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Park Commission Minutes 04/04/2014
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Tuesday, April 4, 2014
Recreation Office, Town Hall at 8:00am

1.      Call Meeting to Order:
Mr. Scafidi called the meeting to order at 8:00am.  Member present were Mr. Scafidi, Mr. Bowen and Mr. Redding. Also present were Mr. Santos and Ms. Ghiloni.  

2.      Minutes of Meetings:
a. Public Session – March 4, 2014
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2014 minutes as written, seconded by Mr.  Bowen and carried….
Vote:   2-0 in Favor
        1 abstained – Mr. Redding

3.      Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups
a. Michael Mercuri – Basketball.
Mr. Mercuri was present to discuss the potential for a Youth Basketball organization to mirror that of other youth organizations in town that have value in the community and he wants that organization to focus totally on basketball. He believes it would make the program better, have the ability build up programs, and improve the travel league by developing curriculum for both programs to teach youth and coaches throughout the year.
Ms. Ghiloni asked if his intent was to include both boys and girls and take the program from the Division of Recreation.  Mr. Mercuri stated that it would be for both boys and girls and that the Recreation Department could still be involved, but that maybe more could be done if run by a non-profit to strengthen the basketball programs. Mr. Redding indicated that the use of school buildings (gyms) is one of the reasons that Recreation is still involved and that would need to be a discussion with Hudson Public Schools to see what the access to by a non-profit would entail.  
Mr. Redding suggested exploring options with Hudson Public Schools as a first step. Additionally it was suggested that a member of Hudson Recreation would be a part of the non-profit organization to help in facilitating that piece.  Mr. Mercuri stated that he had parents who would be willing to commit to serving on the organizations.

Mr. Santos will contact HPS Building and Grounds first to discuss this type of possible transition.

4.      Personnel:
a. Summer 2014 – Seasonal – Previously Employed Individuals
Mr. Bowen motioned to approve the recommended previous summer employees, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in Favor

The Director will send the list to the Board of Selectmen for their confirmation.

b. Change in hiring dates and interview schedule for Recreation Assistant position.
The deadline for applications is April 14.  The screening of applications will take place from April 15 to 18 and all commissioners will be given information on a rating system and copies of the applications to come up with a list of a minimum of 6 individuals to interview.  Interviews will be held April 22 to 25 with one Commissioner, the Assistant Director and Summer Program Coordinator who will then make a recommendation to the entire Commission for their April 29, 2014 meeting. Mr. Redding will be the commissioner as part of the interview team.

5.      Director’s Report:
a. The Director suggested that the commissioners would be doing a search again as she is planning to retire.
Mr. Redding motioned to seek advice from Town Counsel regarding that hiring process, seconded by Mr. Scafidi and carried…

Vote 3-0 in Favor

6.      Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
a. Correspondence regarding renaming of Port Street to Portugal Street.
So noted by Commissioners

7.      Old Business:
a. Recreation Cargo Van purchase
Mr. Redding requested a GPS tracking device for the van to have the ability to track its use.  Additionally, it was suggested that a backup camera should be part of the specifications.
8.      Adjournment:
Mr. Scafidi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:11am, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Next scheduled meeting of the Park Commission will be on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 8:00am.

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Redding                                                             
Second:         Mr. Bowen               
Vote:                   3-0 in Favor – April 29, 2014