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Economic Dev Comm Minutes 10/27/08

Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Meeting— October 27, 2008

The Hudson Economic Development Commission met at the Hudson Town Hall, 78 Main Street.  At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Donald Garcia called the meeting to order.

Members Present:        Donald Garcia, Hugh Gardner, Christine Miller, Christopher Tibbals, William Sullivan
Others Present:  Michelle Ciccolo - Director of Community Development, Kerin Shea – Community & Economic Development Assistant
Members Not Present:  Santino Parente, Sarah Cressy, Anthony Loureiro, & Tom Davis


In recognition of the resignation of Moose Longhi who served as a member for over 31 years, the Commission agreed to acknowledge its appreciation of his service with a plaque to be presented at the Town Meeting on November 17, 2008.

Don Garcia, seconded by Christine Miller, made a motion to purchase said plaque.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

New England Real Estate Journal

Mr. Garcia began by informing the Commission about the inexpensive lifetime cost of the advertisement in the Journal negotiated by Argeo Cellucci, the normal rate being $185, and our negotiated rate being $50.  The Commission discussed making better use of the ad, perhaps focusing on a different property each month or links to a website listing properties available such as CoStar, a MLS type listing for office, industrial & retail properties.

Update on Various Town Projects
Michelle Ciccolo began by introducing Kerin Shea, the new Community & Economic Development Assistant located in the Community Development Office across the Hall from the Selectman’s Office.  She then proceeded to inform the Commission about the 43-D Expedited Permitting Process, as well as updates on the Route 85 project.

Mr. Garcia brought up the property at 428 Main St.  He was contacted by the broker.  The potential new tenants need 20 additional parking spaces and would like help getting an easement from the MBTA.  Ms. Ciccolo offered to assist.

The Commission also confirmed that the Starbucks has officially pulled out.  The pad for the site has already been poured & a discussion was raised on how to better market the property.

Downtown Parking Plan

The Commission discussed how to attract patrons to downtown businesses by advertising parking advantages.  Suggestions were made, such as making a handout, as well as putting a parking plan on the website.  Bill Sullivan asked how many parking spaces are available, both two hour and all day.  Ms. Ciccolo suggested using the GIS system to figure the total spaces, as well as the maximum distance from parking to the business district.  Mr. Sullivan made a motion to come up with a comprehensive parking plan study, encompassing Main St., South St., Houghton St., Pope St., Church St., Broad St., and any other access roads running from McDonald’s to Hudson Appliance.

Bill Sullivan, seconded by Chris Tibbals, made a motion for Mr. Garcia to spend any monies necessary for said study.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Economic Development Commission Event

The Commission discussed options for an event in early 2009 which would address issues of small business owners and what local government can do to assist them.  Questions arose as to who would be the targeted audience?  The goal & direction of the event was explored.

Christine Miller suggested inquiring if the Assabet Chamber of Commerce or the Hudson Business Association would be willing to co-sponsor the event.  Hugh Gardner suggested having a forum with the new State Representative & new State Senator.  Ms. Ciccolo suggested also spotlighting the new 43-D Expedited Permitting Process.


Christine Miller, seconded by Hugh Gardner, made a motion to approve the minutes of September 15, 2008 as written.

Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous

Christine Miller, seconded by Bill Sullivan, moved to adjourn at 8:30 PM.
Vote: 5-0-0, Unanimous