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Planning Board Minutes 07/19/05
Minutes of Meeting— July 19, 2005

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Tom Collins, and Sante Parente
Jennifer Burke, Town Planner
Kirsten Ryan, SEA Consultants


Viera Way
Dave Zanca presented the plan to the Board.  This plan is associated with the Doris Freitas plan.  They are creating one new building lot.

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA.” Owned by Doris E. Freitas as drawn by Zanca Land Surveying of Stow, MA dated June 28, 2005 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

Juniper Road
Tom DiPersio presented the plan to the Board.  He presented a previously approved plan.  The new plan redivides the lots to front along Juniper Road and to meet current zoning.  Part of the land is in Marlboro and they require an ANR as well.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson and Marlborough, MA.” Owned by J.R.R.B.C., Inc. as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated June 24, 2005 last revised July 19, 2005 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

Tom Collins recused himself.

Brigham Street
Tom DiPersio presented the plan to the Board.  This plan creates 4 building lots and parcel A.  Parcel A has 50 fifty feet of frontage along Brigham Street.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Bob D’Amelio, moved to accept the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA.” Owned by Lorene B. Jean and Timothy P. and Lynette Veo as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated May 19, 2005 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

Tom Collins returned to the Board.

Causeway Drive/Lakeshore Drive
Tom DiPersio presented the plan to the Board. They are creating two lots with frontage on the paper street.  The Board question the access and how the street will be constructed.  Mr. DiPersio indicated that he had a plan but was not sure of the procedure.  The board indicated that previously the road construction was decided first and then the ANR was approved.  They suggested that he meet with Ms. Burke to discuss the procedure and come back with both plans.

The Board scheduled this meeting for August 2, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.

Sauta Farm
Jack Sargent presented the plan to the Board.  He explained that the closing attorneys asked that this plan be drawn up.  He explained that the recreation easement is shown as lot 2 on this plan.  The Board expressed concern that this plan divides the parcel into two lots.  Ms. Burke suggested that Town Counsel review the plan.  The Board suggested that Mr. Sargent go back and relook at the plan.
Planner’s Report

Ms. Burke presented a request from David A. Franchi for an extension of time to complete the Villages at Quail Run.  Mr. Franchi presented the Board with a schedule of time to complete the project.  The anticipated timeline would end with final paving in the coming Spring.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to extend the time to complete the Villages at Quail Run until August 1, 2006.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Ms. Burke reviewed with the Board that she had visited the site located at 273 Cox Street.  It appears that the site has been brought into compliance and no further action is needed.

The Board accepted a preliminary plan filing for Brigham Street.  The plan will be sent to SEA and a $5,000 check will be required.

Indian Rock Estates, River Road – Definitive Subdivision Plan
Present:     Jen Green Thompson, River Road Realty Trust
           Tom DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors
Mr. DiPersio presented the plans to the Board.  The proposal is for a 21-lot subdivision on 16 acres.  About ½ acre is in Berlin and approval will be needed form their Planning Board.  All the lots are in Hudson and meet the current zoning requirements.  The proposal calls for a 1550-foot cul-de-sac.  The applicant is requesting a waiver from the regulations for the length of the cul-de-sac.

All the lots will be on private septic systems.  Board of Health perc tests have been done and witnessed by Sam Wong.  Town Water will be obtained through an easement.  The applicant is also proposing open space along the Assabet River to connect to the trail system along the river and to protect the large outcropping that has formed.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that he would have difficulty approving a 1500-foot cul-de-sac.  He feels that that length is unnecessary and is not justifiable.

Jane MacDonald-Jenkins, 198 River Road East, Berlin, spoke on behalf of the Jenkins family.  She asked that the Board deny the cul-de-sac for traffic and safety issues.  She also asked for a privacy fence along the back of the property.  She noted that the family objects to the use of the Jenkins name in anyway.  Finally she stated that that land has always been wet and there is a concern as to how this land perced.

Mr. Collins noted that the Board has granted waiver requests for the length of the cul-de-sac but never for that long.  Mr. D’Amelio stated as a guideline for justification he typically uses the number of houses proposed.  He feels that 21 houses is too many.

Jennifer Green Thompson, River Road Realty Trust expressed her disappointment that the Board did not mention the length of the cul-de-sac during the preliminary plan phase.

Mr. DiPersio noted that other streets in town are looped with one access and are longer than 1500 feet.  He specifically pointed out Falls Brook and Heritage Hills.  He explained that this site does not lead itself to a looped road.

Ms. Burke noted that she would set up a meeting with the appropriate people to go over the review comments.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to continue the hearing for Indian Rock Estates until August 16, 2005 at 8:00 pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

3 Bonazzoli Avenue – Site Plan Review
Present:     Adam Braillard

Mr. Braillard presented the plans to the Board.  T-Mobile would like to attached ant antenna to the roof of the existing building at 3 Bonazzoli Avenue.  There will be 9 panel antennas located on the roof to minimize visual impacts.  They will also tie into the existing telephone and electrical service.  

Ms. Burke explained the WCF Overlay District and how this proposal is outside the district and the procedure the applicant is following.  The Board would like to wait until the applicant has ZBA approval before any decision is made.

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to continue the hearing for 3 Bonazzoli Avenue until September 6, 2005 at 7:45 pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Hillside Retirement Community, 12 Wheeler Road – Site Plan Review

The Board is in receipt of a request for continuation.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to continue the hearing for Hillside Retirement Community until August 2, 2005 at 7:15 pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

River’s Edge Estates – Definitive Subdivision cont.
Present:     Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole updated the Board on the status of the project.  The Board noted that SEA still has three outstanding issues.  The large issue remaining is the sidewalk.  There was a discussion regarding different options and the Board asked the developer to proceed with the investigation of possibilities.  They will meet again with the Conservation Commission and set a site visit with the Commission and the Town Planner.  They will also talk with DPW regarding the possibility of reconstructing the road.

Another meeting will be set to review the consultant’s comments.

Bob D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to continue the hearing for River’s Edge Estates until September 6, 2005 at 8:00 p.m.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


Rodney Frias, seconded by Sante Parente, moved to approve the minutes of June 21, 2005 as amended.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous


The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner