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Planning Board Minutes 08/16/05
Minutes of Meeting— August 16, 2005

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood, Tom Collins, and Sante Parente
Jennifer Burke, Town Planner
Kirsten Ryan, SEA Consultants

Planner’s Report

Sauta Farms
Ms. Burke presented a plan to the Board indicating the street names proposed by Midland Development for the Sauta Farm Condominiums.  They have proposed Sauta Farm way and Hummock Way.  The names have been approved the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the Director of the DPW.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the street names Sauta Farm Way and Hummock Way to be located in the development known as Sconset Village as shown on the plan provided.

Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous

Hillside Retirement Community
Ms. Burke presented the Board with an email from Lloyd Geisinger.  The email addresses a proposed condition regarding time to complete the work.  Mr. D’Amelio asked the Board to think about the condition for discussion at the next meeting.

Falls Brook
Ms. Burke reviewed with the Board the status of the subdivision for street acceptance.  The DPW has sent a letter saying that everything is complete except for 7 stone bounds, which will be done by the end of the week.  The Park Commission has agreed on a planting plan with the developer and all plantings will be in by the end of the week.  Finally, the Conservation Commission has addressed all issues except for one condition to hold $5,000 for trees that may not take.  The Commission is asking the Planning Board to take control of that money.  The developer agreed to allow the Planning Board to hold this money in the bond.  Upon bond reduction, the Board will hold out an additional $5,000.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to place Falls Brook and Riffles Lane on the warrant for street acceptance at November Town Meeting.

Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous

The Board took receipt of a Preliminary Subdivision Plan filing for Pine View.


Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to approve the minutes of August 2, 2005 as amended.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Tom Collins recused himself from the Board.

Brigham Street – Informal Discussion
Present was:    Tom DiPersio, Sr.

Mr. DiPersio presented a proposal to the Board for 6 lots.  Two frontage lots and four in the subdivision.  No waiver requests are planned.  There is an intermittent stream on the property as determined by Dave Crossman.  There is also a small amount of BVW.
The Board asked how close the entrance to the subdivision would be to the stop signs.  Mr. DiPersio indicated about 250 feet.

Mr. DiPersio noted that they have done test holes and the soils are mostly sands and gravel.

Tom Collins returned to the Board.

Riverside Farms –Definitive Plan modification cont.
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole indicated that he had met with the Fire Chief.  The Fire Chief is sticking by his comments from the previous memo.  He noted in a new memo that if the houses were sprinkled he would be OK with a 16 foot width on the common driveways.  Mr. Poole also noted that a waiver for the length of the common drives is reflected on the new cover page.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to approve the modifications to the definitive subdivision plan for Riverside Farms to allow for two common driveways and to grant a waiver request to allow the common drives to be no longer than 350 feet.

Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous

Causeway Street/Hilltop Road
Present:     Tom DiPersio

Mr. DiPersio updated the Board on the project status.  The DPW had reviewed the plans.  Mr. DiPersio addressed all their concerns and updated the plans.  He will provide new plans for the DPW.  

The Board noted that the common drive must be 18feet wide to where it crosses the property line of lot 1.  The Board also would like the developer to work with DPW regarding the stone in the bottom of the swale.

It was also noted that the applicant would file an NOI with the Conservation Commission.  This will take care of erosion control issues.

The applicant will return with a sign off from DPW on September 6, 2005 at 7:00 PM.

43 Brigham Street – Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Present was:    Tom DiPersio
                Niel & Geraldine Fossile

Mr. DiPersio reviewed the plans with the Board.  The proposal is for two house lots.  They would like to create the right of way, but only construct a common driveway.

The Board noted all the letters received from the Town Departments and SEA Consultants.  There seem to be quite a few issues to overcome.  Mr. DiPersio indicated that they would take the comments and proceed straight to definitive plan.

The Board took no action.

Indian Farm Estates – Definitive Subdivision Plan cont.
Present was:    Tom DiPersio

Mr. D’Amelio reviewed the timeline of the Preliminary Plan filing with the group.  It is the Board’s position that discussion of the plans never took place.  The applicant was asked to address the Berlin issue and then eventually the applicant decided  to proceed straight to definitive plan.  Mr. DiPersio stated that initially a presentation was made and the cul-de-sac length was mentioned.  There was a brief discussion about the timeline.

Mr. DiPersio then stated that he had met with SEA and the Department Heads.  He had addressed their comments and resubmitted plans.  There is a letter from SEA indicating that they are satisfied with the changes made.  The DPW has a couple of remaining issues and Mr. DiPersio will address those with Bob LaBossiere.

Ray Thompson, 6 Hampshire Circle, Spoke on behalf of the developer.  He noted that they are reputable and have roots in the community.  He also noted that land will be set aside for the Town.  He asked the Board to look at this project in a positive/fair light.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that the developer's reputation is not in question.  He is only concerned regarding what the regulations say versus what is proposed.

Tom DiPersio noted that the regulations state a cul-de-sac must be no more than 500 feet unless the water line is looped or there are topographical issues.  It is his interpretation that the regulation is to prevent dead end water mains.  He feels the waiver is justified given the odd shape of the land, the topography and the fact that the regulations require pushing dead end streets to the end of the property.  He also noted that the number of lots meet the zoning requirements for this district.

Geraldine Fossile, Marlboro, stated that she feels this plan will aid the abutting property owners.

Rita Chase, 2 Rebecca Avenue, asked if the developer has gone to Berlin for approval.  Mr., DiPersio indicated that they have filed with Berlin and are waiting for a hearing date.

Christine Sharon, spoke on behalf of her mother Doris Jenkins.  Ms. Jenkins owns the land.  This project will allow her to keep her home and some land around it.

Robert Dionisi, Atty. for River Road Realty Trust, asked the Board to provide a standard for granting the waiver request.  Mr. D’Amelio indicated that there is no standard and each case is taken separately.  Atty. Dionisi argued  that he would like members of the board to explain what standards they will use to make this decision.

Mr. Collins, Mr. Frias and Mr. Underwood stated that they would use the number of lots as a yardstick for determining  the appropriate length as well as the overall impacts to the community.

Mr. Parente indicated his willingness to work with the developer and allow the extended length.

Paul Davis, 5 Autumn Drive, asked if the Board can remember granted a cul-de-sac as long as 1500 feet before.  The Board indicated that they could not remember any such extension.

Sante Parente, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to continue the hearing for Indian Farm Estates until September 6, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous


The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner