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Planning Board Minutes 01/20/04
The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:    Robert D’Amelio, Peter de Bakker, Richard Gelpke, Rodney Frias and Joan Melillo

7:00 Meeting Convenes

Mr. D’Amelio opened the public meeting.  By voice vote the Board voted unanimously to enter executive session.

7:50 Approval Not Required:     26 Shay Road
Present:     Tom DiPersio Sr.

The Board voted unanimously by voice to leave executive session.  Mr. D’Amelio called 26 Shay Road.

Mr. DiPersio presented the ANR to the Board.  Mr. Case is selling lots A & B, and Adam Smith is buying all the property. He wants to subdivide and sell Lot A with Cases’ house and to add Lot B to his own property.

Mr. de Bakker confirmed that the submission met all the requirements for approval of an ANR per the Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land, Hudson Planning Board.  

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved that approval is not required for the subdivision of 26 Shay Road based on plans Titled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA,” dated December 22, 2003 with no revisions, drawn by Thomas DiPersio, Sr. of Thomas Land Surveyors and prepared for Adam Smith of 26 Shay Road, and to authorize the agent to sign said plans.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

7:30     Definitive Subdivision Plan Review: Chestnut Hill Estates      
Present:     Jonathan Markey, Foresite Engineering
                  Scott Hayes, Foresite Engineering

The Board is in receipt of a set of plans submitted today, titled “Chestnut Hill Estates, Definitive Subdivision,” drawn by Foresite Engineering, dated August 25, 2003, and revised on December 5, 2003 and January 8, 2004.  Submitted today with the plans were a letter dated January 12, 2004 and written by Jonathan Markey of Foresite Engineering Associates, Inc., regarding the Chestnut Hill Estates Proposed Definitive Subdivision Plan on Chestnut Street.  The Board is in receipt of memos from DPW and Dale MacKinnon referencing this project.

Mr. Markey explained that a water line is planned from Chestnut Street all the way into the subdivision.  Mr. Hayes asked if the Board could approve the plans with a condition requiring that Foresite Engineering provide a water plan acceptable to the public works department.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that is such a condition were place, it would include the stipulation that the Department of Public Works must review and approve the water line plan prior to the start of any construction.  Mr. Hayes agreed with Mr. D’Amelio that there is a chance that the plan will revert to wells due to difficulties with the water line.

Mr. Markey stated that sheet 6 of the plans had been revised per Mr. MacKinnon’s comments on the soil cut and driveway locations.  There will be additional planting between the Underwood’s property.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that the underplanting must be staked and approved prior to planting.

Mr. Markey stated that further revisions to sheet 6 include the removal of 80 feet of stone wall, which shall then be rebuilt within the ROW.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that Chestnut Street would be videoed to show existing conditions prior to the start of construction.

The Board discussed conditions for approval.

Mr. Frias noted that Mr. Malloy has been very diligent and cooperative with the Planning Board.  Mr. D’Amelio agreed and noted that each comment from the Board and its consultant had been worked on. Mr. de Bakker feels that the end result is that the Board and the developer have devised a better subdivision project for all involved.  Mr. D’Amelio believes that the subdivision will be very nice once it’s built and has three years, or so, to settle in.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Richard Gelpke, moved to approve the Chestnut Hill Estates definitive plan, with conditions as drawn by Jonathan Markey of Foresite Engineering, titled “Chestnut Hill Estates, Definitive Subdivision,” dated August 25, 2003, revised December 5, 2003 and January 8, 2004, and consisting of ten sheets.

Mr. de Bakker withdrew the motion after it was determined through discussion of the motion that the mylars have not yet been drawn or submitted.

The plans will be approved and signed at 7:45 p.m. at the February 3, 2004 meeting.

7:45     Site Plan Review:    Hillside Retirement Community
Present:     Tom McCarthy, Southborough Ventures
                  Kevin Quinn, Quinn Engineering
                  George Gustafson
                  Donald Garcia, Economic Development Commission
                  David Rykbost, Dave’s Landscaping              
Mr. D’Amelio explained that the Board’s policy is to not review site plans that have not been approved by the Internal Traffic Committee (ITC).  However, based on the size of the Hillside project, the Board begins its review tonight, in an attempt to expedite what may be a long approval process.  The Board will not sign the site plan prior to the plan being signed by the ITC.  Mr. D’Amelio expressed the Board’s concern with the density of the project.  The Board will ask that an independent engineer review the plans.  Mr. MacKinnon expressed his preference to have one month to perform the review. Mr. D’Amelio requested a $5,000 deposit from the developer to be put towards peer review.

