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Park Commission Minutes 08/23/05
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I.      Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Busch and Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation.

II.     Act on Minutes of  June 21, 2005
Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the June 21, 2005 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

III.    Citizen’s Issues/Special Interest Groups
There are no citizens present.

IV.     Director’s Report
a.      CORI’s – add to SOP #4(Personnel) as #4a – CORI information
Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the new CORI regulations as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

b.      Boutwell Memorial Sign
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with a replica of what the new wood sign will look like and indicated that she would split the cost with Hudson Youth Baseball/Softball.

c.      Account Balances at the end of FY05
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with all account balances for the end of FY05.

d.      Request from the Planning Board for comments on 43 Brigham Street
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with the response letter she sent back to the Planning board.

e.      Park Signs
Mr. Busch motioned to accept the additional language (highlighted in yellow on attachment) to the general park signs, that will eventually replace the signs that currently exist in each park, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…
Vote:   2-0 in favor
Page 2 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting held on Tuesday, August 23, 2005

f.      Request from Hudson Youth Football for use of Morgan Bowl for a Playoff Game
Mr. Redding motioned to approve Hudson Youth Football’s request for use of Morgan Bowl for a Playoff game –tentative date of Wednesday, November 2, 2005, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

g.      Request from the Selectmen to schedule watering of Tripp’s Pond
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the watering of Tripp’s Pond between the hours of 6:00am and 9:00am seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

The question of a water meter will be addressed once electricity is brought to the site.

h.      Summer Parent Survey Results
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with the results of the Parent Survey.  Over 300 surveys were given to leader to pass out to parents, who then in turn were requested to hand them back in to leaders when they filled them out.  Of the 34 actually returned, 26 were satisfied with the June 1st cut off date for programs.  Mr. Redding motioned to keep the cut-off date for summer programs as June 1st, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

V.      New Business
There is no new business to discuss at this time.

VI.     Old Business
There is no old business to discuss at this time.

VII.    Communications
a.      Falls Brook Project
Linda Ghiloni informed the Park Commission that Farooq Ansari had installed two trees and shrubbery along our pathway from the cul-de-sac of the Mayo property

b.      Response from Aldo Cipriano, Town Counsel
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with Mr. Cipriano’s response and it was so noted by the Park Commission.

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c.      Arthur Gordon Request
Linda Ghiloni updated the Park Commission with Mr. Gordon’s requests for park.  The commissioners will take his recommendations under advisement.

d.      Department of Housing and Community Development – CDBG Grant Funding Information
Linda Ghiloni updated the Park Commission of the status of the Grant

e.      Complaint from Mr. Carlos Perez regarding spillway at Tripp’s Pond
Linda Ghiloni informed the Park Commission of Mr. Perez’s complaint and informed them that she had forwarded the complaint to Tony Marques at the DPW, since it deals with the spillway.

VIII.   Adjournment
Mr. Redding motioned to adjourn at 7:30pm seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

Next Meeting – Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mr. Busch                       Mr. Chiasson              3-0 in Favor October 18, 2005