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Park Commission Minutes 01/7/09
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Tuesday, January 7, 2009
At 7:00 pm in Town Hall Auditorium

1.      Call the Meeting to Order:
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Busch and Mr. Bowen, Mr. Santos and Mrs. Ghiloni.

Also attending the meeting were two Hudson High School Civic Class students, Matt Quinn and Kirby Kojaeashian.

2.      Minutes to Approve:
Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the November 18, 2008 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

3.      Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups:
No one present

4.      Personnel
a.  Mr. Busch motioned to accept the Director’s recommendation of Jamie Scovil $8.25/hour Youth Ref; and Dana Barry $8.25/hour Youth Ref.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

b.  Mr. Bowen motioned to approve the Director’s recommendation to carry over 10 days of vacation from 2008 to 2009, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

5.      Director’s Report
a.  The Director had requested an amendment to the School Department and Recreation Agreement from November 1999, which requires the School Department to allocate $15,000 per year for the upkeep of Forest, Farley, Mulready and JFK outside facilities.  The Director spoke with Mr. Yates and requested that the money also be used for finishing projects that were not completed on outside facilities in the Riverside/Morgan and HHS area.  The School Committee voted to amend the agreement at their November 18, 2008 meeting.  Mr. Redding motioned to accept the amendment to the agreement, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

6.      Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:  
a.  Hudson Climate Control Network letter to the Conservation Commission dropped off by  Janet Silva to Recreation Office requesting a Community Garden.  The letter is seeking town-owned or privately donated land and some service for the operation of the garden.  The Director will respond in writing with suggestions discussed.

Matt Quinn state that he attended the Climate Control Network meeting on Monday evening and suggested that Dick Lawrence or Denise Frizzel be contacted along with the author of the letter to Conservation.

7.      Old Business:
a.  The Director informed the commissioners that the department now had a vehicle to transport equipment and use for Recreation business.

b.  Mr. Redding asked about the use of Intel field.  The Director indicated that soccer had been using this facility since September.  Mr. Redding stated that the area more than likely would remain in the same condition as exists at this time, due to the fact that the development is not likely to continue at the site due to the economy and lack of sales for the current built units.  The Director asked for a letter from the developer indicating this and asked that information be given to Recreation on maintenance of the facility so that other measure can be taken if necessary.

c.  Mr. Redding requested information on Pumpkin Fest.  Mr. Santos indicated he was working on an ice sculptor; wood carver, craft group and battle of the bands.  Mr. Redding suggested the vendors be invited to the Park Commission meeting on February 3rd.

8.      New Business;

The commission asked the HHS students present if they had questions or would like to be apprized of the responsibilities of the Park Commission and Division of Recreation.  Discussion followed by all individuals present.

9.      Adjournment     :
Mr. Redding motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm,, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried..,
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Motion to adopt:        Mr. Busch
Second:         Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   3-0 in Favor – February 3, 2009