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Economic Dev Comm Minutes 11/10/08
Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Meeting— November 10, 2008

The Hudson Economic Development Commission met at the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street.  At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Donald Garcia called the meeting to order.

Members Present:        Donald Garcia, Sara Cressy, Hugh Gardner, Christine Miller, Christopher Tibbals, William Sullivan, Anthony Loureiro, Tom Davis
Others Present:  Michelle Ciccolo - Director of Community Development, Kerin Shea – Community & Economic Development Assistant, Rod Jané – Guest Speaker
Members Not Present:  Santino Parente


Guest Speaker:  Rod Jané, Owner, New England Expansion Strategies

Mr. Jané began his presentation by briefing the commission members on his business development background.  He was executive director of the Office of Business Development during Governor Mitt Romney’s administration and sought to keep existing business in state and to recruit new businesses to Massachusetts.  He created the Business Resource Team within the Office of Business Development, as a one-stop-shop for business development needs.  He currently is the owner of New England Expansion Strategies, a project management and consulting services company helping other businesses improve, expand, relocate or maximize government incentives.

Mr. Jané noted the importance of TIF’s, grants and low interest rate loans.  Most companies do not ask for incentives.  They either don’t know enough to do so or ask too late, he explained.

He also said that 30% of business growth is within the 495 belt.  That is why he decided to open his office in Westborough.  Mr. Jané advised Hudson to market itself as a Life Science Town, one that is agreeable to renewable energy.

Mr. Jané concluded his discussion by imploring the use of marketing and outreach, saying that the pipeline for potential customers will double just by “knocking on doors”.  He further cited Motorola as an example where the company located in the town that had the most enthusiastic, responsive team that showed up saying Motorola’s business was wanted in that town.

Economic Development Commission Event

The Commission discussed options for an event in spring 2009 which would address issues of small business owners and what local government can do to assist them.  Mr. Garcia thought it should perhaps be a joint venture with the Chamber of Commerce, where local business owners could meet the new legislators and have a Q&A session.  

“How do they view their roles?”, he asked.  Ms. Cressy suggested the format of an ABC’s of Business  panel, with advice and models our constituents can use, a nuts and bolts approach.  Ms. Ciccolo suggested getting a speaker from Mass Development, and perhaps discussing TIF’s and other tax credits.  Mr. Gardner suggested asking members of the Economic Development Commission, the Hudson Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce what advice they feel is needed.

Mr. Tibbals brought up the recently successful Intel Breakfast.  He suggested inviting a representative to the event as a success story, and in turn, using Intel to help promote the town.

Ms. Ciccolo brought up the town’s property taxes & abatements.  Mr. Garcia said this  a major issue.  Perhaps someone from the tax office could attend the event.

Ms. Cressy stated that perhaps this event could be a yearly program.  The EDC should be a resource.

EDC Website

Ms. Ciccolo mentioned marketing the town’s Re-Use bylaw using EDC funds.  The EDC could also market Mill use and the 43D Expedited Permitting Process.  She also asked about putting the town’s demographics on the website.  Mr. Garcia suggested listing all firms in Hudson, from the largest companies to Avon and Mary-Kay.  He said that the EDC should have all that data.  Ms. Cressy said that the Chamber of Commerce has that information, but it is available only to other members.  She also suggested putting a list of helpful agencies on the website.


Don Garcia, seconded by Christine Miller, made a motion to pass over the approval of the minutes of October 27, 2008, to be voted on during the next meeting.

Vote: 8-0-0, Unanimous


Don Garcia, seconded by Bill Sullivan, moved to adjourn at 9:15 PM.
Vote: 8-0-0, Unanimous