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Economic Dev Comm Agenda 11/10/08
Town of Hudson
Economic Development Commission
78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749
Tel:  (978) 562-2989  Fax:  (978) 568-9641

November 10, 2008
7:30 p.m.
3rd floor, Conference Room B

I.      Guest Speaker – Rod Jané

        Rod Jané, a former Senatorial candidate, was a senior executive for both General Mills and Honeywell where he helped manage a   $60 million operating budget.  Mr. Jané was also executive director of the Office of Business Development in former Gov. Mitt   
        Romney's administration.  In that capacity, Mr. Jané sought to keep existing businesses in the state and to recruit more from outside
        Massachusetts.  He currently runs a company which helps other businesses to obtain state funding.

II.     Minutes of October 27, 2008

III.    Discussion of event for late February / early March

IV.     Adjourn