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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/04/07
Minutes approved on 2/1/07
Minutes 1/4/07  Page 1 of 3
January 4, 2007, 7:00 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Paul Byrne opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:   Chairman Paul Byrne, Vice Chairman Minot Wood, Terrence Joyce and Joe Rodrigues.  David Esteves was absent.  Conservation Agent Katrina Proctor was also present.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     General Business
2.1     Minutes
2.1.1   Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes November 16, 2006, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
2.1.2   Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes December 21, 2006, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
2.2     Vouchers
2.3     Sign Permits
2.3.1   DEP 190-485 ORAD, 90 Cherry St. – The Commission signed the ORAD.
2.3.2   DEP 190-490 OOC, 439 Main St.  Proctor stated that the abutters are in attendance at the meeting and had met her in the hall to voice concerns on 439 Main St.  Proctor confirmed that the abutters had been given proper notice however they did not attend the public hearing.  The abutters asked for an opportunity to speak because they felt that the owner had not met conditions agreed upon during the Planning Board hearings for the existing accessory building.  Proctor advised the Conservation Commission that they could reopen the hearing before going ahead with issuance of the Order of Conditions if they felt that the appropriate processes were not followed.  The Commission agreed to hear the abutters concerns. The abutters stated that the proposed building is 20 ft from their property and they were told a fence was going to protect their property.  Additional concerns included lighting and mosquitoes.  Owner, Arthur Redding stated that he has put the required fencing up and has followed everything that was required and has done everything right and has got all the appropriate sign offs.  Proctor noted that she had informed the abutters of the appeal process.  The Commission decided that they would not reopen the hearing.

The Commission signed the Order of Conditions.

2.4     Correspondence
2.4.1   MACC -Terrence Joyce received the Certificate of Achievement for completing MACC’s Fundamentals for Conservation Commissioners training course. – Noted and Congratulated Terrence Joyce on his accomplishment.

3.0     Conservation Agent Report
3.1     Certificate of Compliance – 24 Lee Circle – The Commission gave Proctor authority to issue the Certificate of Compliance per her review.
3.2     Certificate of Compliance - 282 Central St. – Proctor reported she performed a final inspection with Mike O’Malley noting that the curb had been repaired and a catch basin installed per the previous direction of Marty Moran.  Paul Byrne made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

4.0     Conservation Commission Members Report
5.0     Hearings and Appointments (7:00 PM)

5.1     Cancelled - DEP Zina Road Emergency Order, Paul Vigeant – Proctor explained that Paul Vigeant determined that the Town has taken the property for non payment of taxes.  Proctor will inform Blazer.

5.2     Lauren Heights – David Burke & Mike O’Malley to discuss wetlands consultant report regarding wetland alteration.

Wetlands Specialist David Burke attended the meeting to explain his findings as stated in his report.  He noted that there has been silt accumulation from the Lauren Heights subdivision and also from the town’s roadway system.  He said there is 0” – 3” of silt in the wetland.  He said that wetlands may be best left alone and that work in the wetland may be inviting invasive plants to establish.  He said that the existing vegetation is fairly diverse and the plants are doing well.  He proposes to watch it and leave it alone.  Burke also said he visited the pond about 4 times and that the sediment is virtually all gone.  He suggested that mid-May would be a good time to look at this again.  Proctor will call the owners of the property and give them Burke’s phone number so that they can contact him if they want.  The Commission agreed to review again in mid-May.

5.3     *Request to Continue to January 18, 2007 for awaiting BOH approval for septic   

        Continuance Notice of Intent (DEP #190-489)
        Applicant:  Jose & Eugenia Matos
        Location:  1 Glendale Rd.
Project Description:  construction of an addition to an existing multi-family house, including two new dwelling units, expansion of the driveway and parking area and a new septic system within the Riverfront Area and within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to January 18, 2006 as requested by Steve Poole, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

5.4     *Request to Continue to January 18, 2007 for awaiting BOH approval for septic

        Continuance Hearing - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-487)
        Applicant:  Dana Stenquist
        Location:    159 White Pond Rd.
Project Description:  construction of new roadway and two single family house lots, and appurtenances.  Portions of the stormwater management system and some lot grading is proposed within 100 ft. of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to January 18, 2006 as requested by Tom DiPersio, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

        5.5 Continuance Hearing - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-486)
                Applicant:  Paul Davis
Location:  Lot 3 Chapin Rd.
Project Description:  the owner/applicant proposes to construct a home with grading, driveway, culvert installation over intermittent stream and landscaping.
Wetland Specialist David Crossman of B & C Associates attended the meeting.  He noted that Tom DiPersio will file a Notice of Intent for the roadway detention basin which is in the 100 ft. Buffer Zone of an intermittent stream.  Crossman described the intermittent stream and banks noting that there is a bordering vegetated wetland on an upstream property.  He also noted that an abutter of the stream has cut most of the vegetation in the Buffer Zone.  Crossman asked for a continuance hearing.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing on January 18, 2006, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

5.6     Continuance Hearing - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-490)
        Applicant/Owner:  Alfred J. & Jean C. Zerega
        Location:  15 Lyman St./84 Lakeside Ave.
Project Description:  demolish existing single family structure, construction a new single family structure and remove of trees within the Buffer Zone.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to February 1, 2006 as requested by Alfred Zerega, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

8.0     Commentary
8.1     Budget Hearing Tuesday, January 9th at 8:00 PM – Noted.

9.0     Adjournment - Paul Byrne made a motion to close the hearing at 8:00 PM seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Katrina Proctor
Conservation Administrator