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Park Commission Minutes 09/17/2013
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Recreation Office, Town Hall at 7:00 pm

1.      Call Meeting to Order:
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.  Member present were Mr. Bowen and Mr. Redding. Also present were Mr. Santos and Ms. Ghiloni.  Mr. Scafidi was absent from the meeting.

2.      Minutes of Meetings:
a. Public Session – July 16, 2013
Mr. Bowen motioned to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2013 minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried….
Vote:   1 in Favor/1 Abstained

3.      Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups
No one in attendance

4.      Personnel:
a. Discussion of potential addition of a Program Coordinator position (3rd full time employee).  The Director indicated that the department has grown to the point that there is a need for an additional full time individual within the agency in order to facilitate program oversight year round, small maintenance jobs that require manual labor by administrators and conducting special events.  Over the past several years it has become evident that the two person office currently operating is becoming ineffective.  In order to move forward and go there needs to be additional full time staff.  The Director and Assistant Director will continue to work on a job description for the position to bring back to the commissioners.

5.      Director’s Report:
a. Text to Tour – Mobile Application – the department recently added a Text to Tour feature that was designed and developed by an outside contractor.  There is a need to correct some of the information in the tour that are minor changes.  Mr. Santos indicated that he wanted to imbed the videos into our website so that individuals do not think that the Tour is our website.  He will be speaking with the contractor as well as RecDesk who hosts our website to merge the tour information.

6.      Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:
None to discuss

7.      Old Business:
a. Cellucci Park – fencing, trash issues.  
1. Fencing – a request from residents through an on-line survey for fencing at Cellucci Park was received in May of 2013 with 82 Hudson respondents.  Mr. Santos did speak briefly with the individual who was instrumental in placing the survey on line to seek information regarding the location of fencing and what she wished to accomplish.  The respondents believe that fencing would make the splash pad area safer for their children due to the steady flow of traffic on South Street and the possibility of a child running into traffic. The Director and Assistant Director have looked at the entire site which is relatively small and discussed fencing options with a fence company. In those discussions although a small wooden guard rail type might help, the installation of fencing is impractical from a safety standpoint and would be a maintenance issue.  There are a number of factors regarding sidewalk plowing, mowing, installation of wood chips for the playground area and what the guard rail would actually accomplish and in what locations. Mr. Redding stated he was concerned with the parking lot and the possibility of a car jumping that curb.  Mr. Santos stated that there is a large granite curb in that area along with wooden bollards which would hopefully stop a vehicle.  Mr. Redding motioned to decline the need for a fence, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   2-0 in Favor

A letter should be sent indicating the Commissioners decision.

1. Trash – Mr. Santos explained that the regular bottles, cans and food bag debris is not the biggest problem, but the other materials that end up in the park on a continual basis.  Televisions, mattresses, slabs of granite, boards and plywood are appearing in the park.  Most of these items where deposited at the two “drop off” containers next to the park.  The Police Department and Building Department has spoken with the owner of the business next door who allowed the containers to be placed in that location which is technically Town property.  Those containers will be removed.  Mr. Redding stated that he would like to have the Town suggest that the owner of the granite facility fence in the front of the property and have Town Council draft a notice regarding the right of way and its use.  The Director will speak with Executive Assistant about this matter.
8.      Adjournment:  

Next meeting scheduled for October 8, 2013

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Redding                                     
Second:         Mr. Bowen       
Vote:                   2-0-1 Mr. Scafidi abstained – October 8, 2013