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Economic Dev Comm Minutes 11/16/10
Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Meeting— November 16, 2010

The Hudson Economic Development Commission met at the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street.  At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Donald Garcia called the meeting to order.

Members Present:  Donald Garcia, William Sullivan, Hugh Gardner, Tom Davis, Sarah Cressy
Others Present:  Kerin Shea – Community & Economic Development Assistant
Members Not Present:  Christopher Tibbals, Tony Loureiro, Christine Miller, Santino Parente

EDC Newsletter

The EDC continued its ongoing discussion regarding the creation and distribution of an EDC newsletter.  Content was an ongoing issue.  Mr. Garcia asked what the message should be for the newsletter.  Should we showcase what we have to attract new business?  He also stressed the fact that the EDC does more than work with existing businesses, the Commission endorses and supports projects that are good for the Town.  Mr. Sullivan stated that the newsletter should be proactive and highlight success stories.

Ms. Cressy brought up the EDC’s annual report.  Could we send that out electronically?  Mr. Garcia said that the annual reports do contain similar content, news about what happened during the year, or what the EDC did to make something happen.  Mr. Sullivan brought up adding other important local business developments and happenings.  Mr. Garcia agreed.

Sarah Cressy, seconded by Bill Sullivan, made a motion to consider replicating the 2010 EDC report, augmented with content, to mail electronically.
Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous

New Business

  • EDC Website – Ms. Cressy wanted more information uploaded on the website.  The other members stated that the website seems quite informative now, containing real estate listings, economic development resources, programs and past annual reports.  Ms. Cressy wanted to check the language of the charter to post the EDC’s mission statement.  Mr. Davis asked what is the face of the EDC?  Intel?  Hudson’s mills?  Ms. Shea will change the picture on the website & revamp the real estate listings.
  • New England Real Estate Journal – Mr. Gardner asked if this ad was the best use of our ad dollars?  Mr. Sullivan said that the Banker and Tradesman has a much wider reach, although it is more expensive.  Ms. Cressy asked what the ad read and who were the readers?  Ms. Shea will request a copy of the ad from the publisher.
  • Cell Phone Towers – Mr. Garcia brought up that the lack of cell phone coverage on the east end of town is an important safety issue.  He has asked the police department and fire department to write Representative Kate Hogan on the matter.  As the lack of coverage is affecting businesses and sales in that part of town, Mr. Garcia wrote a letter, as well.  A meeting with Verizon has been scheduled for December 2nd at 1:00, with Mr. Garcia, and representatives from the police department and the fire department in attendance.
  • BudgetThe FY11 budget has been submitted.  It has remained the same for the past 3 years, with the exception of a COLA for the EDC clerical assistant.
Don Garcia, seconded by Tom Davis, made a motion to accept the budget.
Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous

  • Economic Development Event – Ms. Cressy asked about co-sponsoring an event, like the ABC’s of Business Development done in the past.  Maybe do a Business Resource Program this year with speakers from the Mass. Office of Business Development (MOBD) or MassDevelopment?  The Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce would run the event, and the EDC would co-sponsor it.
Don Garcia, seconded by Bill Sullivan, made a motion to support the AVCC and the Business Resource Program.
Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous


Don Garcia, seconded by Hugh Gardner, made a motion to approve the minutes of September 22, 2010 as written.

Vote: 5-0-0, unanimous


Don Garcia, seconded by Tom Davis, moved to adjourn at 8:40 PM.