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Park Commission Minutes 05/31/05
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I.      Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Busch called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.  Members present were Mr. Redding, Mr. Chiasson, Mr. Busch and Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation.

a.      Mr. Busch motioned that Mr. Redding be Chairman of the Park Commission for the 2005 to 2006 term, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

b.      Mr. Redding motioned the Mr. Chiasson be Vice Chairman of the Park Commission for 2005 to 2006 term,  seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

c.      Mr. Redding motioned that he and Mr. Busch continue to represent the Park Commission on the C.H.A.P.S. Board of Directors, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

d.      Mr. Redding motioned that Mr. Chiasson represent the Park Commission on the Hudson Youth Athletic Association (HYAA), seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

II.     Act on Minutes of April 26, 2005
Mr. Redding motioned to adopt the minutes of the April 26, 2005 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Busch and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

III.    Citizen’s Issues/Special Interest Groups
There are no citizens present

Page 2 – Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on May 31,2005

IV.     Director’s Report
a.      New Employees
Mr. Busch motioned to approve the attached list of new employee recommendations and pay rates, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor
        The Director will send to Board of Selectmen for their confirmation.

V.      New Business
Linda Ghiloni informed the Park Commissioners that the Relay for Life held May 20st to May 21nd was successful and there were no issues with the use of the facility.

VI.     Old Business
a.  Linda Ghiloni informed the Park Commissioners that the loam had been delivered to the fields at Hudson High School by DPW and the work is continuing to develop those into playing fields.
b.  Cosco was on site last week finishing fencing along Brigham Street, down the driveway and across the parking area.  Unfortunately, the fence may be 200 feet short due to instructions in their contract.

VII.    Communications
a.      Complaint rebuttal from Mr. Cadwgan
The Park Commission noted both the complaint rebuttal letter from Mr. Cadwgan and also the correspondence from Mr. Paul Blazar

b.      Email from knitowl41
The correspondence was so noted by the board

VIII.   Adjournment
Mr. Busch motioned to adjourn at 7:30pm seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

M:__Mr.Busch______________S:____Mr. Redding_______V:_____3-0 in favo