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Park Commission Minutes 01/10/05
Minutes of Park Commission Meeting Held on January 10, 2005

Call Meeting to Order
Mr. Busch called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.  Members present were Mr. Busch, Mr. Redding and Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation.

Act on Minutes of December 7, 2004
Mr. Busch motioned to adopt the minutes of the December 7,2004 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…

Vote:   2-0 in favor

Citizens Issues / Special Interest Groups
Mr. Chiasson enters meeting

Christopher Yates, School Committee Member
Mr. Yates informed the Park Commissioners that the Building and Grounds Subcommittee had held several public hearing regarding the use of fields and the agreement for Hudson High School Construction.  From the agreement for HHS Construction, he noted a few particular agreements:
        #2 of the agreement mentions a 5 – 10 year plan, that is a collaborative effort by the Hudson School Committee and the Park Commission regarding the Hudson High School, Mulready and JFK lands.
        #4 of the agreement states that the School Committee will budget $15,000.00 annually for the Park Commission and the upkeep of the above mentioned fields.   

Mr. Yates invited Linda Ghiloni to attend the next meeting of the Building and Grounds Subcommittee.

Director’s Report
Deckhockey License – 2005 rental fee $1,000.000
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the Deckhockey License and send it to the Board of Selectman for approval, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

SOP Signs Sponsorships for Deckhockey Rink and Boutwell/Moulton (Hudson Youth Baseball)
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the Sign Sponsorship Vendor for 2005 – Gemini Sign seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

Relay for Life – American Cancer Society Walk in Morgan Bowl – Stipulations
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the Relay for Life Stipulations as written, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

Donations in Memory of Dick Scafidi.
Linda Ghiloni updated the commissioners on the donations and that thank you cards have been sent acknowledging contributors.      

Application for Use of Town Property change – add Board of Health Signature
Mr. Redding motioned to approve the change on the application for Use of Town Property, seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried …

Vote:   3-0 in favor

Linda Ghiloni Vacation Carryover request – 10 days
Mr. Redding motioned to accept Linda Ghiloni’s request for vacation carryover seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

Attendance Reports for 2004
Linda Ghiloni presented the Park Commission with the Attendance Reports for 2004.

New Business
Hudson Youth Baseball Letter
Linda Ghiloni informed the Park Commission that Brian Bowen, President of Hudson Youth Baseball, had requested a letter with a list of purchases made by Hudson Youth Baseball for Town Fields.

Old Business
There is no old business to discuss at this time

There is nothing to discuss at this time

Mr. Busch motioned to adjourn at 7:45pm seconded by Mr. Chiasson and carried…

Vote:   3-0 in favor

M:____Mr. Busch_____    S:_____Mr. Chiasson__       V:____3-0 in favor______