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EDC Minutes 11/15/11
Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Meeting— November 15, 2011

The Hudson Economic Development Commission met at the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street.  At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Donald Garcia called the meeting to order.

Members Present:  Donald Garcia, William Sullivan, Christopher Tibbals, Sarah Cressy
Others Present:  Michael DiBona, Matt Tucker, Kerin Shea – Community & Economic Development Assistant
Members Not Present:  Tom Davis, Tony Loureiro, Hugh Gardner

CDBG Priority Projects Hearing

The EDC meeting began with members attending the Community Development Priority Projects public hearing for the FY12 Community Development Block Grant application.  In past applications, the Block Grant provided funding for such projects as Downtown Facades, the Senior Center Renovation, the Cellucci Skate & Splash Park & the reconstruction of the South Street Parking Lot. The application process begins with the selection of a Target Area.  All CDBG funded projects have to be located within that Target Area, and bonus points are given to our application for additional Town, State or privately funded projects that take place within that area, as well. Our Target Area concentrates on our commercial corridor. It runs from the Hudson/Marlboro Town line on Route 85, heading north along Washington Street/Route 85 to the Rotary, then heads east along Route 62, ending at 428 Main Street. Other projects taking place within the area are the Route 85 Reconstruction project, the reconstruction of the Houghton Street Bridge, the new Houghton Court parking lot for the Broad Street Mill, and all summer concert programming in Cellucci Park.

The three projects that were selected for the application were continuing the Façade program, reconstruction of Houghton Court & a housing price buy-down program for low & moderate income residents.

EDC Vacancies

The EDC has 2 vacancies.  Two potential candidates sat in on the meeting in a non-voting capacity:  Mr. DiBona & Mr. Tucker.  Their Board Interest Cards & resumes are on file & were present for members’ review.  A potential third candidate, Robert Taft, had submitted his board interest card in September and attended the 9/20/11 EDC meeting, along with Mr. DiBona.  Mr. Taft was unable to attend the November meeting due to a conflict with a business trip.  There was also a fourth potential candidate, Ms. Julie Nicolazzo.  Attempts were made to obtain a copy of Ms. Nicolazzo’s resume and to invite her to the meeting, but Ms. Shea received no response.

Although there are 2 voting seats available, the third candidate could be an associate member.  Non-voting associate members can still actively participate.

Bill Sullivan seconded by Chris Tibbals, made a motion to accept Mr. DiBona & Mr. Tucker as new members.  

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

New members have to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  The EDC will make a recommendation to the Board for their meeting of 12/5/11.  Members should plan to be at the meeting.

Mr. Garcia hoped Mr. Taft would accept the associate position.  Ms. Shea will extend the invitation.

Conflict of Interest

Ms. Shea reminded members that it was Conflict of Interest time of year again.  Every year members must receive a copy of the Conflict of Interest Law whether a physical copy delivered in person or an electronic copy distributed via email.  Members must acknowledge said receipt with a signature or an email acknowledgement.  In addition, members must take the COI online test every two years.  Ms. Shea will email the link to all EDC members, and send copies of the COI law to those members not present tonight.  The COI test must be completed by 12/31/11 and copies of the completion certificate must be sent to Ms. Shea by that date.


Budgets were due in to the Executive Assistant’s office on 10/24/11.  Our total remained the same as last year.  Mr. Garcia said there will be a change before final budget hearings in January, & the budget will decrease by $2,000, with a final total amount going from $5,479 to $3,479.

Sarah Cressy, seconded by Chris Tibbals, made a motion to accept the budget as amended.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

Old Business

  • Master Plan – The Town is beginning its Mater Plan Process.  Mr. Garcia has been appointed to the Steering Committee.  The Steering committee will work under the policy direction of the Planning Board, to oversee the activities of the general Master Planning process, such as approving the RFP for consultant services, final consultant selection, etc.  Once the planning process and data collection are underway, the Town will be holding meetings on individual “chapters” (housing, transportation, economic development, etc.), with mapping exercises and other forms of public input.  There will be plenty of opportunity for members, as well as the public, to get involved in one or many areas of interest.
  • Business Development Seminar - In years past, the Chamber of Commerce would run an informative business event co-sponsored by the EDC.  Ms. Cressy noted that many businesses along Washington Street would be impacted by the forthcoming Route 85 widening project.  Ms. Shea agreed and noted that assistance to these businesses is part of the façade program in this year’s Block Grant application.  As part of the Block Grant data collection, a survey went out to all businesses along Washington Street, asking if they would like assistance moving signs, relocating parking, reconfiguring affected parking lots, etc.  Mr. Garcia said that no matter how well advertised a project might be, there will always be people who are unaware of it, or who do not fully understand the consequences.  
Ms. Cressy said a round-table discussion between the Town and the Washington Street businesses would be a good idea, as the EDC acts as an ombudsman between town government and the business community.  Mr. Garcia said that we should have a panel consisting of Police, Fire, DPW, Inspections and other Town officials there to answer questions.  The entire business community could be invited because, for example, distribution routes are going to be disrupted.  Access to businesses on
surrounding streets may be impacted as traffic congestion seeks alternate routes.  We hope to hold the event in February.

New Business

  • Ms. Cressy reminded the Board that the tax rate will be set at the next Selectman’s meeting on 12/5/11.  Any members interested in how the commercial tax rate affects businesses should attend.  
  • Members discussed last night’s Selectman’s meeting in which an RFP for an available liquor license was on the agenda.  There was debate among the Selectmen whether to reserve the license for the downtown area to promote downtown revitalization or make it available town-wide.  The EDC would like to see the RFP before making any comment.
  • Mr. Tucker brought up the upcoming cell phone tower article scheduled for the 11/21/11 Town Meeting.  Coverage continues to be an issue on the far east end of Town.  Mr. Garcia has met with Rep. Hogan, as well as the police chief and fire chief, as lack of coverage is not only a convenience issue, but also a safety issue.  Mr. Sullivan said that 2 tenants refused to lease property down at Kane Industrial Park due to lack of cell phone coverage.  This makes it an economic issue, too.  If sales reps cannot contact the office, receive calls from clients or suppliers, businesses will look elsewhere to locate.


Don Garcia, seconded by Sarah Cressy, made a motion to approve the minutes of September 20, 2011 as written.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous


Don Garcia, seconded by Bill Sullivan, moved to adjourn at 9:00 PM.