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Park Commission Minutes 10/22/2015
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Thursday, October 22, 2015
Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 8:00 am

1. Call Meeting to Order:               
Mr. Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:03 am.  Members present were Mr. Bowen, Mr. Wood and Mr. Scafidi. Also present, Mr. Santos and Mr. Hannon.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – September 17, 2015
Mr. Wood motioned to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0 – 1, in favor – Mr. Scafidi abstained

3. Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. None.
4. Personnel:
A. Fall/Winter Seasonal Part-Time Employee Recommendations
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that potential employees were still being evaluated for placement.  Mr. Santos expects to have his final list of Fall/Winter part-time employees finalized and ready to be reviewed by the Park Commission, at the next scheduled meeting.

5. Director’s Report:
A. FY17 Budget Review
Mr. Santos presented the FY17 Recreation Budget to the Park Commission, inclusive of the FY17 Seasonal Salary Scale and 5 Year Long Term Capital Project Plan.  Mr. Scafidi motioned to accept the FY17 Seasonal Salary Scale as presented, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried… Vote: 3-0, in favor.  Mr. Scafidi motioned to accept the FY17 Capital Plan Items, to be submitted as part of the overall FY17 Recreation Budget, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried… Vote: 3-0, in favor.  Mr. Scafidi motioned to accept for submission the FY17 Budget and all related documents as presented. Seconded by Mr. Wood and carried… Vote: 3-0, in favor

6. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. Special Municipal Employee Disclosure
Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that Jeffrey Wood Jr., had submitted a Disclosure Form through the Town Clerk in consideration of any future part-time employment with Hudson Recreation.

7. Old Business:
A. Potential relocation of Hudson Recreation Office
Mr. Santos informed that Park Commission that Hudson Recreation and Building/Board of Health Departments would most likely swap office spaces in mid-December.

8. New Business:
A. None

9. Adjournment:
Mr. Scafidi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 am, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried...  
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Scafidi
Second:         Mr. Wood
Vote:                   3 – 0, in favor
Date:                   November 25, 2015