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Park Commission Minutes 12/27/2018
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Thursday, December 27, 2018
Town Hall- Selectmen’s Room at 8:00am

1. Call Meeting to Order:
Mr. Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:11am.  Members present were Mr. Bowen, Mr. Chaves.  Also present, Mr. Santos.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – November 29, 2018
Mr. Chaves motioned to accept minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote: 2 - 0, in favor
B. Public Session – December 14, 2018
Mr. Bowen motioned to accept minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Chaves and carried…
Vote: 2 - 0, in favor

3. Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. None

4. Personnel:
A. None

5. Director’s Report:
A. FY20 Budget Update
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that their request for $150,000.00 for a new playground at Wood Park did not make it onto the FY20 Capital Plan and rather it was suggested that the Park Commission seek alternative funding through the Community Preservation Committee to complete this project.

6. New Business:
A. Park Commission to consider request from Hudson Youth Football & Cheerleading to build a permanent video platform along sideline of Upper Sauta Field.
Mr. Libby of HYF&C, stated that the organization was looking to build and install a permanent video platform at Upper Sauta Field (brook side) to videotape games as part of their subscription to Huddle, where coaches and players can review film of past games and future opponents.  He stated that currently they are videotaping off the back of the pickup truck, which is not ideal. The proposed platform designed and to be installed by Brett Jackson, would be 6ft high and would be built as cost effectively as possible.
Mr. Chaves acknowledged the fact that the videotaping is a benefit to the program and the kids involved.  He recommended that the plans, location, etc be reviewed by the Building Inspector, Conservation Commission (due to nearby wetlands) and DPW prior to making any decisions on whether or not to proceed.  Mr. Chaves stated further that the structure should be designed with safety as its number one priority, building it in a way that does not promote climbing and adding appropriate signage where needed.
Mr. Bowen stated that DPW would need to vet this request to ensure the location does not interfere with any current or future maintenance.
Mr. Santos stated that structure safety is essential and a plan needs to be put in place to ensure it does not become a climbing structure for kids.  Mr. Santos asked Mr. Libby if videotaping games was a league requirement.  Mr. Libby stated that at this time, the league does not require it.
Mr. Chaves suggested that HYF&C have a conversation with Hudson Youth Soccer to see if they have any interest or need for a structure of this type and if so, potentially partner with them to complete the project.
Mr. Bowen suggested the HYF&C work with Mr. Santos to have this proposal reviewed by the Building Inspector, Conservation Commission and DPW and once reviewed to return the Park Commission so seek a final determination.
Mr. Santos stated that he had some alternative design ideas that he would be suggesting to HYF&C related to this proposal in the coming weeks.

…At approximately 9:00am Mr. Wood joined the meeting

7. Old Business:
A. Centennial Beach Renovation Project Update
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the public input session organized in conjunction with Weston & Sampson, held on December 12, 2018 went well.  And that despite the somewhat short notice announcing the meeting there were approximately twenty residents present who shared their thoughts and ideas on the project.  Mr. Santos stated that he and his staff were working on adding a designated project page to the Hudson Recreation website that would serve as the main hub for project information, updates and meeting announcements, including details on the project history.  Mr. Santos stated further that once completed he would be sending this webpage link to various Town boards and committees, would the link to everyone through RecDesk and would most likely also send out a mailer to Hudson residents who purchased beach season parking passes in 2018. Mr. Santos then confirmed that the Park Commission would be meeting on January 9th at 7:30 pm, to solicit input from the general public related to this project. Lastly, Mr. Santos stated that an application for project funding would be submitted on January 4th to CPC; that the funding request would be reviewed at the January 10th CPC meeting; and that after the January 9th Park Commission meeting the project design planning would shift to the Centennial Beach Renovation Project Building Committee consisting of Mr. Chaves (Park Commissioner), Mr. Ryder (DPW Director) and Mr. Santos (Director of Recreation).

8. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. None  
Mr. Chaves motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:55am, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried...  
Vote: 3 - 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Bowen               
Second:         Mr. Chaves
Vote:                   2 – 0, in favor
Date:                   January 9, 2019