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Planning Board Minutes 05/03/05
Minutes of Meeting— May 3, 2005

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Dirk Underwood, and Tom Collins
Jennifer Burke, Town Planner

Planner’s Report

Ms. Burke discussed with the Board the new as-built for 469 River Road.  She is satisfied that all conditions have been met and that the developer is continuing to work in good faith.

Dave Rykbost would like to add a fuel storage tank to the site and he would like the Board’s direction on how to proceed.  Steve Poole presented the plan to the Board.  Mr. D’Amelio notified the developer that he will proceed with a waiver request from site plan review at his own risk.  Paul Bryne, 361 River Road expressed concern with the site drainage.  He noted that the basin has overflowed this spring.  It is his position that the drainage is not adequate to handle the entire site.

Mr. Frias expressed concern for the private wells on adjoining lots.  He noted that abutters had expressed previously their concerns for their wells.  The Board indicated that a full site plan would be in the best interests of everyone and that the developer should reexamine the site drainage.

Ms. Burke announced that SEA Consultants has been chosen as the new engineering consultant.  The Selectmen will authorize the contract on May 16, 2005.  Ms. Burke would like to ask the team from SEA to come to the meeting on May 17th to meet the Board.

Ms. Burke told the Board she would be on vacation during the week of July 4, 2005.  She asked if the Board would like to cancel the meeting scheduled for July 5, 2005 or proceed without her.  The Board decided to cancel the meeting July 5, 2005.

Main/Princeton Streets
Present:     Dave Zanca, Zanca Land Surveyors

Mr. Zanca presented the proposal to the Board.  Ms. Freitas would like to build a house for herself on the back portion of her land.  The proposal is to construct a portion of Princeton Street.  The property is mostly wetlands.  The home will be energy efficient.  They are proposing a 20-foot wide roadway with no sidewalks.  They will have to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals to build within the Watershed Protection District.

Ms. Burke reviewed the ITC comments with the Board.  The ITC’s only concern was the name of the street.  There is an existing Princeton Road in town.  Mr. Poole indicated that at this time they are looking for an approval of road construction with some waivers.

John Melillo, 490 Main Street, expressed concern for the drainage issues on site.  He noted that there is an existing drain that runs under his foundation and drains toward the proposed street location.  He also stated that the drain sometimes causes flooding in his basement.

Mr. Zanca indicated that they would be able to tie the pipe into the drainage system.  Mr. Poole also indicated there was a possibility of reducing the road width if the Board was so inclined.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that he had no issue with the road being reduced to 16 feet.  He would like the applicant to check with the Fire Department.  The Board requested that the centerline be staked with finished grade.  Mr. D’Amelio indicated that he would attend the Conservation Commission meeting to discuss the project.

The applicants will return on May 17, 2005 at 7:15 PM.

454 River Road – Site Plan Review
Present:     Tom DiPersio, Jr., Thomas Land Surveyors & Jim Maceiro

Mr. DiPersio presented the plan to the Board.  The applicant would like to construct a 2000 square foot addition to the existing woodworking shop.  An infiltration system is proposed to collect the roof drainage.  The site has no major issues.  The Board is happy with the plan.  Ms. Burke noted that the plan scale is 1”=20’ and a waiver of 40 scale is required by the Building Commissioner.

There were no comments from the public.

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to close the public hearing for 454 River Road.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Dirk Underwood, seconded by Robert D’Amelio, moved to approve the site plan entitled “Site Plan for Proposed Addition in Hudson, MA.” Owned by Martimus Realty Trust as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors of Hudson, MA dated March 14, 2005 last revised May 2, 2005 and authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Hillside Retirement Community – Informal Presentation
Present:     Tom McCarthy & Lloyd Geisinger

Mr. McCarthy began the presentation with an update for the Board.  He then introduced Mr. Geisinger to review the updated site plan with the Board.  The new proposed plan will reduce the number of units from 196 to 151.  The new development is pedestrian friendly with garages off back alleys so that the streetscapes appear village like.  They are also proposing improvements to the playing field and will be responsible for its maintenance as well.  This new proposal will require some variances from the ZBA including street width and distance between detached buildings.

The Board was impressed by the new proposal and would tend to support the variance requests.  The developers will be getting input from the ITC at the end of May.  They will return to the Board on June 7, 2005 at 7:45 PM after they have comments from the ITC in order to ask the Board to support the variance requests.


Zina Road/Riverside Farms
No one was present to present the plan to the Board.  The applicant acquired additional land that he has now included in the new subdivision.  The Board was not happy with the dimensions of some of these lots.  The Board took no action.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner