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Planning Board Minutes 04/05/05
Minutes of Meeting— April 5, 2005

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Peter de Bakker, Dirk Underwood, and Tom Collins
Jennifer Burke, Town Planner

Planner’s Report

Ms. Burke presented the Riverside Farms Tri-Party Agreement to the Board.  Town Counsel has reviewed it and it is in acceptable legal form.  It is now ready to be signed by the Board.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to accept and sign the Tri-Party Agreement for Riverside Farms.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Ms. Burke announced that Laurel Drive has been settled.  The insurance company and the abutters have reached a monetary settlement.  The details are not available yet.  She also noted that the Town has been served with a lawsuit from Mike O’Malley asking to tie Lauren Heights into Town sewer.

Finally Ms. Burke reminded the Board about the public hearing scheduled for next Wednesday to discuss Rte. 85.

Coolidge Street – Informal Discussion
Present:     Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group & Todd Marsh

Mr. Poole presented the proposal to the Board.  Mr. Marsh would like to rezone his property on Coolidge Street to SB-3, which will allow for multi family use.  He would then present a plan for condominiums on the lot.  At this point he would like to ask the Board for any comments regarding the possible zoning change.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that he would not be in favor of a zoning change.  He noted that he would prefer commercial development over residential in any case.  He feels that all residential development drains the Town resources.

Mr. Frias and Mr. Underwood agreed.  They indicated they would support commercial over residential.  The consensus of the Board was that the rezone is strictly a benefit to the developer.  There is no benefit to the Town.

Sauta Farms – Site Plan Review cont.
Present:     Jack Sargent & Art Peters, Midland Development

Mr. Underwood removed himself from the Board.

Mr. Sargent updated the Board with the status of the project.  He met with Dale MacKinnon, the Town Planner and Aldrich Engineering yesterday.  They went through all the outstanding items most of which were drafting issues.  It was a productive meeting.  All items discussed at yesterday’s meeting with Dale have been added to the plans.  Mr. Sargent delivered a set of final plans to Earth Tech today. Ms. Burke confirmed that Earth Tech would have final comments within a week.

Mr. Sargent spoke to the Board  about the need for a grass strip between the street and the sidewalk.  He noted that Earth Tech had recommended a grass strip, but that the plans to not show one.  Mr. Sargent stated that one could be added.  Basically it was not included so when people park in the driveways they would be less likely to block the sidewalk.

Mr. D’Amelio indicated that he liked the visual of a grass strip.  Mr. Frias agreed.  Mr. Collins indicated that he did not think a grass strip was necessary.  Mr. De Bakker noted that he liked the look as well, but also sees a draw back.  The developer agreed to include a grass strip.

There were no additional comments from the public.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to close the public hearing for Sauta Farm Condominiums.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

The Board will discuss conditions and vote on a decision on April 19, 2005.

Mr. Underwood returned to the Board.


Peter de Bakker, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the minutes of March 15, 2005 as written.

Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner