by Zanca Land Surveying of Stow, MA dated January 26, 2006 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

65 Murphy Road

Mr. Zanca presented the plan to the Board.  The Applicant is creating two non buildable parcels.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, Massachusetts” owned by Curtis P. Blair and Liana M. Hurley as drawn by Zanca Land Surveying of Stow, MA dated January 26, 2006 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 9:00pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner