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Park Commission Minutes 01/15/08
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting
Held on Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Town Hall 7:00pm

1. Call the Meeting to Order:

Mr. Busch called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Members present were Mr. Busch and Mr. Redding.  Also present were Mr. Santos and Mrs. Ghiloni.

2. Minutes to Approve:

Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the December 18, 2007 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…
Vote:   2-0 in Favor

3. Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups:

A. Deckhockey – Matt Evangelous was present to discuss the Park Commissions decision not recommend the renewal of the Revocable License for the Deckhockey program at the Warren Chamberlain Rink.  Mr. Evangelous presented the commissioners with a packet of information on his understanding of the parking lot issues that were addressed last year with the new parking plan, growth of league, non-profit status, percentage of Hudson residents and also two proposals for continuing at the DPW location, and two letters from concerned individuals regarding the continuation of the league.

Also present in support of the program continuing were over 80 parents and children.

The commissioners informed Mr. Evangelous and those present of the safety concerns, not with cars parked in this area, but with the large vehicles that drive in and out of this congested area, such as fire trucks, DPW dump trucks, etc.  The concern is safety of the children in this area.  They also informed those present of the discussion with Mr. Evangelous dating back several years, concerning the program “outgrowing” the facility and in September of 2006 the discussions with the Internal Traffic Committee and their concerns about the location of the program.   The commissioners thought that the management of the rink understood that their conversations and meetings over the last year were clear that a new location would be necessary and that last seasons parking plan (which included use of the lower rink) was only a temporary measure until a new location could be found.

Page 2 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr. Redding informed Mr. Evangelous that he had been warned about the situation at hand and although he had been contacted by many parents and concerned participants, he had not been contacted by Mr. Evangelous since the motion and vote in November.  

Mr. Redding stated he was willing to rescind his vote of November 13th, and bring a motion before the commission to recommend the spring season with a police detail paid by the organization.  He also stated that the town could be more involved in the transition of moving if the organization was a non profit.  He also informed the individuals that use of town property by organizations has a 70% residency rule and if the program was for Hudson residents, maybe there would not have been the overcrowded situation that existed in the past.

Mr. Frias asked why the town had not considered other town land or the land currently under agreement next to the Hudson Elks.  He also asked if other organizations were now going to be required to have police details such as on Chapin Road.

Mr. Cautela of 57 Lincoln St, spoke in favor of leaving the rink in it present location to give the children a place to play and keep them off the streets, but the police detail would be more of a burden.

Mr. Hire stated children just wanted to play, that they would make a non-profit, but they would need more time than the spring season, which was reiterated by Ms. Hamlin who suggested 12 months at a minimum.

Ms. Wagner stated that Mr. Evangelous dropped the ball, but that she hoped the league would remain in Hudson.

Mr. Busch asked if people would be willing to walk from Mulready School and most indicated no, stating there are no sidewalks, to much to carry and too dark later in evening as deterrents to that location.

Ms. Durkin agreed with Mr. Frias about other programs and their parking situations compared to the Deckhockey program such as Moulton’s Field and Chapin Road.

Mr. Penniman suggested that cars drive slower into the area and speed limits be posted for everyone.

An individual from Marlborough stated it did not matter what town participants were from, the program was for kids and when he brings his children to the program he shops at local markets and eats in local restaurants.

Mr.~Santos, Assistant Director of Recreation stated that the chronological list of minutes from various park commission and Internal Traffic meetings handed out to individuals present clearly indicated that a new location was necessary to address the traffic concerns of the DPW location.   

Page 3 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr. Redding suggested that the individuals start the non-profit process now, he would make the motion and if they do not have enough time to actually make the move, possible he would re-evaluate and suggest an extension beyond the spring, while looking at program numbers of spring 2008.

Mr. Redding motioned, to extend the Deckhockey season through spring 2008 with a police detail paid by the organization for night games.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Busch and carried...
VOTE:     2 – 0 in Favor

Mr. Redding then stated that the Park Commission would consider extending their recommendation for a revocable license into the fall 2008 season, depending on the following:
1.      The program numbers (number of participants).
2.      The status of changing from a for-profit to a non-profit business.
3.      The status of finding a new location for the program to relocate.

4. Personnel:

5. Director’s Report:
A. Golf Tournament – Mrs. Ghiloni informed the Park Commission that the date for the Annual Golf tournament was set for May 5, 2008.

6. Communications and/or Correspondence to be noted by Commissioners:

A. Interest Card to fill vacancy until May 2008 – Robert Bowen - Mr. Busch motioned to accept the Interest Card and recommend Mr. Bowen to the Board of Selectman to fill the current vacancy. Seconded by Mr. Redding and carried...
VOTE: 2 – 0 in Favor

7. Old Business:

8. Adjournment:
        Mr. Redding motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried...
VOTE: 2 – 0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Redding
Second:         Mr. Busch
Vote:                   3-0 in Favor February 12, 2008