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Park Commission Minutes 03/01/2017
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 8:00am

1. Call Meeting to Order:               
Mr. Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:06am.  Members present were Mr. Bowen and Mr. Wood.  Also present, Mr. Santos and Mr. Hannon.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – January 24, 2017
Mr. Bowen motioned to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0, in favor

3. Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. Park Commission to consider Application for Use of Town Property – Hudson    Rotary Easter Egg Hunt at Wood Park on April 9, 2017
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission the he had received an email from a member of the Hudson Rotary Club on the evening of February 28, 2017 stating that the Rotary had decided withdraw its request for use of Wood Park on April 9th.  There was no further discussion.

4. Personnel:
A. None

5. Director’s Report:
A. May Town Meeting Warrant
Mr. Santos confirmed that the Park Commission had received a copy of the May Town Meeting Warrant draft.

B. Wood Park & Tripp’s Pond Future Shoreline Rehabilitation
Mr. Santos reviewed the estimate and proposal from Crawford Land Management (received through the Hudson conservation agent) related to removing invasive plants, replanting and implementing a long term plant management program along the shorelines of Wood Park and around Tripps Pond.  Mr. Santos stated that this project was in the exploratory phase and that he would be meeting with the conservation agent to further discuss the proposal and its benefits to the Town of Hudson.  Mr. Santos expressed to the commissioners that this project would need to be more closely examined in the future along with potential funding sources, should the commission decide to move forward. Mr. Wood and Mr. Bowen both expressed some initial reservations with this project based on the estimated cost compared to other known future projects and capital plan items that may be of greater priority.

C. Potential Renovation of small structure at Warren Chamberlain Recreation Facility and Tree Removal Update
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the pine trees located adjacent to the Deck Hockey rink (directly behind the trailer owned by Hudson Youth Deck Hockey program) had been removed and that the Youth Deck Hockey program is hoping to rehab a small storage structure on site to be used as a future concession stand (project to be coordinated in conjunction with the DPW and the Executive Assistant).

D. Tripp’s Pond Dredging Update
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the Conservation Commission utilized some mitigation funds they had received from Benderson Development (Highland Commons) to perform a study on Tripps Pond. VHB, the consultants who performed the study presented to the Board of Selectmen on Monday, February 27, 2017.  Mr. Santos briefly reviewed what had been discussed at the Selectmen’s meeting and suggested that the commissioners review the meeting (via HudTV) to gain full knowledge of what was presented.  Mr. Santos stated the study did provide an estimate for dredging the pond however; various alternative options such as removing the dam completely were discussed.  Mr. Santos stated that the Pond and surrounding Park (Lamson) were under the ownership of the Park Commission/DPW and that he would contact the Conservation Commission to request a meeting with VHB, DPW and the Park Commission in the coming months to review all options.  Mr. Santos also informed the Park Commission that the Board of Selectmen did make a formal request for the opinion of the Park Commission on this matter.

6. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. Email from Town Clerk requesting that the Park Commission appoint a member to serve on the Community Preservation Committee.
Note: Mr. Wood served the prior term that expired on December 31, 2016
Passed over until next meeting

7. Old Business:
A. Public Art Policy Update
The Park Commission reviewed the Town of Hudson Public Art Policies, the Public Art Proposal Work-Flow and the Park Commission Public Art Policies (all in draft formats).  Mr. Santos stated that all policies had been submitted to the Executive Assistant for review and comments.  Mr. Santos requested that the Park Commission comment specifically on the draft Park Commission Public Art Policies and suggest changes or vote to approve them as written subject to final review by Town Counsel. Mr. Wood stated that he felt the policies as written would give the Park Commission a solid foundation to use when considering public art.  Mr. Bowen stated that he agreed with Mr. Wood’s comment and was pleased with the policies.  Mr. Wood made a motion to approve the Park Commission Public Art Policies as written, subject to review by both the Executive Assistant and Town Counsel.  Seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0, in favor
Mr. Santos asked the Park Commission to consider making a final determination (based on the public art policies before them) related to the pending public art proposal (LaFleur sculpture), which had been previously presented to the Park Commission and discussed on two separate occasions over the last year.
Mr. Bowen made a motion to deny the proposal received from Mr. LaFleur to display a sculpture on town land owned/operated by the Park Commission, originally reviewed by the Park Commission on February 9, 2016. Seconded by Mr. Wood and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0, in favor
Mr. Wood requested that the Director of Recreation send a letter to Mr. LaFleur to notify him of their decision, along with a copy of the drafted Park Commission Public Art Policies.  Mr. Santos stated that he would further indicate to Mr. LaFleur that his proposal had been denied for permanent installation because it was unsolicited and did not significantly demonstrate a strong link to the community, its history, culture and/or highlight Hudson’s natural features and characteristics that make Hudson unique. Furthermore, that consideration for temporary installation was denied because currently no such temporary public art programs exist. Both Mr. Wood and Mr. Bowen suggested that Mr. LaFleur be notified in the future if and when a Temporary Public Art Program is created so that he may have the opportunity to submit a proposal at that time.

B. Facility Fees Schedule Update
Mr. Santos stated that he and his staff were finalizing the updates to the facility fees and field reservation guidelines, to be presented at the next Park Commission Meeting.

C. Memorial Bench Donation Requests
Mr. Santos stated that additional benches along the rail trail and within other parks in town may be beneficial.  However at this time, no specific plans or bench donation programs had yet been established.  Mr. Santos stated that he and his staff would continue to work towards establishing a bench donation program or process to potentially accept requests for benches that may come before the Park Commission. Mr. Wood made a motion to temporarily deny any bench donation requests for placement on town land owned/operated by the Park Commission until a proper program is in place.  Seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0, in favor
Mr. Wood requested that the Director of Recreation notify those who had recently requested the placement of a bench (via a purchase/donation); that their request would be put on hold, only to be considered when a bench donation program or similar process are in place.

8. New Business:
A. None

9. Adjournment:
Mr. Bowen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 am seconded by Mr. Wood and carried...  
Vote: 2 – 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Wood
Second:         Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   2-0-1, in favor
Date:                   March 22, 2017