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Planning Board Minutes 08/17/04
Minutes of Meeting— August 17, 2004

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Robert D’Amelio, Jennifer Burke, Rodney Frias, Peter de Bakker
Absent:  Dirk Underwood
Mr. D’Amelio discussed an Environmental Law Advisory by the EPA on stormwater management.  The Board will most likely make the delivery of an SWPPP at the preconstruction conference mandatory.  Ms. Simpson will provide copies to the Board for discussion at the September 7, 2004 meeting.

Mr. D’Amelio reported that the Board has asked Ahmed Mirajuddin to supply a plan designed by a geotechnical engineer, rather than the one submitted on August 10 drawn by Patrick Garner.  The Laurel Drive residents requested that the Board send their geotechnical report to the developer for consideration.  Ms. Simpson will send copies to EarthTech, the developer and Town Counsel.

Mr. Fossile submitted definitive subdivision plans for Brigham Hill III.  The Board will inquire of EarthTech as to whether ET believes it will spend the entire $5000 deposit.

Discussion:     Pheasant Trail Completion
Present:  Richard Hayes

Mr. Hayes submitted 3 sets of as-built plans for the subdivision.  The Board discussed the punch list submitted by the DPW.  Mr. Hayes told the Board that several items on the list have since been completed.  The Developer seeks the Board’s recommendation for street acceptance for the special November Town Warrant.  The Board is pleased with recent progress at the subdivision.  The Board will send a memo to the DPW indicating that the Board has granted its permission for the developer to lay down the top at Pheasant Trail at the DPW’s discretion, as a few items on the punch list must be completed prior to paving.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to send a memo to DPW indicating that the Board has granted its permission for the developer to lay down the top at Pheasant Trail at the DPW’s discretion, as a few items on the punch list must be completed prior to paving.
Vote:  4-0-0, Unanimous.

Ms. Simpson will fax a copy of the memo to Hayes Development.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to allow Hayes Development to submit an article for street acceptance of Pheasant Trail at the November 15, 2004 Town Meeting with the conditions that:
Hayes Development shall complete all items on the DPW’s August 17, 2004 punch list to the DPW’s satisfaction by November 2, 2004.
If the DPW is not satisfied with the status of punch list items by November 2, 2004, the board will vote at its November 2, 2004 meeting to pass over the article at the November 15, 2004 Town Meeting.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Ms. Simpson will supply a set of as-built plans to the DPW, and will submit one to Michelle Ciccolo for the warrant.

7:45 Preliminary Subdivision Plan:     Jenkins Farms
Present:  Thomas DiPersio, Sr.
Mr. D’Amelio stated that the Berlin entrance shown on the subdivision plans is of concern.
Mr. DiPersio presented the project to the Board.  The parcel in question contains approximately 15 acres.  Twenty-one single family homes are proposed.  The road is 1600 feet long terminating in a cul de sac, with a shorter cul de sac heading toward the Portuguese Club.  Parcel “C” has been set aside as open space.  The proposal seeks a gravity sewer line from Port Street subject to review by the DPW.  The Applicant is prepared to go in and soil test each lot to demonstrate that septic can be used on each lot.  

The Board stated that the Applicant needs to prove that they have legal permission from Berlin to carry this plan out with frontage in Berlin.  The Board asked if there an alternative for entrance in Berlin in case that isn’t approved? – Not at this time.
Kelly Johnson, where is entrance from River Road? – Mr. DiPersio indicated location on plan.
Ray Jenkins: environmental impact how do they handle the groundwater and contamination? – At the definitive plan level we analyze the whole area hydrologically and is dealt with according to findings.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to continue the discussion for Jenkins Farms until September 21, at 8:30 p.m.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

8:15 Preliminary Subdivision Plan:   Chestnut Hill Estates #2/Oak Ridge Estates
Present:     Tom DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors, Engineer for Applicant

The project is now known as Oak Ridge Estates, to be located approximately nine acres off Bolton Street.  Proposed are four lots with a 400 foot long cul de sac, and a700-foot long ROW through to the southeast property line.  The roadway will not be constructed to the end of the road.  The plan as submitted pulls the cul de sac onto the flat part of the site.  The Developer received a copy of review comments the Board has received thus far.  The Planning Board could stipulate that further portions of road are not suitable for construction.  The developer will return after the comments received thus far have been addressed.  Grading must be shown on the definitive plan.

The Board recommended that the applicant move forward to file a definitive plan.  The Board will take no action on the Preliminary Plan.

8:30     Site Plan Review:     327 Central Street
Present:     Mike O’Neil, Applicant
                 Tom DiPersio, Jr., Thomas Land Surveyors

Mr. D’Amelio reconvened the public hearing.  Mr. DiPersio explained that the property is presently undeveloped and is currently used for storage.  The Applicant proposes to construct a garage building for his contractor business.  Internal Traffic has signed the plans with the exception of the Building Commissioner who will sign upon approval by the ZBA.

Ms. Burke asked if the Applicant intends to rent out space in the garage.  The Applicant responded affirmatively.  Administratively, Ms. Burke noted that “Existing House 32” on the plan should be “Existing House 327.”  Mr. D’Amelio asked if a perk test had been done on the soil on site.  Mr. DiPersio responded negatively and added that based on soils maps and topography he anticipates the soil will be adequate for discharge.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that all three inlet structures would need covers, and that the success of the drainage design is dependent on whether the soils are adequate and whether the inlets are installed correctly.

Abutter Terzo Trombetta of 492 South Bolton Road in Bolton asked if the structure would be built within 500 feet of his property, which would prohibit him from using guns on his property.  He also wants to be sure that drainage is handled appropriately.    Mr. DiPersio stated that the project will actually improve current drainage conditions, and that it is located within 500 feet of Mr. Trombetta’s property.

The Board wishes to have the DPW review drainage calculations for the site. and to determine if they are adequate for a 100-year storm.

Jennifer Burke, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the site plan for 327 Central Street based on plans titled “Existing Conditions Site Plan in Hudson, MA,” drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors and stamped by Thomas DiPersio, Jr. dated July 29, 2004, with the conditions that:
Thomas Land Surveyors will perform soil analysis and provide results to the DPW for its review and approval.
Thirty days prior to the receipt of an occupancy permit, the Applicant shall submit an as-built plan stamped by a registered engineer and a narrative detailing any changes to the approved plan.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Upon the DPW’s approval of the soil results, Ms. Simpson will contact the Board’s agent to sign the site plan.

8:45     Site Plan Review:     10 Technology Drive
Present:     Ken Staffier, Carmine Tomas and Randy Hart of VHB

Carmine Tomas presented the project briefly and asked whether there were questions from the Board.  Mr. de Bakker asked whether the Tech Drive entrance would be narrower than it is currently.  Mr. Staffier responded that the entrance would remain the same width but would be shifted to the south.  The Board asked whether the pick-up window could be moved closer to the front of the store.  Mr. Staffier responded that the shape of the store limits the design so that moving the window would not work well.

The Board requested that, in order to improve visibility, the engineers move the stop signs at corner of building to where they are flush with the edge of the curb to allow drivers to be out beyond the building before proceeding,

There were no public comments.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to close the public hearing for 10 Technology Drive
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to approve the site plan titled “Proposed Supermarket Expansion, Center of Hudson,” totaling six pages, dated May 7 2004, revised through July 8, 2004, and to authorize the agent to sign with the condition that the Applicant move the stop signs forward as far as possible.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.


Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to approve the minutes of July 20, 2004 as amended.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.
Jennifer Burke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to approve the minutes of August 3, 2004, 2004 as amended.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Ms. Simpson reported Mr. Tremblay’s phone call regarding the plugging of manholes with plastic material at Judith Road.  

The Board directed Ms. Simpson to send a letter to Mr. Steven Poole regarding the site plan for 8-10 Bonazzoli Avenue, indicated that prior to any changes to grading, Mr. Poole should submit a plan and request a modification, as in the Board’s estimation, grading is generally a major change.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Jennifer Burke, moved to adjourn.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.