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Planning Board Minutes 09/07/04
Minutes of Meeting— September 7, 2004

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Robert D’Amelio, Jennifer Burke, Rodney Frias, Peter de Bakker
Present:     Farooq Ansari, Ansari Builders
                Walter Jabs, Attorney for Ansari Builders
Laurel Drive
Mr. D’Amelio updated those present on conversations between himself and Ms. Simpson, and between himself and Town Counsel.  Town Counsel feels that the Board should now move forward to ask the Board of Selectmen for use of Town Counsel’s services to pursue the matter legally.  The Board of Selectmen meets next Monday and will discuss the issue.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to request of the Board of Selectmen full use of Town Counsel’s services for the purpose of seeking slope remediation for Laurel Drive in a court of law.
Vote:  5-0-0, Unanimous.

Mr. D’Amelio advised the residents present to attend the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on September 13, 2004.  He anticipates that they will be allowed to speak.  Ms. Simpson will provide Town Counsel with a chronological synopsis of the Town’s efforts thus far to have slopes on Laurel Drive repaired.  Mr. D’Amelio intends to attend the Selectmen’s meeting on September 13th.
Falls Brook Bond Reduction
Mr. D’Amelio noted the great inconvenience that Ansari Builders caused by clearing and building on Town land.  Mr. Jabs asked if the Board’s pleasure was to have the developer to do something to the parcels in order to appease the Board.
The developer acknowledged that certain culverts were not built to specifications, and the Board questioned whether the developer had the authority to make changes to approved plans.
Mr. Ansari asked the Board to release the bond to the level approved by the DPW.  Mr. Ansari will go through the proper channels to get the changes approved.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to release $143,126.00 of the existing bond for Falls Brook, to leave a remaining balance of $100,000.00.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Revolutionary Ridge Bond Reduction
Peter de Bakker, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to request of the DPW a review of the current status of the Revolutionary Ridge project, with an eye to reducing the bond and, as the Board anticipates a request for full release of the bond, it would like the DPW’s preliminary opinion as to the suitability of such a request.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Brigham Hill II Bond Reduction
Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to request of the DPW a review of the Brigham Hill II subdivision with an eye to reducing the bond for the project, and to include a report on the water booster pump station status as well.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

7:45     273 Cox Street
Present:     Ralph Warner
                Dale MacKinnon, EarthTech

Mr. Warner presented the site plan to the Board.  Mr. DesJardin hopes to run an automobile repair service as a tenant of the Hudson Eagles. The applicant will file a petition with the ZBA to allow the use of the property as shown on the plan.  Changes requested by ITC have been incorporated into the plan.  The Board asked Mr. Warner to specify which parts of the plan were actually being proposed, as the plan presents more information than that for which approval is being requested.  Mr. MacKinnon commented on regulations for floor drains and grease separators.  The Board requested a plan with more detail and less extraneous information, like the future parking which is shown on the plan, but for which the applicant does not currently seek approval.

The Board requested that the Applicant submit a plan that follows the requirements for site plan review according to the Zoning By-Laws, and to submit a check for $2500.00 to Ms. Simpson.  Ten days after receipt of said check, EarthTech will provide the Board with an engineering peer review of the new, complete plan.  Ms. Simpson will send a letter to Mr. Warner’s office requesting the new plan and the check.  The Board expressed its surprise that Jack Costeido, the author of the plan, did not more closely follow submission guidelines when drawing the plan.  Mr.Warner stated that the remarks about Mr. Costeido, who was not present, were out of line.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to continue the public hearing for 273 Cox Street until October 5, 2004 at 8:15 p.m., to give the applicant time to submit a new, complete plan, which shall be reviewed by EarthTech.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Discussion:     Main Street
Present:  Dave Zanca
Mr. Zanca presented the plan for Doris Freitas’ property on Main Street.
The existing house is nonconforming.  Construction is constrained by wetlands on the property.  Mr. Zanca described the proposed division of the property.  The Board is not pleased with the proposition, as it seems to deviate from the intent of the by-law, but acknowledged that the plan seems to be feasible.

8:15 Definitive Subdivision Plan:   Zina Farms

Dale MacKinnon submitted a Definitive Plan Review for Zina Farms, dated September 7, 2004.
A full-time Geotechnical engineer on site will be necessary. The Board discussed necessary changes to the plan.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to ask the Fire and Police Departments to accept the name “Elaine Circle” for the Zina Farms subdivision road.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to continue the public hearing for Zina Farms until September 21, 2004 at 8:45 p.m.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.


Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to close the September 21, 2004 Agenda,
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to ask the Fire and Police Departments to accept the name “Gerry Drive” for the Coolidge Green project road.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.