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Park Commission Minutes 02/25/2015
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 8:00am

1. Call Meeting to Order:               
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 8:01 am.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Scafidi, and Mr. Bowen.  Also present, Mr. Santos.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – January 12, 2015
Mr. Scafidi motioned to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote: 2 – 0 – 1 in favor. Mr. Redding abstained

3. Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. None
4. Personnel:
A. Interviews for Assistant Director Position
Note: Park Commission skipped over Agenda Item #4 Personnel and discussed items #5 – 8 on the agenda, prior to conducting interviews for the Assistant Director of Recreation vacancy.  
Interviews were held for the Assistant Director of Recreation Position.  The Park Commission interviewed 5 finalists, starting at 8:30 am.  The five finalists had been brought forward and presented to the Park Commission by way of a screening committee, as outlined in the hiring process. The five finalists interviewed were: Brian Davis, Adam Gonyea, Daniel Hannon, Kerry Gervais and Joshua Aponte.  Mr. Redding welcomed all candidates individually and informed them that if they were to move on, they would need to complete a CORI check and also follow Town Personnel pre-employment regulations, which may include a physical and other testing.  Interviews lasted approximately 30-40 minutes per candidate and all candidates were asked the same questions, in the same order by Mr. Santos. Immediately following the interviews, the Park Commission and Mr. Santos discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.  Mr. Bowen motioned to offer the position to Kerry Gervais and if accepted, recommend to the BOS that she be appointed at their next scheduled meeting (starting salary M6, Step1); if Mrs. Gervais does not accept the position, the job offer be made to Daniel Hannon; and if he does not accept the position, the offer then be made to Joshua Aponte.  Mr. Scafidi seconded the motioned as stated. There was no further discussion…
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor  

5. Director’s Report:
A. Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the basketball programs were winding down and that the following weekend would be the final week (playoffs) for some of the remaining travel basketball teams still playing.
B. Mr. Santos explained the summer programs are currently being planned and that late-winter/spring programs such as Baseball/Softball Clinics, Tennis lessons, Golf lessons would soon be finalized and up and running in the coming months. Mr. Santos also informed the Pak Commission that Hudson Recreation would be participating in the Freedom’s Way, National Heritage Area’s “Hidden Treasures Weekend” on May 16th/17th , 2015 and that he hopes to highlight the Assabet River as Hudson’s hidden treasure.
C. Mr. Santos expressed that he was still working on updating the Facility Use and Rental Fee Schedule.  Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that he did not expect to have this finalized prior to the start of the spring 2015 season and that all procedures and protocol previously used would continue to be utilized, until such time that any updates are approved by the Park Commission.
D. Mr. Santos proposed a draft of S.O.P. #12 to the Park Commission for review.  Mr. Santos created the S.O.P. in order to streamline the process for which Hudson Recreation employs and collaborates with outside vendors who provide programs and services on behalf of Hudson Recreation.  Mr. Santos will continue to work on the draft S.O.P. and present it to the Park Commission once finalized for approval.      

6. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. Future Hudson Dog Park - Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that he had received some communications via email from community members interested in creating a Dog Park in Hudson.  Mr. Santos presented the email correspondence to the Park Commission and informed them that although he had stated in response, via email, for the community members to come to the have a meeting and discuss these matters, no one had reached out to him as of yet.
B.  Impact of Police/DPW Building Feasibility study Warren Chamberlain Recreation Facility - Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that an architect, working on the Police/DPW building feasibility study, had reached out to him and asked some question regarding the facility in general.  Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that the architect wanted to confirm parking spots, general program times and peak times of use, amount of space utilized, etc…  

7. Old Business:
A. Recycle Bins on HHS Athletic Fields - Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that he is working with the School Department staff and HS administrators regarding the potential liabilities to the Town associated with installing recycling containers on athletic fields at HHS, and having students monitor and empty all containers on an ongoing basis. Specifically, Mr. Santos is looking to find out if students who participate in afterschool programs and activities sanctioned by the school, currently sign a waiver of liability as part of their participation.
B. Centennial Beach Project - Mr. Santos informed the Park Commission that he had spoken to Tom DiPersio regarding the work done to date on the Centennial Beach Beautification Project and that Mr. DiPersio had submitted all invoices for such work, to date.  Mr. Santos will be working towards closing out the contract with Thomas DiPersio Jr. & Associates, Inc. in the coming weeks.

8. New Business:
A. Mr. Redding announced that at this time, he was not planning on running for re-election at the end of his term, set to expire in the coming months.
9. Adjournment:
Mr. Redding motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:45 pm, seconded by Mr. Sacfidi and carried...  
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Scafidi
Second:         Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   3 – 0, in favor
Date:                   March 18, 2015