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Planning Board Minutes 10/19/04
Minutes of Meeting— October 19, 2004

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Robert D’Amelio, Jennifer Burke, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood
Not present:    Peter de Bakker
7:30    Hearing:  Amendment of Zoning By-Laws
Present:     Tony Marques, DPW Director     

Mr. Marques discussed the purpose of the proposed Amendment, and described its scope.
Mr. D’Amelio called for questions or comments from the public and from the Board.  Ms. Burke and Mr. Marques discussed the parcels involved in the change, and whether there were any hazardous materials were stored there, of which Mr. Marques was not aware of any.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to close the public hearing.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

7:30    Meeting:  Acceptance of Pheasant Trail

Mr. D’Amelio acknowledged the receipt of a list of outstanding items from the DPW.  He advised the attendees of the limitations of the scope of the meeting.

Cheryl Marazzo, 8 Pheasant Trail, was concerned with drainage and erosion from their driveway getting onto the ROW.  Bob will ask Tony to review slope as pertains to proper grading.
Mike DiPlacido, 3 Pheasant Trail, mentioned that land adjacent to his property has not been returned to its original condition Hudson Light and Power worked on it.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that in response to letter not all lots have to be built on.  Board asked Hayes to seed lot storing equipment to aid in erosion control measures, Lot 22A.

The Board reviewed correspondence and the DPW list.

7:30 Meeting:  Acceptance of Kattail Road

Please refer to comments under Pheasant Trail.

7:30 Meeting:  Acceptance of Field Stream Lane

Please refer to comments under Pheasant Trail.

7:45    Discussion:     Completion of Lauren Heights
Present:  Kevin O’Malley and Attorney
Mr. Frias walked the site with Kevin O'Malley.  It seems acceptable to Mr. Frias to extend the subdivision.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to grant an extension of the Lauren Heights subdivision approval until October 19, 2005.
Vote, 4-0-0, Unanimous

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Robert D’Amelio, moved to ask for bond estimate for Lauren Heights.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

8:00      Site Plan Review:     400 Main Street
Present: Steve Poole

Mr. Poole presented the project to the Board.  The Fire Chief has not signed the plan because he awaits written commitment by the Applicant to sprinkle the building, The Building Commissioner has not signed the plan as it will require a variance from the ZBA.  The Applicant proposes to store eight double-decker tour buses inside a garage.  The Chairman called for comments and questions from the public and from the Board:

Al Moura, 21 Carlton Street, is concerned with emissions and Main Street traffic.
Donald 386 Main Street, is concerned with noise and emissions.
Greg Turner, 386 Main Street, asked the Board to consider a fence in addition to a vegetative buffer.  

The Board requested more detail on the plans and determined that EarthTech would need to review the plan.  The Applicant will submit to the Town a check for $2500 for peer review.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to continue the public hearing until December 7, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.
Vote: 3-0-1, Burke Abstained.

8:15      Site Plan Review:     710 Main Street
Present:  Applicant McCarthy, Steve Poole

Mr. Poole presented the project to the Board.  The Board reviewed and discussed a “formal complaint” submitted by abutters, which consisted largely of issues under the purview of the ZBA.  The Chairman called for comments and questions from the public:

Matt Michela, 714 Main Street, asked about whether plans met requirements of by-laws, and asked about snow storage.  
Lance Nelson, 5 Rock Avenue, was concerned that the Applicant plans to access the property via Rock Avenue.
Jim DeWolfe, 2 Old Country Road,  stated that the abutters only allowed the building to be built on the condition that Rock Avenue was not used for access.  
Dick Gelpke, Lakeside Avenue, pointed out that the zone was not Commercial.
Tom Green, 2 Gately Avenue, pointed out that area is a major area school bus stop, for K-12.
Josh Neville, 6 Rock Avenue, wondered if more cooling towers would be built in future.
Paul Curley, 9 Rock Ave, stated that the Applicant’s fans could be heard from four houses away.
George McGee, 706 Main Street, was  concerned about property values.
The Board requested a log of existing vehicle usage and and a description of proposed vehicle use.  The Board requested that the engineer will need to extend the plan to surrounding properties for the next meeting, and that the Applicant inform the Board of the hours of operation, as well as estimated trips in and out of the property every day.  The Applicant is required to submit a check for $2500 for peer review by EarthTech.  Upon receipt of this check, the plan will be submitted to EarthTech for review.  Test pits must be dug at each area where water will enter the ground.  Contour drawings will be necessary.  The oil and water separator must be of sufficient size.  Also, a description of the variance request to the ZBA will must be submitted to the Board as well.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to continue the public hearing for 710 Main Street until December 7, 2004 at 8:15p.m.
Vote: 3-0-1, Burke abstained.

ANR:  Babick Lake Lane
Present:  Bill Glynn

The Board is in receipt of a legal opinion from Town Counsel as to the Board’s authority to grant and withhold ANR approval.  Illusory frontage would justify a denial.  The Granting of an ANR does not guarantee a building permit will be granted.  The Board does not support this plan on principle, opining that the plan flies in the face of the intent of Zoning By-Laws.

There was no motion with regard to this ANR plan.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.