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Park Comission Minutes 06/17/08
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Tuesday, June 17, 2008
At 7:00 pm in Town Hall Auditorium

1.  Call the Meeting to Order:

Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Busch, and Mr. Bowen.  Also present were Mr. Santos and Mrs. Ghiloni.

2.  Minutes to Approve:

Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the May 20, 2008 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

3.  Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups: No one present at this time

4.  Personnel

a.  Summer Personnel Recommendations.
Mr. Busch motioned to approve the Director's recommendation of
        Karen Fahey, Tennis Supervisor          $25.00 per hour
        Mallory Masciarelli, Tennis Instructor  $ 9.00 per hour
        Rachel Fahey, Tennis Aide                       $ 8.25 per hour
        Christopher Majoca, Lead Lifeguard/Swim $13.00 per hour
       The motion was seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried….
       Vote:   3-0 in Favor

        The Director will seek confirmation from the Board of Selectmen.

5.  Director's Report

       a.  Centennial Beach Concession Bid
       The Director presented the two bids for Centennial Beach Concessions"
       Vee Bops and More - 30% of gross beach sales and
       Juniper Farms - 56% of gross beach sales.

Mr. Redding motioned to recommend Juniper Farms at 56% of gross beach sales, seconded by Mr.  Bowen and carried…
      Vote:    3-0 in Favor
Page 2 - Park Commission Minutes June 17, 2008

b.  Deckhockey - 90 Cherry Street - Watson Ventures, LLC.

The Director informed the commissioners that she met with Mr. Robert Watson of Watson Ventures, who owns the Encore Rentals building on Cherry Street regarding the field area adjacent to the building.  He is moderately interested in discussing options further and would like to meet with the youth organizations board members to discuss the feasibility of this location.  
Mr. Redding suggested contact the youth groups so that the commissioners could discuss the possibility of this location prior to meeting with Watson Ventures again.  Mr. Santos will set up a mutually convenient time to meet.

6.  Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:  none

7.  Old Business:

a.  Sauta Building.
Mr. Redding questioned where the Sauta Building project was at this point and Mr. Santos informed him that the floor is ready to be poured by DPW who will proceed in the next couple of weeks.

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Busch
Second:         Mr. Bowen
Vote:                   3-0 in Favor July 15, 2008