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Planning Board Minutes 09/02/03
The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30p.m., Robert D’Amelio, Chairman, called the meeting to order.
Members Present:
Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias, Joan Melillo, Peter DeBakker, and Richard Gelpke

7:30    Administration
The Board will send a letter to Mr. Ansari of Ansari Builders notifying him that the Board has tabled the bond revocation motion for Falls Brook until the 9/16 meeting, as the Board has seen some movement since the last meeting.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the minutes of
July 15, 2003
Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Joan Melillo, seconded by Robert D’Amelio, moved to approve the minutes of August 19, 2003
Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

The Board signed Bond Release Form J for the following developers/projects:
Doe Builders/Cold Spring Lane
Resource Recycling Center (308 Central Street)/Thomas Rando
Bedford Builders/Revolutionary Ridge

7:45    Discussion:     Pheasant Trail
        Present:        Richard Beaton, Hayes Development
                        Bob LaBossiere, DPW
                        Anthony Albertini, 299 Brigham Street

Mr. LaBossiere explained that the DPW did not issue a Street Opening permit for Pheasant Trail as it felt that this issue was covered by the approved plans.
The sidewalk is in place though it has not been approved. Mr. LaBossiere referenced a 9/18/00 letter from the DPW to Hayes Development relative to work needed on said sidewalks.

Mr. D’Amelio pointed out that Hayes Development is responsible, as the current owner, for the complying with any permits issued to the previous owner.  He noted that some of the permits issued for the site were taken out by Hayes Development.

Mr. LaBossiere informed the Board that within the subdivision crowns are not identifiable, and that the road patches are nice, but other alligator cracking remains and is unacceptable. Mr. D’Amelio noted that he understood the current berm was to be temporary, and will leave it to the DPW as to whether the berm should remain, as is.  Mr. LaBossiere pointed out that there is a strong likelihood that replacement of certain areas of the berm will be necessary, and that the replacement of one stretch of the berm that includes all areas needing repairs would be the DPW’s requirement for repair.

Mr. Beaton informed the Board that the owner of the subdivision is out of town and would review all current issues when he returns.  Mr. Beaton stated that one lot remains to be built and two are in process.

Mr. Albertini asked the Board to clarify whether he could expect Brigham Street to be repaired before winter.  Mr. D’Amelio stated that the Board strongly hoped this would be the case, but that approval is largely in the hands of the DPW.

Mr. LaBossiere confirmed for Mr. Gelpke that the overlay on Brigham Street required to complete the subdivision would be a three to five-year fix until the Town does more extensive longer-term repairs on the road.

Mr. LaBossiere and Mr. Hayes will return for the September 16 meeting at 7:45.  The Board will send a letter reminding them of this date.

Discussion:     Falls Brook
Present:        Farooq Ansari, Ansari Builders

The Chairman allowed this item to be added to the agenda.
Mr. Ansari described his tribulations pursuant to getting the road paved at the Falls Brook development.
Mr. D’Amelio informed Mr. Ansari that he would receive no further permits from Mr. Wood until the issues the Board outlined previously have been resolved.

Mr. Ansari asked the Board to be reasonable.  He would like to pave the entire cul de sac up through Ripples Lane, by November 15, 2003

The Board decided to give Ansari Builders until November 3, 2003 to complete the work required by the Planning Board.

8:35     Adjournment

Rodney Frias, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to adjourn.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous.