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Park Commission Minutes 08/10/2016
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 8:00am

1. Call Meeting to Order:               
Mr. Scafidi called the meeting to order at 8:02am.  Members present were Mr. Scafidi, Mr. Wood and Mr. Bowen. Also present, Mr. Santos and Mr. Hannon.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – June 9, 2016
Mr. Bowen motioned to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried…
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

3. Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. HHS Boosters – Permeant Field Signage at HHS
Park Commission reviewed proposed signage and locations.  Mr. Bowen motioned to accept the signs with the addition of the following text “Home of the”, to be added to the top of the sign. Seconded by Mr. Scafidi and carried…
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

4. Personnel:
A. Full-Time Job Descriptions
Mr. Santos presented the Park Commission with updated proposed job descriptions for full-time employees. Mr. Santos stated that the Town Manager would be working with departments in the near future to streamline and update job descriptions. Once completed, the job descriptions would be presented to the Park Commission for review and approval.

5. Director’s Report:
A. Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that summer program numbers were slightly lower than the previous year but overall it was a successful summer, with programs ending the coming week.
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the Public Art Proposal submitted by Mr. LaFleur had gone before the Board of Selectmen and that the BOS did not take action on the matter but rather asked the Town Manager to create public art policies for the Town of Hudson. Once completed, they would revisit the proposal.

6. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. None

7. Old Business:
A. None

8. New Business:
A. Relocation of Pre-School Playground from Forest Ave to Thomas Kelly Playground (Hubert School).
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that he had been approached by both Hudson CHAPS and Hudson Public Schools about relocating the playground from Forest Ave to the Hubert School.  Originally the playground was purchased, installed and paid for by Hudson Public School, CHAPS and Hudson Recreation.  The new location would benefit both CHAPS and Hudson Public Schools as they enter the 2016-2017 school year.  Moving it would provide an age appropriate structure to the Thomas Kelly Playground area.  Mr. Santos also stated that he would be speaking with a playground designer to finalize all cost associated with this move, as well as investigate options to make this play system more accessible.    
Mr. Bowen motioned to accept the relocation and that future maintenance costs are to be shared among Hudson CHAPS, Hudson Publics Schools and Hudson Recreation. Seconded by Mr. Wood and carried…
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor  

9. Adjournment:
Mr. Scafidi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 am seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried...  
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Wood
Second:         Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   3 – 0, in Favor
Date:                   October 18, 2016