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Park Commission Minutes 11/15/05
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I.      Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Redding called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Chiasson and Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation

II.     Act on Minutes of Meeting Held on October 18, 2005
Mr. Chiasson motioned to accept the minutes of the October 18, 2005 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried….

Vote:   2-0 in Favor

III.    Citizens Issues/Special Interest Groups
a. Eagle Scout Project – Lamson Park Tripp’s Pond.  Garrett Patterson presented his Eagle Scout Project request to the commissioners for their approval. Other individuals present were Raymond Patterson, Patty McInnes, Mike McClean.
Mr. Busch present at this time.
Discussion followed regarding location of benches on the Maple Street side.  The Director does not know if those were a plan approved by Conservation and will seek input from the Conservation Commission Agent. The Director informed the commissioners that she had spoken with DPW regarding this project and that they would deliver the granite to Tripp’s for around the gardens.  The Director will pay a DPW Park employee to work overtime with the above volunteers for liability reasons.  The Director will inform DPW employees that Garret would like to begin the project on Saturday, November 19 at 8:00am.  
Mr. Chiasson motioned to approve the project, based on information from the Conservation Commission Agent regarding the benches, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried….

Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Mr. Redding motioned to allow the Director to sign the project, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried….

Vote:   3-0 in Favor

The Director requested information on the equipment necessary.  The volunteers are not sure if a bobcat is needed.  Director will talk to DPW to see if it was needed to lift and move the granite.

Page 2 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, November 15, 2005

IV.     Director’s Report
a.  Fall Winter Employee Recommendations.  The Director presented the commissioners with a list of individuals recommended for hire for fall/winter positions.  Mr. Busch motioned to approve the list, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in Favor

The Director will seek confirmation from the Board of Selectmen on these individuals.

V.      New Business
a.      Dedication of the Riverside Park Tennis Courts – Mr. Busch was discussing the renaming of the courts after Mr. Ed Krysa and the possibility of an alumni tennis tournament in the early spring.  The Director stated that the renaming had been approved by the commissioners, as well as the Board of Selectmen back in 1999, but with the renovation of the courts under the high school building project, it was not done.  She will look into a stone and plaque for the landscaped area and Mr. Busch will discuss the tournament with Luis Macedo, Athletic Director.
b.      New Sign for Sauta – Mr. Redding mentioned that several people had requested a new sign at Sauta ballfields.  The present sign is too far off the road and only has the Wilbert Robinson Baseball Diamond information.  The Director will contact Millman Signs and get a price for a wooded sign.

VI.     Old Business
a.      Pumpkin Fest – Mr. Redding would like to attract more “adults” to this event, with activities that are appropriate for adults.  He suggested contacting local car dealerships to see if they would display cars at the event.  He also wanted a committee of all the non-profits that are involved to help with ideas on additional activities to be held during the event.  He suggested changing the name to Harvest festival and maybe getting local farm stands to sell their products.  The Director would like to have hot air balloons open the event and take off from the fields surrounding the festival.  This could be done early in the afternoon by changing the opening time to 3:00pm.  The Director will work on this over the next few months.

VII.    Communications
a.      The legal opinion from Town Counsel was briefly discussed regarding Tripp’s Pond projects utilizing volunteers.  The Director will draft a letter and submit to the commissioners for their approval prior to releasing it to the public.
b.      ZBA – 49A Lincoln Street – The easement that was a concern for commissioners regarding the Moulton’s Field property is a drainage easement and is not effected by the change in use of the 49A Lincoln Street Property.

VIII.   Adjournment
Mr. Busch motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried.

Vote:   3-0 in Favor

Motion to adopt minutes:  Mr. Chiasson; Second: Mr. Busch;
Vote: 2-0 in Favor December 20, 2005 – Mr. Redding absent from the meeting.