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Planning Board Minutes 05/06/2003
Minutes of Meeting—May 6, 2003
A meeting of the Hudson Planning Board was held in the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  At 7:30p.m., Robert D’Amelio, Chairman, called the meeting to order.
Present were:   Robert D’Amelio, Richard Gelpke, Peter de Bakker, Joan Melillo, and Rodney Frias

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, made a motion to approve the Minutes of the April 15, 2003 meeting as corrected.
Vote:      4-0-1 with Peter de Bakker abstaining

Chestnut Hills Estates.
Present was:         Scott Hayes, Foresite Engineering
                Paul Malloy

Mr. Hayes reviewed the updated plans with the Board.  He has increased the road grade to 10%.  This dramatically reduced the cut and there will now only be about 20, 000 yards of fill removed from the site.  The applicant will be asking for a waiver for the 10% road grade.  The Board agreed that for 4-5 houses it should not be a problem.  The Board is happy that the amount of fill to be removed has decreased.

Mr. Hayes also indicated that they are proposing a 50-foot no-disturb area along the  Underwood’s property line.  This will include the stone wall.

Board would still like the ANR lot to empty onto the new road..  Mr. Hayes expressed concern that the by-right lot would be encumbered in the subdivision.  The Board said that they may be willing to grant temporary access onto Chestnut Street, but ultimately will want the driveway access on the new cul-de-sac.

The Board asked for road cross sections at the definitive stage.  Mr. Gelpke asked what the applicant plans to do with the ridge on the Kane/Perkins side of the property.  Mr. Hayes stated that they would like to remove it, but that will require cooperation from the abutter.  Finally, Mr. Hayes stated that he intends to comply fully with subdivision control except for the road grade.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Peter de Bakker, made a motion to close the public hearing for the subdivision entitled Chestnut Hills Estates.
Vote:      5-0-0 unanimous

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Robert D’Amelio, made a motion to approve the preliminary plan entitled Chestnut Hills Estates as drawn by Foresite Engineering of Stow, MA and dated January 15, 2003, last revised April 25, 2003.
Vote:      5-0-0 unanimous

ANR/Blaine Street.
Present was:         Dave Zanca, Zanca land Surveyors
Mr. Zanca reviewed the plans with the Board.  This property was presented to the Planning Board last year however, the ANR plan was never recorded.  Now they want to slightly change the lot lines.

The Board sees no issue with the plan.

Peter de Bakker, seconded by Richard Gelpke, made a motion to accept the ANR Plan for Blaine Street entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA” owned by Donald S. & Diane L. Gooligian as drawn by Zanca Land Surveyors in Stow, MA and dated April 23, 2003 and authorize the Agent to sign.
Vote:      5-0-0 unanimous
Falls Brook.
Present was:         Farooq Ansari
The Board asked Mr. Ansari how progress was with the Falls Brook subdivision.  The work is progressing.  The Board feels that the July 1, 2003 deadline is meetable.  The Board wants to see Mr. Ansari again at the first meeting in June.  At that time, the Board will have a clearer picture of the progress.

ANR/Old Stow Road & Zina Road.
Present was:         Tom Dipersio
Mr. DiPersio presented the plan to the Board.  The plan breaks off a piece of cemetery land for development.  He will be back at a later date to break up the lots.

The Board sees no issue with the plan.

Richard Gelpke, seconded by Joan Melillo, made a motion to accept the ANR Plan for Zina and Old Stow Roads entitled “Plan of Land in Hudson, MA” owned by Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors in Hudson, MA and dated May 6, 2003 and authorize the Agent the sign.
Vote:      5-0-0 unanimous
At 8:50p.m., Rodney Frias, seconded by Richard Gelpke, made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Vote:   5-0-0 Unanimous
cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner
Antonio Loura, Selectman
Manny Resendes, Selectman