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Planning Board Minutes 04/20/04
Minutes of Meeting— April 20, 2004

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Robert D’Amelio, Peter de Bakker, Joan Melillo, Richard Gelpke, Rodney Frias
7:30 Public Hearing:     Town Meeting Warrant Article 18

The Board opened the public hearing, and suspended it until all representatives of Warrant Article 18 were present.

Lot Release: 41 Avon Drive

The Board is in receipt of a letter from Atty. Herbert S. Lerman requesting Lot 76 be released. Stratton Hill at Sutton.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Richard Gelpke, moved to issue the release as requested.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Bond Reduction:  Falls Brook

The Board is in receipt of a request for Bond Reduction for the bond for the Falls Brook subdivision.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to:

Request that the DPW perform a review of the Falls Brook subdivision with an eye to bond reduction, and to ask that the DPW consider the order of conditions for the subdivision as part of this review; and to

Send letters to Shelly Berman, Sarah Haavind and Michael Jones to inform them that there must be a resolution to the issue of their encroachment on Town property by the first meeting in July, and that said decision should be worked out between the developer and the owners, and said resolution must be legally acceptable to the Town.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Bond Reduction: Pheasant Trail

The Board is in receipt of a request for bond reduction from Hayes Development for the Pheasant Trail subdivision.

Of concern to the Board are screening around the pump house, and landscaping, the proper installation of subdrain in the plan, and whether the existing binder course in the roadway is still standing up.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to send a memo to the DPW requesting that the DPW perform a review of the Pheasant Trails subdivision with an eye to bond reduction, and to ask that the DPW:

Consider the order of conditions for the subdivision as part of this review
Address the issue of whether screening around the pump house is satisfactory
Address the issue of whether the subdrain has been installed correctly per the plan
Address the issue of whether the existing binder course in the roadway is satisfactory
Indicate a bond amount that reflects the cost of completing all remaining line items to the DPW’s satisfaction.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Site Plan Discussion:  10 Robert Bonnazoli Avenue
Present:     Steve Poole

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the site plan titled Site Plan, 10 Robert Bonazzoli Avenue, Hudson, Massachusetts,” dated February 13, 2004, revised February 24, March 1, and April 12, 2004, drawn by Zanca Land Surveyors and stamped by Stephen Poole: No. 35533, and to authorize the agent to sign.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to approve the minutes of February 3, 2004 as amended
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the minutes of February 17, 2004 as amended.
Vote: 3-0-1, de Bakker abstained.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the minutes of March 2, 2004 as amended.
Vote: 3-0-1, D’Amelio abstained
Zoning Article

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to support Article 18 as presented, for the May 2004 Town Meeting.
Vote: 3-0-1, de Bakker abstained.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50.