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Planning Board Minutes 03/02/04
The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:     Peter de Bakker (joined meeting at 8 pm., Richard Gelpke, Rodney Frias and Joan Melillo
Absent:     Robert D’Amelio

7:30     Site Plan Review:     Hillside Retirement Community    
Present:     Tom McCarthy, Southborough Ventures
                  Kevin Quinn, Quinn Engineering
                  George Gustafson
                  Dale MacKinnon, EarthTech
Submitted at meeting for March 16, 2004 meeting:
Traffic Report, dated February 27, 2004, written by Kenneth Cram of Vanasse & Associates.
Letter from Kevin Quinn to Hudson Planning Board, dated February 27, 2004, re: Chief Dusseault’s letter dated February 23, 2004.
Letter from from Kevin Quinn to David Carriere of Hudson Light & Power.
Plan review by Dale MacKinnon dated March 2, 2004.
EarthTech’s traffic review dated February 29, 2004.

Access Road
Mr. MacKinnon stated that with his new understanding that financials are required to be considered for Rivers Act applications, EarthTech agrees with Hillside’s secondary access road proposal, as shown on the current plans.

Erosion Control Plan
Mr. Quinn stated that the emergency access road location remains unchanged since the last meeting and that Quinn Engineering has completely re-approached the erosion plan.
Mr. MacKinnon stated that performance requirements should be shown on the plan.  Mr. Quinn stated that performance requirements are shown on the revised plans.

EarthTech has not yet had sufficient time to review the newest plans.
Item 14 from the list on Mr. MacKinnon’s review remains the most significant issue to be resolved.  He is still awaiting the requested information from Quinn Engineering.  Water table levels in Hudson are of concern and should be verified prior to plan approval.

Etech specifically requests a contour map of the water table on site from Rizzo Associates.

Mr. MacKinnon feels that the subdrains designed by Mr. Quinn to address this issue are not sufficient.  Because the basin in quesiton is an infiltration basin, not a detention basin, he feels that short cuts are not allowable.

The sidewalk issues discussed under Item 9 of Mr. MacKinnon’s review have not yet been addressed.

Mr. Frias would like to see Dale’s issues resolved.

Mr. Quinn outlined the Alternatives Analysis for the secondary access road for the Board.  Mr. Quinn stated that none of the Fire Chief points from his letter of 2/23 will affect the current version of the site plan.  The Board will phrase a condition to meet all applicable fire code requirements.

Mr. Gelpke noted that the police chief is satisfied with parking, and noted Hudson Light & Power’s desire for indemnification.

There were no questions or comments from public.

Mr. Gelpke pointed out that substantive issues remain that must be resolved between the engineers.  He noted that the final plan is not ready yet.

Mr. MacKinnon noted a request from EarthTech’s traffic report that anything on the applicant’s traffic report should be added to the final plan.

Joan Melillo, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to continue the public hearing for Hillside Retirement Community until March 16, 2004 at 8:00 p.m.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Site Plan Review: 503 River Road
Present: Steve Poole

Mr. Poole presented the plan to the Board.
The plan has been approved by ITC, but not yet signed.

Mr. Gelpke recommended a plan showing the conditions northeast of the site.
Mr. Gelpke would like to create a berm at the southern boundary.  

The Board instructed Mr. Poole to add a locus map and a missing road name.

The Board confirmed that the plan meets conditions required on page 55 of the Zoning By-Laws, except for Condition 5, which has not yet been met.
Any uses requiring special permit should be approved by ZBA.

There were no questions from the public.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to close the public hearing for 10 Bonazzoli Avenue.
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the site plan with the conditions that:
The engineer must add a locus map;
The engineer must show on the plan that run-off must not go onto the road from the snow storage area;
The street name must be indicated as discussed;
The plan will be signed by the Board when these conditions are met to its satisfaction;
An as-built plan must be submitted to the Building Inspector 30 days prior to occupancy, especially with regard to planned grading.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous.


Mr. Poole submitted a Preliminary subdivision plan for Zina Road.

Adjournment      9:30 p.m.