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Park Commission Minutes 11/13/2014
]Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Thursday, November 13, 2014
Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Town Hall at 8:00am

1. Call Meeting to Order:               
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 8:03 am.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Scafidi, and Mr. Bowen.  Also present, Mr. Santos.

2. Minutes to Approve:
A. Public Session – October 28, 2014
Mr. Bowen motioned to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Scafidi and carried…
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups:
A. None
A. Interviews for Director of Recreation Vacancy – Mr. Redding informed the Commission that the Screening Committee had selected three candidates and one alternate, as requested per the hiring guidelines approved by the Park Commission and Town Manager.  Mr. Redding stated that he contacted the three candidates and scheduled interviews to take place as part of the Park Commission meeting on November 13th, 2014. Mr. Redding stated that one of the candidates had emailed him on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at approximately 4:00 pm to withdraw her name and application from the hiring process. Mr. Redding stated that the Park Commission would need to decide if they would like to contact the alternate candidate, selected by the screening committee, to schedule an interview. Mr. Santos then excused himself from the meeting and left the room.  The time was 8:13 am.
- Park Commission interviewed Mr. Brian Davis at 8:15 am and concluded the interview at 8:45 am.
- Park Commission interviewed Mr. Steven Santos at 8:55 am and concluded the interview at 9:25 am.
Immediately following the interviews, the Park Commission discussed whether or not they would be contacting the alternate candidate to schedule an interview.  Mr. Redding stated that he was satisfied with the two candidates that they had interviewed and suggested they not contact the alternate candidate at this time.  Mr. Scafidi and Mr. Bowen also stated the same. Mr. Redding stated that the Park Commission would make their final recommendation on which candidate they will be selecting at the following Park Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, November 17, 2014.
Director’s Report:
A. None

Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
A. None

Old Business:
A. None

New Business:
A. None
Mr. Scafidi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 am, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried...  
Vote: 3 – 0, in favor

Motion to Adopt:                Mr. Scafidi
Second:                 Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   3 -0, in favor
Date:                   November 17, 2014