Mr. Wood noted that Fire, DPW and Inspections have met individually with the applicant to hasten the review.

Mr. Esteves will report back to the Conservation Commission as to the peer review being performed by the Board, in order to see if the Conservation Commission’s review needs are met by the review to be performed by the Board.

Mr. McCarthy presented the project to the Board, and provided a brief, general overview.  Approximately 3 acres of land are to be deeded to the Town for expansion of the Forestvale Cemetery.  Another portion will be given as a Conservation easement, with walking trails. Unsuitable arsenic material will be capped in accordance with a Phase IV plan as submitted to the Commission.  The affected parcel eventually will be deeded to a separate entity.  The major, residential parcel is approximately 31 acres housing 196 residential units grouped in groups of two, four, and six.  Tennis courts, a putting green, a swimming pool, and a gym are planned.  The main entrance will be from Technology Drive, with a secondary access for emergency services off of Wheeler Road.  The pitch of Wheeler Road has been modified from an 11% grade to a 9.9% grade.  The dark green areas on the developer’s plan are forested, and the light green areas are grassed.  On the parcel there are 10 acres of open space.  The developer will donate $100,000 to the Town for open space concerns.  Mr. McCarthy estimates that the project will eventually generate perhaps $650,000 in annual taxes.  All the roads in the project are private ways, to be maintained privately.  The units will be sprinkled. Sewage will be connected off Broad Street, and water will come from Technology Drive and Broad Street.  The project has four phases, and the developer believes it will take four years for it to sell out.

Mr. D’Amelio and Mr. Wood noted that the developer would need to contribute some moneys for inspections of the project, as Mr. Wood explained that inspections for this project alone would exceed his entire annual budget.

Garcia reported that the project was seen favorably at Town Meeting, and is supported by the Economic Development Commission.
Dave Rykbost approves of the project.

Dave Esteves is concerned as to future responsibility of the parcel with capped lagoons once it is deeded away from developer.  Mr. McCarthy reported that the Town would not ever own the parcel.  This point was stipulated as part of his agreement with the Selectmen.  According to the plan, at some point after clean up is completed, the land will be deeded to another party, perhaps a nonprofit.  An endowment for annual mowing will be provided.  Mr. Esteves agreed that this is a solution, but still has reservations about this plan, and worries that Town will be left with this parcel.  Mr. D’Amelio agreed to go to the Selectmen to discuss this issue.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to continue the public hearing until 7:00 p.m. on February 17, 2004.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.

7:30    Site Plan Review:     469 River Road (Continuing)
Present:      Dave Zanca, Zanca Land Surveyors

Mr. Gelpke recused himself, due to a personal conflict of interest.

Mr. Rykbost explained that he hopes to add additional parking in the front of the building for a total of 53 spaces on the site.  There will be eighteen spaces in front, where there were originally four.  The six stacked spaces on the plan will be for an automotive tenant once a special permit is obtained.  These front parking spaces do not affect previously approved underground drainage.

Mr. D’Amelio requested that Ms. Simpson notify the immediate abutters of the property, who are not present, as they have attended other public hearings relative to this project, and he feels their absence indicates they may not have received notification.  Mr. Rykbost signed an affidavit, so canceled certified mail receipts are not available.  Mr. Rykbost will provide contact information for Ms. Simpson.

Mr. Rykbost presented three estimates for completion of the work on the project, and explained his desire to take out a bond against the completion of the project by July 4, 2004.  

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to continue the public hearing until 7:30 on February 3, 2004.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.


Affordable Interiors Bond approval
The Board is in receipt of a request for bond approval from Cutler Associates.  They have retained a bond for the remainder of the work on the project to enable them to put off doing the topcoat until spring.

Ms. Simpson will send a letter to Cutler Associates indicating that the Board can not approve the request at this time.  The Board will invite Cutler Associates to resubmit the request to include discussion of parking lot striping, area information (such as square footage or tonnage), and a signed quote from a paving contractor.

Adjournment      10:15 p.m.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Peter de Bakker, moved to adjourn.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.