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MPSC Minutes 3/14/13 - DRAFT
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~~~DRAFT~~~  March 14, 2013  -  2:00 PM   ~~~DRAFT~~~
Conference Room B, 3rd Floor, Town Hall

Voting Members Present:  Charlie Corley, Don Garcia, Justin Provencher, Sam Wong, Chris Yates, Julie Torres
Ex Officio Members Present: Linda Ghiloni, Michael Burks
Others Present:  Jennifer Burke, Kerin Shea, Michelle Ciccolo, Ralph Wilmer
Members Not Present:  Terrence Joyce, Lorraine Nelson, Jim Quinn, Arthur Redding, Lynn Valcourt, Dave Stephens, Paul Blazar, Tony Marques, Rodney Frias, Len Belli, Brian Choquette, John Blood
Hand-Outs:  Open Space/Recreation Survey Responses & Summary Report, Transportation/Energy Survey Responses & Summary Report, DRAFT Build-Out Analysis

Recap of Forums
  • Open Space, Recreation & Historical Preservation Forum - The forum was held on January 14, 2013, with about 50 people in attendance.  Linda Ghiloni spoke on the topic of Open Space & Recreation, while Michelle Ciccolo spoke on Historical & Cultural Preservation.  Ralph Wilmer explained that the forum gave a general background presentation before doing the Turning Point exercise, gauging residents’ awareness of the issues surrounding Hudson’s open space & historical preservation projects.  He then went over the summary report & responses to the Turning Point questions.  Two main requests that keep turning up are needs for a dog park & a demolition delay by-law.  These two ideas keep popping up as responses to multiple questions and break-out group discussions.  Mr. Wilmer then reminded the group that the presentation & video of the forum were on the Town’s website.  During the forum, Ms. Ghiloni handed out a paper Open Space & Recreation survey, also available on the Town’s website.  There have been nearly 300 responses so far, a record for the Rec Department.  The survey was originally scheduled to close April 30th, but will stay open through summer registration.  Ms. Ciccolo asked members of the committee to tweet or Facebook the link to the survey.
Ms. Ciccolo had a few additional energy updates.  The Town is sponsoring a warrant article for the upcoming May Town Meeting allowing the Town to appropriate funds to allow us to participate in reduced energy consumption programs (such as those offered by HLP), to explore renewable energy projects at municipally owned properties, or to study/implement energy conservation measures within certain Town buildings.  The Town is also exploring solar fields on two municipal sites: the capped Gates Pond Landfill & the Chestnut Street Well.

  • Transportation, Energy & Utilities ForumThis forum was held on March 4 with approximately 40 people in attendance.  Brian Choquette from Hudson Light & Power spoke on the Topic of Energy & Utilities.  Michelle Ciccolo spoke on Transportation.  Due to the elevator being out in Town Hall, the forum venue was changed to the Senior Center to ensure ADA accessibility.  This forum ___.  The Turning Point questions were asked before the Energy presentation to gauge citizens’ awareness of programs offered.  The presentation came second, followed by more Turning Point questions. Ms. Ciccolo’s Transportation presentation provided updates on many of Hudson’s projects, such as the Washington Street/Route 85 road widening, the Houghton Street Bridge and the Washington Street Bridge.  Breakout groups were forgone in favor of an open audience participation Q&A session.  Mr. Wilmer noted that there seemed to be a general commitment to expand the range of alternative transportation, whether through bike & pedestrian options or additional transit services.
Ms. Ciccolo noted that we did not get to ask the public’s opinions on problem intersections or other safety issues.  We may need more survey work for our future goals.  Mr. Wilmer said that the Transportation chapter would contain historical crash data.  VHB would also do more outreach to the Police Department, Fire Department & DPW.

Review of DRAFT Build-Out Analysis
Mr. Wilmer went over the build-out analysis data gathered to date.  This analysis shows Hudson’s potential for future growth under its current zoning.  It divided the Town into 4 subgroups, with the primary focus on the Downtown.  VHB figured 1,000 SF could be a large 1- bedroom or small 2-bedroom apartment.  They didn’t count land that was not currently buildable.  Ten percent of the parcel area was taken out for internal roads, drives, etc. In some of the larger parcels downtown, such as the lumber yard or oil company, VHB anticipated a 75% build-out of the parcel, and assumed a 3-story building.  The build-out concluded that there could be 1,300 residential units added to the Downtown.  When a town wants that number to go up or down, they need to look at their zoning.   

Ms. Ciccolo also asked for maps identifying parcels & areas of town that were underdeveloped.
Ms. Ciccolo & Ms. Burke also noted some discrepancies in the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District (AROD) build-out.  Due to the nature of the by-law, the existing building square footage could not increase, only decrease.  The by-law was meant to preserve the existing mill building.  Density is reduced if the building is torn down. Mr. Wilmer said he would review.

Mr. Wilmer said that VHB was busy working on the Land Use Chapter.  The draft is forthcoming.  Members were asked to get any comments about the build-out back to town staff within 2 weeks.

Additional Data Gathering
Ms. Ciccolo reiterated the need for further outreach regarding safety & intersections.  We also didn’t get to discuss water & sewer at the Utilities forum.  There will probably be the need for
more survey work as a result of the Public Buildings & Facilities forum.  She also stressed the need to do further in-depth interviews with Town staff, specifically targeted at certain topics, projects, Capital Plan items, etc.

Upcoming Forums
The next forum is scheduled for April 22, 2013.  The topic was supposed to be Social Services, Public Health & Public Buildings & Facilities.  Town staff thought we should separate them into 2 forums.  With the number of speakers for Social Services & Public Health, there may not be time to fully explore Buildings & Facilities.  Speakers should include someone from the Senior Center, the Board of Health, the Housing Authority, Hudson’s Veteran’s Agent and maybe even someone fro the Library.  Members though this was an appropriate topic for a daytime event to be held at the Senior Center.  Town staff will discuss possible times with the COA Director.

The Public Buildings & Facilities forum should examine what the Town’s needs are, what projects are in the pipeline, what is on the Capital Plan, costs, funding streams, etc.  No date has been set yet.

New Business
No members had any other questions or concerns at this time.

Justin Provencher, seconded by Don Garcia, made a motion to approve the minutes of October 11, 2012, as written.

Vote: 6-0-0, unanimous

The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM.