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Park Commission Minutes 02/07/06

1.  Call the Meeting to Order.
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Busch, Mr. Chiasson and Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation.

2.  Minutes to Approve
a.  Public Session – December 20, 2005 – Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the December 20, 2005 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried.
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

3.  Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups
a.  Mr. Arthur Gordon was present and requested information on the South Street Park Expansion Project.  The Director informed him that the state was not releasing funding for at least another few week, sometime around mid March and that there was a vast amount of paperwork required, of which some has been sent in.
He also wanted to suggested that a pool was needed in the community to service the needs of youngster, elderly, handicapped and that he would like to start looking into that with other agencies such as the Boys and Girls Club.

4.  Personnel
a.  The Director, Linda Ghiloni, requested the commissioners approve carryover of 10 days vacation from 2005 to 2006, which is in compliance with Personnel Regulations.  Mr. Busch motioned to approve the carryover, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried.
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

b.  The commissioners were given copies of resumes for the 4 candidates for the Assistant Director’s position.  A list of all 30 applicants, 1st round and 2nd round interview questions were also included in their packets.  They will begin the interview process at 7:00pm.

5.  Director’s Report
a.  Revocable License for Deckhockey League – 2006 Season.  The Director suggested the same Renovable License agreement as in the past, for $1,000.00 for the season.  Matt Evangelous is in the process of changing from a for profit business to a non-profit organization.  Mr. Redding suggested that is this was not completed by the 2007 season, the commissioners should consider raising the rental.  
Mr. Chiasson motioned to approve the Revocable License for $1,000.00 and recommend no changes to the Board of Selectmen for this season, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Page 2 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, February 7, 2006
b. Signs for Ball fields and Skating Rink – the commissioners were given copies of the rules and regulations for advertising signs at  Boutwell 1and 3, Moulton’s and the Cox Street Skating Rink.  Mr. Busch motioned to add under Sponsorship Regulations 7. a – and/or alcoholic beverages seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried….
Vote:   3-0 in Favor
The Director will make the change to the regulation and inform all organizations of the change.

c. The Director requested signatures of each commissioner on the Annual Report.

d. Construction Project List for 2006 was distributed as information for the commissioners.  Mr. Redding questioned funding for various projects and outside organization involvement.  The Director informed him that none of the organizations were working without permission from local board, with correct permits and the input of DPW.

6.  Communications and/or Correspondence.
Nothing to discuss at this time.

Mr. Redding motioned to conduct interviews with Colby Marques, Jeff Wood, Stephanie Cormier, and Steven Santos, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Interview concluded at 9:10pm

With individual recommendations from both the steering committee and individual Park Commissioners considered, Mr. Redding motioned offer the position of Assistant Director of Recreation to Steven Santos, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…
Vote:   3-0 in Favor

7.  Adjournment
Mr. Redding motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried….
Vote: 3-0 in Favor

Next meeting – Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at 7:00pm in Recreation Office.

Motion to Adopt:  Mr. Redding
Second:  Mr. Busch
Vote:   3-0 in Favor – May 23, 2006