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Planning Board Minutes 12/06/05
Minutes of Meeting— December 6, 2005

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood, Tom Collins, and Sante Parente

Lower Road Discussion
Present was:    Tom DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors
                Mrs. Malloy

Mr. D’Amelio indicated that the Board had received a letter from the Building Commissioner amending his previous letter.  He also noted that the Town Planner spoke with the DPW regarding utility installation.  The Town expects to treat the installation the same as if it were a public road.  

Mr. Lawrence Norris, 9 Lower Road, expressed concern regarding the snow removal.  He asked if the Town had thought about where snow would be now.  Mr. DiPersio indicated that discussions have been had with Tony Marques.  The plan depicts a snow storage location.

The Board has no issue with the plan.  The developer will proceed.
Planner’s Report

Freeman Circle
The Board is in receipt of a request to name the street in the River’s Edge Subdivision Freeman Circle.  The Fire Chief and the Police have no issues with the name.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to approve the name Freeman Circle for the street in the River’s Edge Subdivision.

Vote: 4-0-1, with Sante Parente abstaining

230 Washington Street
Present was:    Paul Giannetti

Atty. Giannetti asked the Board to clarify its decision from the previous meeting. The Fire Chief had recommended that the building be equipped with a sprinkler system. They want to clarify that this is not requirement.  The second item relates to the completion of the original 1999 site plan approval.  At this time the applicant would like to wait until a tenant is in place to finish the site plan.  Atty. Giannetti provided a letter stating that once a tenant is in place this work would happen.

Mr. D’Amelio indicated that it was not the Board’s intent to require the entire site be completed at this time.  They felt that if a tenant were located the landscaping and parking would need to be completed.  Based on the building sixe, the Board will not  require sprinkling.  Therefore the Board did not require it.  The minutes will be amended to reflect this.

Tom Collins recused himself from the Board.

Hammond Hill Estates – Definitive Subdivision Review
Present was:    Thomas DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors
                Paul Davis, PV Davis Construction

Mr. DiPersio presented the plans to the Board.  The lot is at the corner of Brigham Street and Chapin Road.  The cul-de-sac is about 450 feet long and designed in conformance with all regulations.  The subdivision will have four lots.  There are also two ANR lots that will access on the new road.

The project will connect into the municipal sewer and water systems.  The drainage will be collected and discharge into an infiltration system in the front of the property.  The majority of the grading will be done on the rear two lots.  The plans show schematic grading.  They will provide better grading.

Mr. D’Amelio asked to see the house locations and grading on Curley Drive as well as the limit of clearing to the rear of the property.  There was also some concern regarding the slope in the rear and if a retaining wall should be required.

Howard Board man, 23 Curley Drive, expressed concern regarding the existing poor water pressure, whether the sewer system can handle the additional capacity and the clearing limits so that he will still be protected from noise and lights.

Al Missile, 9 Hearthstone Drive, expressed concern regarding the Town’s water capacity.  He asked if the lots conform to zoning.  He was told yes.  He asked how many bedrooms would be in each house.  The estimate was 3-4.  He wanted to make sure the construction would not affect his leach field.

Mr. D’Amelio asked Ms. Burke to talk with Tony Marques regarding the water/sewer issues.

Al Wells, SEA Consultants indicated that a field flow test should be required.

Laurie Haley, 70 Brigham Street, asked about fencing around the lots and construction hours.  She was told there is no proposed fencing around the lots.  The Board will condition the construction hours to M-F 7-5 Sat 8-2 and no work on Sundays or Holidays unless the Police Chief gives the OK.

The developer needs to meet with SEA and the DPW.  The Board asked for a creative design regarding the grading for the back two lots.  Mr. Missile suggested moving the houses closer to the street and reducing the size of the home.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to continue the public hearing until January 3, 2006 at 7:45 pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins returned to the Board.

Lots 1 & 2 Coolidge Street – Site Plan Review cont.
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group
                Todd Marsh

Mr. Poole reviewed the plan with the Board again.  

Tom Micchece, 69 Florence Street, asked if the Board had an opportunity to walk the site.  Mr. D’Amelio indicated that he walked the site.  He noted that the applicant would put a visual barrier from the end of the existing chain link fence to the Southern property line.  This should be in place prior to construction.

There was discussion about the property line.  It appears that the fence, if placed on the property line, will run down the middle of the condos fire lane.  The Board was hesitant to become involved in a property line dispute.  The two property owners will have to work out a solution.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to close the public hearing for Lots 1 & 2 Coolidge Street.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to approve the site plan entitled “Site Plan Lots 1 & 2 Coolidge Street Hudson, MA” owned by Todd Marsh of Princeton, MA as drawn by Consolidated Design Group, Inc. of Hudson, MA dated June 26, 2005, last revised October 5, 2005 with the following conditions:

A temporary construction fence will be erected prior to any site work.
A permanent fence will be installed after construction but prior to any occupancy permit being issued.  The fence will be a 6-foot visual barrier in a location mutually agreed upon by the two property owners.
Hours of Construction will be M-F 7-5, Saturday 8-2 and Sunday and Holidays by approval of the Police Chief.
A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

400 Main Street – Site Plan Review cont.

The Board is in receipt of a letter requesting a continuation.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to continue the hearing for 400 Main Street until January 3, 2006 at 8:15PM.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

24 Coolidge Street – Site Plan Review cont.

The Board is in receipt of a letter from Ducharme & Dillis withdrawing the Site Plan.  The letter states that the Applicant’s attorney has determined that the project does not meet the requirements for Site Plan Review.  Ms. Burke indicated that she and the Building Commissioner disagree and she has asked Town Counsel for an opinion.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to allow the applicant to withdraw the Site Plan application pending a response from Town Counsel.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


Sante Parente, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the minutes of November 1, 2005 as written.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Sante Parente, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the minutes of November 15, 2005 as amended.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 8:45pm.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner