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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/15/07
Minutes Approved 4/5/07
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78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749
(978) 568-2020

Paul  Byrne, Chairman           W. Minot Wood, Vice Chairman    David Esteves, Member   
Terrence Joyce, Member          Misty-Anne Marold, Member       Joseph Rodrigues, Member

March 15, 2007
7:00 P.M.
1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Chairman Paul Byrne opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Chairman Paul Byrne, Vice Chairman Minot Wood, David Esteves, Terrence Joyce, and Misty-Anne Marold.  Joe Rodrigues was away on vacation.  Also in attendance Katrina Proctor, Conservation Agent.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     General Business
2.1     Minutes – All approved.
2.1.1   February 1, 2007 – Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes as amended seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
2.1.2   February 25, 2007 – Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes as written, seconded by David Esteves with all in favor.
2.1.3   March 1, 2007 – Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Minot Wood.  David Esteves abstained from the vote.  Vote 4-0-1  Motion carried.

2.2     Vouchers – None.

2.3     Correspondence
2.3.1   Received DEP “Negative” Superseding Determination of Applicability 7 John Robinson Dr.  The Conservation Commission determined that pumping is not an issue for the Commission per the Superseding Determination.  Paul Byrne made a motion to send a letter to DPW notifying them of the outcome and informing them that the Conservation Commission will not enforce the issue of pumping the water into the street which is a DPW issue.  The motion was seconded by Misty-Anne Marold with all in favor.

2.4     Sign Permits
2.4.1   DEP 190-489 Order of Conditions, 1 Glendale Rd. – Signed.
2.5     Certificate of Compliance
2.5.1   DEP 190-473 Riverside Farms – Proctor updated the Commission that this is for the clean up at 1 Zina Rd.  The Response Action Outcome has been filed with  DEP, Conservation and Board of Health.  Proctor recommended the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance.  Paul Byrne made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance for 1 Zina Rd., seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
3.0     Hearings and Appointments

3.1     Notice of Intent (DEP #190-493) (No DEP Comments)
Applicant/Owner:  David & Jane Houde
Representative:  Scott Hayes, Foresite Engineering
Location:  231 Lincoln St.
Project Description:  replacement of an existing collapsed culvert under a driveway at 231 Lincoln St.

Scott Hayes of Foresite Engineering explained the proposal.  Wetlands were flagged by Carr Research.  The existing culvert is crushed and needs to be replaced.  Scott ran the watershed on a 10 year storm and proposes an 18” culvert.  Misty-Anne Marold asked if he had considered an open bottom box culvert for wildlife.  Scott said that he had not considered the alternative because it would be much more expensive.  Misty-Anne recommended a bigger pipe with stone on the bottom to provide a natural substrate for wildlife.  Scott said that he could use a 24” but is limited in size because of the cover needed over the pipe.  He stated he had sized it up for the standard and noted that there is not a large embankment or berm and that larger wildlife would go around.  Misty-Anne Marold stated that it does not meet the idea of the stream crossing standards.  Scott said that the new proposal is better than the collapsed culvert however with regard to wildlife and stream crossing standards he could make it larger if the Commission would like.  Scott continued discussion stating that if the stream was flowing during construction he proposes the flow to be pumped around.  The Commission stated that they will condition the project to be constructed during low flow conditions.  The Commission also said that silt fence would be required eliminating hay bales and noted that disturbed areas will need to be reseeded with a native wetlands seed mix.

Paul Byrne made a motion to close the hearing and issue an Order of Conditions with special conditions as follows:
1)      This project is permitted only during summer low flow conditions.
2)      Erosion controls shall consist of silt fence only; no hay bales are allowed.
3)      Disturbed areas shall be reseeded with a native wetlands seed mix.
4)      Replacement culvert shall be 24” culvert pipe.
5)      The 24” culvert pipe shall be lined with small cobbles (approx. size of fist) to create a natural bottom for wildlife.
The motion was seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

3.2     Notice of Intent (DEP #190-492) (No DEP Comments)
Applicant:  Andrew & Lisa Paradis
Representative:  Steve Poole, Consolidated Design
Location:  49 Shay Rd.
Project Description:  construction of a 24’ X 36’ horse stable, as an accessory structure to the existing house, a portion of which is within the Riverfront Area of Fort Meadow Brook.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the meeting to April 5, 2007, seconded by Terrence Joyce with all in favor.

3.3     Continuance Hearing - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-490)
        Applicant/Owner:  Alfred J. & Jean C. Zerega
        Location:  15 Lyman St./82 Lakeside Ave.
Project Description:  demolish existing single family structure, construction a new single family structure and remove of trees within the Buffer Zone.

Tom DiPersio requested a continuance noting that the Board of Health has the septic system plan and we are waiting for approval.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to April 5, 2007, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

3.4     Continuance Hearing - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-486)
        Representative:  Tom DiPersio Jr., Thomas Land Surveyors
                Applicant:  Paul Davis
Location:  Lot 3 Chapin Rd.
Project Description:  the owner/applicant proposes to construct a home with grading, driveway, culvert installation over intermittent stream and landscaping.

Tom DiPersio submitted the green cards as proof of abutter notification.  He updated the Commission stating that we were waiting for the Planning Board to sign the plan revising lot lines.  Tom presented the plan and submitted a copy.

Paul Byrne stated he wondered if the driveway could be moved further away from the wetlands to be located over the easement.  Tom DiPersio Jr. said that he talked to Tony Marques, DPW Superintendent and he said that he would not allow the driveway over the easement.

Paul Byrne made a motion to close the hearing and issue an Order of Conditions with the following special conditions:

1)      Construction must be done according to the plan
2)      Any substantial changes must come before the Conservation Commission for approval.

The motion was seconded by Terrence Joyce with all in favor.

3.5     Notice of Intent (No DEP # has been issued yet)
               Applicant:  Paul Davis
Location:  Lot 2 Hammond Circle
Project Description:  the owner has constructed an s.f. home on the lot.  A small portion of the associated grading and landscaping is within 100 ft. of an intermittent stream with no BVW.  Proposed is mitigation plantings for the work done which is was within the Buffer Zone.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to April 5, 2007, seconded by Minot
Wood with all in favor.

3.6     Notice of Intent (No DEP # has been issued yet)
Retention Basin Hammond Circle
        Applicant:  Paul Davis
        Representative:  Tom DiPersio Jr., Thomas Land Surveyors
        Location:  Hammond Circle subdivision roadway
Project Description:  The owner has constructed a retention basin to receive runoff from a new subdivision.  A portion of the basin is within 100 ft. of an intermittent stream with no BVW.  Proposed is mitigation plantings for the work done which is within the Buffer Zone.  

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to April 5, 2007, seconded by Minot
Wood with all in favor.

3.7     Request for Amendment of the Order of Conditions (DEP #190-457A)
Applicant:  Todd Marsh, Paramount Construction
Representative:  Steve Poole, Consolidated Design

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to April 5, 2007, seconded by Minot
Wood with all in favor.

3.8     Interviews for Conservation Commission Appointment
3.8.1   Leif Longtine
3.8.2   Randy Twiss
After the interviews the Commission noted that they have made a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen recommending Richard Millett for an appointment to the Commission.  The Commission asked Katrina Proctor to send a letter to the commission recommending both candidates for an appointment on the Conservation Commission.  Paul Byrne recommended that the candidates attend the Board of Selectmen hearing when they discuss the appointments.  Katrina Proctor will notify the candidates of when the Board of Selectmen meeting will be held.
3.9     Marty Moran Associate Conservation Commission discussed signage for Danforth Lot.
Marty Moran proposed installing a property sign with the words “Danforth Falls” to be placed within the new kiosk.  Marty presented images of what the sign would look like and noted the cost of the sign would be approximately $150.00.  The Commission discussed their interest in providing educational signage and trail maps in the kiosk and a separate larger sign with the property name.   The Commission discussed that the sign could be placed in the kiosk for now until educational signage is decided upon and then later the sign could be moved to another location.  Paul Byrne made a motion to purchase an aluminum sign, white with black letters, for an amount not to exceed $200.00.  The motion was seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

8.0     Advertisements and Conferences

9.0     Commentary

10.0    Adjournment  - Paul Byrne made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Katrina Proctor
Conservation Agent