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Planning Board Minutes 08/05/2003
Minutes of Meeting—August 5, 2003

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30p.m., Robert D’Amelio, Chairman, called the meeting to order.

Members present were: Robert D’Amelio, Rodney Frias,  and Joan Melillo
Member absent was: Peter de Bakker and Richard Gelpke
7:30                                                                       Administration
        Present was:            Richard Beaton, Hayes Development

The Board elected to approve the minutes from July 15 at the next meeting.

The Board is in receipt of a letter from Mr. Rando requesting the release of his bond for a stump dump he no longer owns.  The Board will send a memo to the Department of Public Works (DPW) and request a final inspection of the property for the purpose of releasing the bond.

The Board is in receipt of a letter from Richard Beaton of Hayes Development asking for an extension of their September 18, 2003 completion deadline for Pheasant Trail.

The Board asked that copies of the letters sent on March 27, 2003, and July 17, 2002, as well as the original order of conditions for Revolutionary Ridge, Be sent to Mr. Beaton and to Robert LaBossiere of the DPW.

Mr. D’Amelio stated that the project could be feasibly completed by September 18th, but that he would agree to an extension until November 1, 2003.

Mr. Guy confirmed that there is still one house to build on Brigham Street.

Mr. D’Amelio pointed out that if Hayes Development were to fall out of compliance with the order of conditions for Revolutionary Ridge, then  the Building Inspector would have the authority to halt inspections until Hayes Development was in compliance again.

Mr. D’Amelio read a letter from the Building Inspector to the Board regarding these regulations from the building code.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to extend the certification of approval of Pheasant Trail until the first meeting in November.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

The Board is in receipt of a letter from DOE Builders asking for the release of their bond for Cold Spring Lane.

The Board will send a memo to the DPW asking for a final inspection and report by August 15, 2003, for the purpose releasing the bond for Cold Spring Lane.

7:45 Discussion                                            4 Bonazzoli Avenue
        Present were:           Mark Piermarini, Hamwey Engineering
                                John Raposo, Cutler Associates

Mr. D’Amelio expressed concern over some of the points raised in the report from William McGrath of EarthTech.  He asked Mr. Piermarini to revise the plan that Hamwey originally submitted with regard to the newly proposed riprap slope, and to return the revised plan to the Land Use Coordinator for discussion at 7:45 at the August 19, 2003 meeting.

8:00 Hearing                                               51 Parmenter Road:
        Present was:    Donald Garcia, Boyd Coatings

*Site Plan Review
Mr. Garcia presented the plan to the Board.  He explained that the Internal Traffic Committee has signed the plan for additional parking, with the exception of the DPW.

Mr. Garcia stated that Mr. Marques, director of the DPW will sign the plan when two issues have been addressed to his satisfaction:

The current septic plan, which is designed for 74 employees must be updated to provide for 100 employees (the number indicated by the plan for additional parking).

The engineer must explain why the site plan uses a 10-year storm plan for run off instead of a 25-year storm plan.

Mr. Garcia requested that the Board deliberate with the condition that the Board will not sign the plan until the required DPW signature has been obtained.

Mr. D’Amelio noted that Mr. Marques’ comments to him during a conversation prior to the meeting concur with Mr. Garcia’s assertions.

Mr. Garcia confirmed for Mr. Frias that neighbors would not be affected by the proposed lighting for the new parking.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to close the hearing.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Rodney Frias, moved to approve the proposed for additional parking at 51 Parmenter Road, dated July 17, 2003, drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors, and to authorize the agent to sign after the original plan has been signed by an authorized  representative of the Department of Public Works.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

8:30    Adjournment

At 8:30, Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Joan Melillo, moved to adjourn.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous.