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Conservation Commission Minutes November 16, 2006
Minutes approved on 1/4/07
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                                                                                CONSERVATION COMMISSION
78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749
(978) 562-2020

Paul  Byrne, Chairman           W. Minot Wood, Vice Chairman    David Esteves, Member   
Terrence Joyce, Member          Misty-Anne Marold, Member       Joseph Rodrigues, Member

November 16, 2006, 7:00 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Paul Byrne opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Chairman Paul Byrne, Vice Chairman Minot Wood, David Esteves, Terrence Joyce and Joe Rodrigues.  Misty-Anne Marold was absent.  Conservation Agent Katrina Proctor was also in attendance.
1.3.    Additions to the agenda (see 2.6)

2.0     General Business
2.1     Minutes
2.1.1   Paul Byrne made a motion to accept the minutes November 2, 2006, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
2.2     Issue Permits – All Signed.
2.2.1   DEP 190-483 (6 Lakeside Ave.)
2.2.2   DEP 190-484 (8 Lakeside Ave)
2.2.3   DEP 190-488 (Danforth Lot)
2.3     Conservation Restriction River’s Edge Realty Trust – noted.
2.4     Correspondence
2.4.1   DEP 190-424 “Oakridge Estates – Bolton St.” - Wetlands Replication Report from David Crossman, B & C Associates Inc. – noted.
2.5     Discuss Misty-Anne Marold’s request for temporary leave until February– The Commission accepted the accepted the request.
2.6     Voucher - $24.75 Community New for legal ad for the NOI – Danforth Lot.

3.0     Conservation Agent Report
3.1     Proctor – Update DEP Site Visit – 7 John Robinson Dr. – November 8th   Proctor updated the Commission.  DEP decision forthcoming.
3.2     Update on Budget Request FY’08 – Byrnes explained that Blazer will support $5000 for Conservation Fund if the Commission continues to support the salary line item with $7000. from the WPA Fund.  Blazer did not support the request for a full time Conservation Agent.
3.3     KP Request - Smart Growth Conference – December 1 $60.00 – noted.

4.0     Conservation Commission Members Report

5.0     Hearings and Appointments (7:00 PM)
5.1     Continuance Request for Determination of Applicability (HUD #331)
        Applicant:  George Contrada
        Location:    123 Main St. (Hudson Motor Cars)
Project Description:  replace water supply pipe between street valve and meter, install granite planter to enhance walkway project, grade and repave parking lot as needed.

Minot Wood asked if the rain garden systems have been used in frozen climates.  Jeff Richards, landscape architect explained the concept of the rain garden similar to a “wick”, where as rocks create spaces for water to move through a pipe below the frost level.  There was discussion about the rain garden proposal versus a catch basin.  A catch basin works because the bottom of the basin is below the frost line.  Richards offered a “middle-ground proposal” describing a simplified catch basin/drain inlet from the Neoplast product line.  He explained that there is a hood within the Neoplast line.  He said this is priced around $1500 compared to a $5000 catch basin.

Minot Wood said he is okay with the new approach and is looking for a sump and snout.
Terrence Joyce asked “What are the advantages of this proposed system?”
Richard said that it is affordable, easy to install and easy to maintain.
There was discussion about the ability to hold a 15 gallon spill utilizing tray style catchment areas.
The Commission was concerned about maintenance.  George Contrada will be responsible for maintenance.

The Commission polled the members with an effort to determine whether Jeff Richards should continue with the design.  Minot Wood and Paul Byrne said they think the design is a good idea.
Esteves said he is concerned about maintenance.  Joyce said he would like to learn more about rain gardens.  Richards said that the Town of Ipswich has used the design.  Proctor noted that the Town of Townsend accepted rain gardens in an affordable housing 40B housing project.

Byrnes made a motion accept the idea of rain gardens presented by Jeff Richards and direct them to continue with the design, seconded by Minot Wood.  

Vote taken.
Byrnes  in favor.       
Wood            in favor.
Joyce           in favor.
Rodrigues       in favor.

Esteves opposed

Vote:  4-1-0  Motion Carried.

5.2     Discussion about minor modification and drainage concerns regarding 125 Causeway St. (DEP 190-475)

Home owner Carl Leeber and his engineer/builder Chris Lawson submitted plan modifications including the addition of stairs and an entryway followed by a concrete walkway, and 2 small cement pads for the air conditioning unit.  Chris Lawson explained that they have cut the neighbor’s driveway and a landscape timber that extended onto the Leeber property.  Proctor noted that the neighbor Mark Rivero phoned to say that he is receiving water from the project site.  There was discussion on the drainage.  There is a note on the plan signed by the engineer stating that there will be no drainage onto the neighboring property.  The Commission will monitor the project through the spring to be sure there are no drainage problems.

Paul Byrne made a motion to accept the modified plot plan # 06-193 dated 11/6/06, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

5.3     Continuance Notice of Intent (DEP #190-487)
        Applicant:  Dana Stenquist
        Location:    159 White Pond Rd.

Tom DiPersio presented a new plan which reduced the Buffer Zone alteration by 3000 s.f.  This plan moves the infiltration system to be 30 ft. from the wetlands.  The closest point of all other work is 57 ft. from the wetlands.  There was discussion about allowing only a 25 ft. back yard in order to minimize alteration within Buffer Zone.  Tom DiPersio and his client Dana Stenquist agreed to revise the plan to keep at 62 ft. Buffer Zone on all areas except for the infiltration system which will be planted with indigenous plantings.  In addition they agreed to place a conservation restriction on the wetlands and buffer zone with stone bounds demarcating the 62 ft. limit.

There was discussion about Zone II Water District.  DiPersio noted that under the Stormwater Management Policy Zone II limits housed to 4 bedrooms per acre.
Minot Wood made a motion to issue an Order of Conditions and accept the plans as amended tonight and further amended to show no disturbance except in the area of the recharge area and a Conservation Restriction to be placed on the wetlands and 62 ft. Buffer Zone.  The motion was seconded by Paul Byrne.

Vote was taken.

Paul Byrne      voted in favor of the motion.
Minot Wood      voted in favor of the motion.
David Esteves   voted in favor of the motion.
Joe Rodrigues   voted in favor of the motion.

Terrence Joyce  abstained from the vote.

Vote:  4-0-1    Motion Carried.

The Commission stated that the hearing will be closed after the revised plan is received and reviewed.

        5.4 Continuance Hearing Notice of Intent (DEP #190-486)
Applicant:  Paul Davis
Location:  Chapin Rd.
Project Description:  the owner/applicant proposes to construct a home with grading, driveway, culver installation over intermittent stream and landscaping.

Byrnes made a motion to continue the hearing to December 7, 2006, seconded by David Esteves with all in favor.
8.0     Commentary
8.1     Budget Hearing Tuesday, January 9th at 8:00 PM – noted.
8.2     Highland Commons - Pre-construction meeting in the office 11/29 at 10:00 am.  – noted.
9.0     Advertisements and Conferences
9.1.1   UMASS – Dept. Natural Resources Conservation  - Coverts Project Training Harvard Forest Petersham (Thurs. eve. April 26 through Sunday Afternoon April 29) – Noted.
10.0    Adjournment.  Byrnes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM, seconded by Wood with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Katrina Proctor, Conservation Agent