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Planning Board Minutes 08/19/2003
Minutes of Meeting—August 19, 2003

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30p.m., Robert D’Amelio, Chairman, called the meeting to order.

Members Present: Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias,  and Joan Melillo
Members Absent: Peter de Bakker and Richard Gelpke
7:30    Discussion                                         4 Bonazzoli Avenue
        Present: Mark Piermarini, Hamwey Engineering

Mr. D’Amelio moved this 7:45 agenda item up to 7:30.  The request before the Board is for a site plan waiver for proposed revisions to a retaining wall in the approved site plan.

Mr. D’Amelio questioned whether there would be supervision during construction.  Mr. Piermarini informed him that Yankee Engineering was overseeing the project.

Mr. D’Amelio reminded Mr. Piermarini that the applicant must submit a stamped, as-built site plan, with a narrative, thirty (30) days prior to the date on which they hope to be granted an occupancy permit from the Building Inspector.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the August 6, 2003 site plan revision shown on a plan entitled “Details Plan, Affordable Interiors Systems,” dated June 5, 2002, drawn by Hamwey Engineering, Inc., with revisions on July 29, 2002, August 29, 2002, September 5, 2002, June 9, 2003, and August 6, 2003.

Vote: 3-0-0

7:45    Discussion                                        Dave’s Landscaping
        Present was:    Dave Rykbost, Dave’s Landscaping

Mr. Rykbost requested that the Board allow a revision of the approved site plan to allow for subsurface retention instead of a retention pond.  He presented calculations produced by Steven Poole, PE  

Mr. D’Amelio asked Mr. Rykbost to forward the calculations to the DPW for confirmation.

Mr. D’Amelio reminded Mr. Rykbost that an applicant must submit a stamped, as-built site plan, with a narrative, thirty (30) days prior to the date on which they hope to be granted an occupancy permit from the Building Inspector.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the revision to the plan titled “Erosion Control Plan for Proposed Commercial Building, 496 River Road,” dated November 19, 2002, prepared by Consolidated Design Group Inc., and that the agent be authorized to sign the plan after receiving a confirmation letter from the Department of Public Works.

Vote: 3-0-0

7:55 Administration

The Board is in receipt of 3 memos from the DPW making various recommendations for the release of bonds for Cold Spring Lane, 308 Central Street, and Revolutionary Ridge.

Mr. D’Amelio read an itemized report from DPW listing those items remaining to be finished at Revolutionary Ridge and the estimated sums of money necessary to complete each item, which total $49, 076.00.  Mr. D’Amelio noted the memos from DPW indicated work was complete at both Cold Spring Lane and 308 Central Street.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to reduce the bond on Revolutionary Ridge to a balance for $49, 076.00.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.

Joan Melillo, seconded by Robert D’Amelio, moved to release all remaining bond money for Cold Spring Lane.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to release all the remaining bond money on 308 Central Street.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.

The Board set a date of October 21, 2003 for discussion of adoption, at the November, 2003 Special Town Meeting of the following streets:

Revolutionary Ridge (Patriot Lane, at 7:45 P.M.)
Clare Circle (8:00 P.M.)
Green Meadow Lane (8:15 P.M.)

The Board informed the developers that they would be responsible for any necessary advertising, as well as communicating with the DPW pursuant to obtaining a letter of support for the street acceptance from the DPW.

8:00 Discussion                                                        Pheasant Trail
Present: Tony Albertini, Brigham Street

Mr. Albertini expressed his concern with progress at Pheasant Trail and the condition of Brigham Street.  Mr. D’Amelio read a chronological list of the Board’s actions relative to the subdivision, commencing with the original approval in 1997 and culminating with the request for an extension on August 14, 2003, which was denied.  At that time, the Board told the developer that the subdivision must be complete by November 4, 2003.

Mr. Albertini specified that his concern was not necessarily with the interior of the subdivision, but rather with the deplorable condition of Brigham Street as a result of the subdivision’s construction, and with the developer’s statements that he is not responsible for street damages.  Mr. D’Amelio informed him that the developer’s application for a street opening addressed the issue of the condition of the existing street.

The Board will request that the developer and a representative of the DPW appear at the September 2, 2003 meeting for an update.

8:15    Discussion                                                      Falls Brook
Present:        Linda Ghiloni, Recreation Director
                Farooq Ansari, Ansari Builders

Ms. Ghiloni informed the Board that the abutters to the Town property at Falls Brook have landscaped their property such that the Town way is no longer discernible.  She stated that the boundaries must to be clearly marked to avoid confusing the property owners or the public.  Wooden stakes placed during the winter have disappeared.

Mr. Ansari informed the Board that stone bounds have been ordered, and that street light poles have just arrived.  He stated that sidewalks would be installed this week and that the paving company (Brox) would be told the streets must be paved before the end of August.

Mr. D’Amelio reminded Mr. Ansari that, according to the plan, stone bounds are to be placed at the front of the property, and metal pegs at the rear.

The Board asked Mr. Ansari to appear at the September 2, 2003 meeting to provide a progress report.

8:30                                                                                  Minutes

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2003 meeting, as amended.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.

8:35                                                                         Adjournment

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to adjourn.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.