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Planning Board Minutes 09/21/04
Minutes of Meeting— September 21, 2004

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Robert D’Amelio, Jennifer Burke, Rodney Frias, Peter de Bakker, Dirk Underwood

The Board is in receipt of a memo from Ms. Simpson, dated September 21, 2004, indicating that the Oak Ridge definitive plan would not be submitted this evening, and that the engineer was not prepared to discuss Jenkins Farms this evening.  The Board is in receipt of a memo from Thomas Land Surveyors, dated September 21, 2004, waiving the statutory time limit for consideration of a preliminary plan prior to the issuance of a decision.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to continue the meeting for discussion of the Jenkins Farms preliminary plan until October 5, 2004 at 8:00 p.m.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

7:45     Completion Discussion:     Lauren Heights
Present:     Kevin O’Malley; Leonard Tremblay, 19 Hickory Lane;

Mr. O’Malley reviewed the phasing plan with the Board.
The Board heard comments from abutters.  The Board feels that there has been great improvement since the last meeting with the developer.  The Board explained that in order to consider an extension at the next meeting, it would need to hear, and be satisfied with, the plan for how the site will be left for winter.  It expects the lots will be vegetated for runoff.  The dirt should be gone.  The Board next meets with the developer on October 19, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.

8:00     Hearing:    Brigham Hill III
Present:  Robert Parente, Engineer for Applicant; Niel Fossile, Applicant; Arthur Bergeron, Attorney for Applicant;
Dale MacKinnon, EarthTech
Mr. MacKinnon submitted a review.  Mr. Bergeron stated that all work on the pump station has been completed.  Results of a flow test are not in yet.  As for the lot for the water tower, Mr. Bergeron stated that the DPW has not settled yet on who is doing the plan.  Tank location has been reviewed by DPW.  Regarding wetlands on site, the Applicant will argue to the Conservation Commission that wetlands in that area are no longer necessary.

Mr. MacKinnon stated that the water main at Forbes and Exeter does not reach the end of Exeter, on the plan.  Another issue is that it is not allowable to have water from one lot flowing into the next lot. Mr. MacKinnon requested topographic plans showing Brigham II and Brigham III, and roads, all together.

The Board informed the Applicant that it probably would not have a full Board until November.  Mr. Bergeron and his client conferred, and the Applicant elected to move forward anyway.
Mr. Parente presented the project for the gathering.  Mr. D’Amelio called for comments from the public.

Barbara Callahan, 1Exeter Road, is being flooded from 3 Exeter Road.  Mr. D’Amelio will call Tony Marques.

Matt Skye, 2 Forbes Road, asked what happens to the temporary cul de sac when the subdivision is built.  The Board explained that the easement should be revegetated.

Ralph Barry, 8 Exeter Road, has continued water pressure problems. The Board will ask Tony Marques to attend at the next hearing for Brigham Hill III.

Mr. Walsh asked who owns the pump station.  Mr. Fossile currently owns the pump station.
Mr. Walsh believed that no further houses could be built prior to the tank being built.  Mr. D’Amelio believes that the booster solved that problem, but will ask Tony Marques.

Charlie Wall, 7 Atherton, asked about the duration of construction, and the target price for homes.  The Board stated that definitive plans are approved for two years.  Mr. Fossile stated that the lots would be priced at $700,000 and up.

The Board instructed Mr. Parente to deal directly with Mr. MacKinnon to resolve engineering issues.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to continue the public hearing for Brigham Hill III until November 2, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.  
Vote: 3-0-1, Burke abstained.

8:45      Hearing:    Zina Farms
Present:  David Petkauskos, Applicant; Steven Poole, Engineer for Applicant  

Mr. Frias rejoined the meeting.  Mr. MacKinnon stated that the plan needs 3 outstanding items:
A certificate on the cover sheet, to be signed by Dave Zanca, certifying that the plan conforms to registry standards.
A handicapped ramp detail.
A detail for the 25-foot level spreader.

The Board stated that there must be an independent geotechnical engineer on site during the filling process.  There must be compaction tests on each lot.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to close the public hearing for the Zina Farms definitive plan.  
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the definitive plan for Riverside Farms, formerly known as “Zina Farms,” with the condition that EarthTech review the final set of plans and comment to Ms. Simpson on their completeness and accuracy, with conditions as discussed this evening.                                 
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00.